Sissy Fight

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Team RWBY and (Y/N) stood in their living room for a costume party. Blake was dressed up as Yang, Weiss was dressed up as Ruby, Yang was dressed up as Blake, Ruby was dressed up as Weiss, and (Y/N) was dressed up as Link from The Legend of Zelda.

"Great costume party, sis!" Yang said, with a mouthful of cake.

"Yeah!" Ruby said. "I think it turned out pretty good!" She turned to (Y/N). "By the way, who are you dressed up as, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) crossed his arms and started tapping his foot. "You... uncultured... swine!"

Ruby seemed to shrink in sadness at that. (Y/N) kissed her cheek. "It's okay! I still love you! And I can educate you!"

Ruby blushed, but the moment was quickly over when the group heard Jaune clearing his throat.

They turned to their left, and saw Jaune dressed up as Weiss, hands on his hips, and foot tapping.

"Well," he said, "one of us is gonna have to change."

"Well," (Y/N) said, "nobody will make my Ruby change, and you look awkward in that dre--"

"Looking hot!" they heard Nora's voice.

"Uuuuh what...?" he said, looking around for her, but she was nowhere to be seen.


Ruby was slowly placing a card on the top of a tower of cards. (Y/N) watched behind her in anticipation, hands covering his mouth, to keep from making any noise to distract her.

Ruby only needed to put two more cards at the top to finish the tower.

"Stay quiet," Ruby whispered to (Y/N).

She could hear him take a deep breath. She slowly and carefully brought the cards closer to the tower.

Then, Weiss opened the door at top speed.

"Ruby!" she said. "Did you take my notebook?"

Ruby shook in shock and surprise, and (Y/N) crouched over in fear. Luckily, the tower was still standing.

Weiss looked to the desk by the door, and saw her notebook on it.

"Oh!" she said, taking it. "Here it is! Nevermind!"

She started walking out. Ruby sighed in relief.

"Thank Oum," (Y/N) said. "It would've been so predictable if the tower fell over--"

Weiss came back, and shut the door violently. The card tower had fallen over in the blink of an eye.

Ruby's eye twitched.

(Y/N) patted her on the back. "The monsters have no heart!"


Ruby was playing fetch with Zwei, while (Y/N) stood next to her, smiling.

"Ruby Rose!" Weiss shouted. Ruby and (Y/N) turned to Weiss, who stood at a distance away from them. She pointed at Ruby. "I have tolerated your foolishness for too long!"

"Uh huh," (Y/N) said. "Come on Ruby, let's go--"

Ruby pointed at Weiss. "The foolishness you've tolerated compares not to... the- the foolishness in which you... FOOLED!!!"

(Y/N) tilted his head. "Excuse me?"

Weiss also seemed confused. "What?"

"N-Nothing!" Ruby said. "Let's fight!"

Sonic: Can You Feel the Sunshine (Male! Classic Sonic! Reader x Chibi Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now