"Okay well I need to go to school." She said. It was true. She had to go school and check up on Boyd and Stiles. Plus, she knew that Stiles would've told Scott who would want to speak to her. Plus, Allison had started her hunter-training so there was that she had to keep an eye on. Besides that, Jackson was a kanima and she needed to figure out his master. Oh, and Lydia was something else that needed to be kept under checked.

... and so it begins.

She needed a coffee.

"I want ask something, which you can say no." Her grandmother spoke when she stood up.

"Of course." Violeta said.

"Take today off school... stay with me."

Violeta paused at the door way and nodded, coming to sit back down. Her grandma had always told her to go to school, saying high school was important. She never liked the idea of her taking time away from an important life-experience that everyone must go through.

Violeta came and sat by her grandma, hating that she understood why her grandma was asking this from her.


"I'm so sorry about the other day. I'm trying. We'll get through this. I know because I love you. I love you more than— oh my god, you and Allison just need to find a better way to communicate!"

"No! You're the only one we can trust! Is she coming to the game tonight?" Scott asked, begging his best friend.

"Yes," Stiles relented. "Message complete. Now tell me about your boss."

Scott, thinking about what Violeta had pointed out to him, did a quick look around then huddled in closer with Stiles and told him that Deaton thinks that that Argents kept some sort of record of all the things that they've hunted.

"... like a book."

"He probably means a bestiary." Stiles said, slapping his palms together.


"A bestiary."

Scott laughed and stared at his friend. "I think you mean bestiality."

"Nope. I'm pretty sure I mean besitary." Stiles said, explaining that it was basically an encyclopaedia of mythical creatures. Scott sighed, wondering how his best friend - a human - knew more about the supernatural than him, a member of the supernatural. Stiles reassured him and told him it was his highest priority as his best friend.

It was then that his mind flashed to Violeta.

She had basically told him that she was happy to hell him everything if he was happy to suffer the consequences of having such knowledge. Unsurprisingly, it put him on edge. It made him nervous. But not just in the bad, fearful way. It was the butterflies of excitement that he, Stiles, had the chance to know everything. And in knowing everything, he would be close to Violeta. He would know everything about her which would mean drastic changes for their relation—friendship. That was all it was. That was all it could be.

If she told him about her, it would be, like, mythical friend-zoning.

For the rest of the day, Stiles was zipping between his best friend and Allison, relaying messages between the two. Never once did he see Violeta. He wanted to call or text but he wasn't sure if that was the best thing. He hadn't seen her since she made him tea and hugged him goodbye, reassuring him that his car would be fixed in no time.

And it wasn't like he could ask anyone in school about her. Yes, he saw some of her crew around but it wasn't like he had enough courage to walk into the gym and ask any of them about her. Who was he, Stiles Stilinski, to ask about Violeta Rodriguez?

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