Violeta had just stared at him.

The pedestrian lights had switched green and the sounds had going off, signalling that she could cross. However, the son of the man she'd just been speaking to began rolling down the car window closest to her. With a sigh, she resigned to not crossing the street and walking over as Stiles loudly called out to her.

"Uh, oh. Hey! Hey Violeta! Didn't, uh, see you there!" Stiles greeted as she bit her bottom lip to keep her face straight. She failed. Epically.

"Really into the song, huh?"

"What song? That? Oh, no. It was just playing. Never heard it before. Have you heard it? I haven't." He laughed a nervous laugh once more and Violeta shook her head. "Do you need a lift?" He then asked. The amusement fell from her face as she thought about his question. How would it look— Violeta Rodriguez getting a ride to school by the infamous shitty blue Jeep of the Sheriff's son. Sure, she doubted they would be any of the crew at school but word get's round.

But she was tired. So incredibly tired. By the time she felt like she could leave the hospital, it was already hella late. Then she had to clean Boyd's mother's car which, granted, didn't take as long since Boyd helped out. By then, it was well after two o'clock but then Boyd invited her for a hot chocolate as a way of thanks. She wanted to go home but she could feel his loneliness and accepted, thinking it was the least she could since he did help out with Luis. Not to mention, she doubted Boyd would feel comfortable going to sleep after such an ordeal. So she kept him company until about four o'clock when his mother got home for work and Violeta walked to her own.

She only managed a sole hour of sleep before she had to get up to shower, get ready, clean the house, visit her grandma who was still asleep when she saw her and have enough time to walk to school. Had it not been for Boyd telling her he'd see her at school tomorrow (and keeping an eye on the soberdenatural business) she would've gladly ditched with everyone else.

So here she was, trudging her way to the pitiful excuse for an education establishment.

And she was being offered a ride.

"Yeah, thanks." She walked around and Stiles leaned over to open the door for her. She got in and pulled her hood down and dug her hands deep into the front pockets of her gigantic hoodie.

Stiles, on the other hand, couldn't believe she had actually accepted. He had only expected her to maybe scoff, laugh even? Then stalk off from him and he'd once again be reminded that this girl was Violeta Rodriguez and was beyond him in every way possible.

But she had accepted. He had unlocked the car door for her and watched her climb in, her movements sluggish. He made no comment about how tired she looked. As she pulled down her hood, he saw the dark bags under her eyes, the slumped way she sat and the general representation of how he had felt numerous times, going to school after pulling an all-nighter researching supernatural business.

He wanted to ask, but knew he was in no place. So, instead, he said the first thing that came to his mind when he saw her sitting in the passenger seat of his Jeep.

"Aren't you, uh, going to put your seat belt on?"

Violeta blinked and remembered that some still abided by safety rules. She nodded and turned to bring it down and clip to the buckle by her hip. Stiles cleared his throat and pushed the gear stick by him and Violeta realised his Jeep was manual.

"Didn't know this Jeep was manual."

"Oh, yeah, my dad he-uh, he taught me in one of his cruisers." Stiles said, hating that he was stuttering. However he was so surprised at her comment and the fact that she would've only made a comment if she wanted to have some sort of conversation.

duodécima luna. [a stiles fanfic]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon