"I'm hungry." Lola complained.

"I made you pasta." Violeta said. "Which you didn't eat because you said it was too hot and you weren't hungry anymore."

"Yeah but I'm hungry now."

Violeta stopped to look up at Lola and blow a strand of hair out of her face. Lola placed her whole palm on Violeta's face. "I'll get you something later." The elder girl said.

"But I'm hungry now." Lola whined.

"I'll get you ice-cream later."

"Okay!" Lola said, face brightening up at the prospect of her favourite food. Stiles chuckled at how quickly the toddler changed her mind. "Pistachio!" Lola remarked.

"Two scoops with chocolate sprinkles." Violeta added, standing up. She placed a small kiss on the child's forehead. "I know." Stiles' mouth fell slightly open at seeing how... affectionate Violeta really was.

"I wanna go. I wanna go." Lola said, holding out her arms. "I wanna go play with Scott!" Violeta grabbed Lola and began walking over, frowning when she saw Stiles standing there.

"You came here to be with Lydia, Stiles." Violeta said, turning her back to him as she walked toward the rink. "Shouldn't you be with her?" Stiles followed and opened his mouth to respond but was cut off when Lola gasped. She turned to face him over Violeta's shoulder and stared at him with a wide mouth.

"Stiles!" She said, pointing a finger at him, like she knew who he was.

"Uh, yeah." The boy awkwardly responded. "Hi, Lola." This however just caused Lola to turn and tap Violeta's face repeated with one hand as she pointed at Stiles with the other.

"This is Stiles!"

"Yes, Lola, this is Stiles." Violeta said with a sigh. Then she added something in Spanish and Lola's excitement wore off as she frowned and pursed her lips. The younger child responded in Spanish and when Violeta nodded her head, Lola's bottom one jutted out.

Stiles made a mental note to start paying more attention in Spanish class.

And maybe start researching some Catalan as well. Who knows?

"Come, let's go play with dumbo." Violeta said as Scott fell down once more. Lola's face lit up and she hit Violeta's shoulder repeatedly to let her go. Nearing the entry, Violeta set Lola down and the child expertly took off the cloth covers of the blades before speeding off.

"You're it!" She said, hitting Allison's leg before dashing away. Allison giggled and looked at Violeta before following after the small girl. They skated across the rink, bringing Violeta's attention to Lydia who had just finished a series of jetés on ice, spinning perfect circles that would probably qualify her for the Olympics.

"Damn, she's good." Stiles muttered in awe behind her. Violeta didn't look at him as she sat up on the bench of the opening to the rink.

"What are you still doing here Stiles?"

"I'm, uh—" He was lucky he cut off before saying sorry because she seriously would have punched him. However, when Stiles ran off to his bag, Violeta couldn't help but glance as he awkwardly hurried his was over in skates to his backpack... then awkwardly made his way back as he opened it to rummage through and pull out an orange packet of Reese's peanut butter cups. He held it out to her, the apology all to clear.

Violeta refused to let herself smile as she took the packet.

"I was talking about Lola." He said. She raised an eyebrow, not getting what he meant. "About her being good. She's better than me. Definitely better than Scott." He paused. "She's probably better than all of us." He said, watching the young girl skate between Allison's legs and spin right to tap Scott 'it' then dash off again.

duodécima luna. [a stiles fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now