Chapter 3: Removing Thorns

Start from the beginning

She immediately noticed the three familiar figures in the center of hall. Standing was Wen Zhuliu who despite looking strong was now tied with formless dark energy. In front of him was Wen Chao, kneeling on the ground, or precisely, his body was cut from the knees. Now, firmly attached to it was a pale child, chewing the remaining flesh with much enthusiasm. Blood continuously spewed from his wound, creating a gory scene that would make one's stomach to revolt.

Beside Wen Chao was a woman. Her features were all distorted, as though they had been smashed and then pieced together again. The woman was holding a piece of meat, frantically stuffing it into her mouth while laughing hysterically. Wen Qing had managed to recognize her from her rather revealing clothes. Wang Lingjiao! What she was eating was a human leg. One need not to think, it's Wen Chao's leg!

A needle fell on the ground, creating a cling that was easily drowned in the waves of wails from Wen Chao and maddened laughs from Wang Lingjiao. Still, the man behind a screen of dark clouds and was languidly sitting at the foremost seat lowered his eyes to scrutinize the needle before raising his head to stare at Wen Qing, as if he had heard it.

The man smiled regretfully, "Ah Wen Qing, I contained the scene here for you but you just have to come back right now!"

Wen Qing snapped her head towards the source of the voice. Her eyes widened as it crossed with a familiar pair of silvery eyes smiling at her. No, it wasn't familiar at all. Though it was the same bright features, there's seemed to be a shadow shrouding it, like an icy mist in a cold silvery river.

Wen Qing, "Wei Wuxian?!"

The man requited it with a friendly smile, "Wen Qing, it's been a while."

It was indeed Wei Wuxian! Even though Wen Qing could not understand why Wei Wuxian was speaking with her like an old friend and why he would treat days of separation like a lifelong parting, she still had to focus on what was important.

She had hoped the best for the man, but not at the expense of her brother's safety. Needing to know where her brother was, she shouted, "What do you want? Where is my brother?"

Wei Wuxian scratched the back of his head and pouted. This had somehow thinned the cold air surrounding him, "Ayo! Wen Qing! Do you really think that I would repay my benefactors' kindness with ill?"

Wen Qing squeezed her palm into a fist until her knuckles turned white, as she impatiently forced for an answer, "I'm asking you, where is he?"

"Wen Qing, Wen Qing, still hot-tempered!" Wei Wuxian chuckled amusedly, but funnily surrendered when she glared at him, "I promise, I would never harm Wen Ning. See!"

Wen Qing raised her head on a relatively clean corner where Wei Wuxian had pointed his black dizi. There she saw her unconsciousness brother, hugging an unfamiliar black dog. The dog raised its head, revealing a crimson pair of eyes. It was as if she was looking into a pool of blood yet also into the depths of hell.

Wen Qing unconsciously staggered backward as though she was pushed by an invisible power, a pressure from a being who no one would dare to provoke.

"Wei Wuxian! What have you done?!" Wen Qing panicked, seeing her vulnerable brother in the presence of an unknown demonic beast. She frantically ran towards Wen Ning despite the possible danger. She didn't even have time to confirm if her mind was playing tricks on her when she seemingly heard the beast sneered the moment she snatched the arm of her brother hugging it.

Only when she checked the pulse of Wen Ning that she finally heaved a sigh of relief and had time to think. Just in time for her to notice that the disciples following behind her were now all lying on the floor, unconscious.

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