Chapter 13 - Aliya

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Both Hajiya and Fawad's mother's trip to Paris was cancelled days ago due to an undisclosed issue within the Airline they secured tickets from, hence they and other passengers were diverted to Muhibba Airline and today was their departure day. "You look so beautiful, Hajiya" I said after applying some makeup for her on her face. "I am sure Alhaji will not recognise you if he sees you"

"Right?" She wrinkled a brow.

"Yes!" I nodded my head.

"I hope so" She heaved a sigh.

"Trust me, Hajiya" I beamed at her.

"Okay then" She beamed back and then stood from the stool she sat on. "You should take good care of yourself while I am away, I may not be back soon like I once told you" She uttered walking towards her luggage, a big trolley and the medium-sized one.

"In Shaa Allah I will take care of myself" I assured her.

"Good!" She said, hence we began hearing horn from outside.




"That must be Fawad, they've arrived!" I said grabbing the handle of one of her luggage.

"Alright, mu je (lets go)" She said.

Actually, Fawad was the one to convey them to the airport. They had made the arrangement few days ago, and even though I would be late for work if I should escort them I still opted to do so. After all, I usually didn't have much work doing at work except updating the company's social media handles with official statements and then reading the books in my bookshelf. By the way, the novel I started reading yesterday was amazing! It was "Replacement Girl" by Muhammad Abubakar, and the book was all about Humairah and Ahmad, their love story, and the problems they faced in their life. I stopped at chapter 15, I would be continuing from where I stopped very soon.

Immediately we were outside the house, we walked towards Fawad's car and thus greeted him and his mother with a Salaam. They replied awesomely and Fawad alighted from the car to help me convey Hajiya's luggage into the boot. "Look at her, like one widow" He teased me and that made both Hajiya and his mother to bust into laughter.

"What is wrong with you and my daughter that you always like looking for her trouble whenever you two are together?" Hajiya asked as she gently adjusted her abaya about entering the car.

"Nothing o!" He chuckled.

"Are you sure?" She wrinkled a brow.

"Ye... yes" He stuttered as he timidly brushed his hair with his hand while lowering his gaze as if he was hiding something.

"Maybe he likes her" His mother chimed in what seemed like a whisper, she was well seated in the back passenger seat.

"Likes her?" Hajiya hopped into the car. "If he likes her then..." - I couldn't hear the rest of her words when she shut the door off leaving me and Fawad outside.

"Hmm" He heaved a sigh looking at how mad I frowned my face at him. "What?" He asked gritting his teeth but I didn't say anything to him, I kept glaring at him and feigning angry until he heaved another sigh. "Have I done something wrong?"

"Yes!" I squeezed my mouth and hissed at him. "You called me a widow"

"Oh, that?" He scoffed. "Well, I only said you looked like a widow not that you are a widow..."

"And what's the difference?" I snapped at him.

"The difference is just like what's in my heart and what's in yours" He said in what seemed like a whisper.

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