Chapter 26 - Bilal

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Today was hell for me, Aliya had disgraced me in front of my subordinates at Iya's restaurant thereby making me to angrily return back to my office. The anger I had for her didn't last though, it vanished the moment she salaamed into my office and saw Rahina and I kissing. It seemed she came to apologize for what she did to me.

Well, seeing how busy Rahina and I was... she left but Rahina went and called her back. They greeted each other, talked and talked until it was time for prayer. All that while, I pretended like nothing happened between us. By the way I was so happy to see how remorseful she seemed to be.

Later in the evening, we gave her a lift home and trust me she was so happy. She warmly bade us goodbye as we drove away with my head filled with her thoughts. The slap she gave me wasn't exactly what made me angry with her but the fact that she did it in the presence of some of our staff, what'd they end up saying?

Albeit she had every reason to be angry with me for crossing the busy road with her without her prior knowledge (the fact that she was novice) but that doesn't mean I deserved a hot slap from her, or did I deserved it? My enemies would probably support her by saying, YES.

Anyways I still cared about her but believe me, she would have to explain why she disgraced me and again I would try and draw her closer to me by playing victim. Cheers to the devil beside me right now, the one that whispered that idea into my head.


After having thought a lot on what to do, I sent Aliya a confusing text message. The text reads thus, "Today you did what I will never forget in my life, Aliya. I won't revenge though, but if you know what's best for you then don't you ever come my way. Delete this message!"

Perfect right? Yes! Telling her I wouldn't revenge what she did to me and then threatening her not to come my way would certainly land her into confusion the fact that she didn't know what exactly would happen if she mistakenly come my way and the fact that the chances of her coming my way was... I would make it high even if it's low.

Few minutes after texting her, her call arrived. I was eating in the dining island with Rahina and Kamal that moment so I excused myself and headed upstairs with Rahina looking at me weirdly, she must have wondered what had gotten into me because I usually pick calls in her presence.

As soon as I picked Aliya's call she greeted me, making me to bossily smile. I returned the greeting and that was how we started talking. She thanked me for the lift home and then told me she was so sorry for disgracing me in Iya's restaurant. "I really shouldn't have slapped you sir," She continued. "But you shouldn't have also scared me by dragging me into that busy road, what if I had been hit by a car? You should have just informed me beforehand that you were going to cross the road with me"

"As if if I tell you you will let me hold your hand and cross it with you" I uttered rendering her speechless. "You see, that was why I did what I did and it's for your own good because you were scared of crossing it"

"Scared? Who told you I was scared?" She asked.

"You, but indirectly" I replied.

"How?" She asked again.

"Your face, you looked so novice and scared" I replied hoping to hear what she'd say again but unfortunately she remained silent. "Aliya, are you there?" I asked.

"Yes" She replied.

"Okay, so..." I cleared my throat and continued. "Now you know I am the victim here, it wasn't my fault and to avoid attaining my wrath by repeating what you did to me someday I guess we shouldn't come into each other's way again because I can't have my dignity sullied in anyway"

"Hmm" She heaved a sigh.

"Yes!" I said hoping to hear something positive from her.

"Okay then, goodnight" She said.

"Goodnight?" I puzzled.

"Yes, or what do you expect me to say sir?" She uttered.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing!" I smiled feeling sorry for her, if only she knew the alternate plans I had in store for her.


After the call I turned about heading out of the room to the dining island when suddenly my eyes landed on Rahina. Trust me, I was frightened because I never knew she was there nor did I expected her to be there. She stood like a queen, leaning by the door with her arms folded across her chest. "Surprised to see me huh?" She beamed making me to gulp.

"Yes, absolutely!" I said and continued. "For how long have you been standing there?"

"Just now, trust me Bilal" She said as she gently walked over to me. "Was it Aliya?" She asked.

"Yes, we were just... I mean, she called to thank me for the lift we gave her" I stammered.

"Oh, how good of her" She said getting hold of my hand. "Come, let's go back downstairs. You need to finish your food" She pecked me sexily reminding me of the unfinished kiss we had in my office and also reviving the half-dead desire in me.

"Hmm, alright then" I uttered wearing a smile on my face. After eating we would finish the kiss we started in my office, I thought while staring at her butt as we walked out of the room.

We went downstairs, finished our meal and then returned back upstairs with Kamal. Yes, with Kamal. He had actually refused to let us take him to his own room today, he said he wanted to sleep in our room. Imagine that? Why today of all days? Today that I have his mother in my mind! I mourned inside me.


Sorry to Bilal, I think he can wait till another day or for Kamal to sleep... please don't mind me, LOL!

Anyways, here is your update.

Please don't copy this book, just share the link to your friends. Anybody copying this book to WhatsApp or facebook should fear Allah, they should fear the day they will die!

Yours lovely, KingMoha💖

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