When Flareon was finished, members of the guild were having a hard time keeping Natsu from sprinting up to the stage. Two men along with Lucy were trying to hold him back by his arms and waist. "Natsu! Sit down already!" Lucy scolded.

"But it's just so cool! Come on, let me go! I want to see how good of a fight it can give me!" That's when they lost their grip, and the pink-haired mage was sprinting towards us. Flareon reacted by leaping out in front of me, enlarging his yellow fur that started to move like fire. Makarov beat Flareon to it, and a giant hand slammed down onto the boy.

I gasped in horror. "What the hell?!"

"Natsu, back to your seat!" The master ordered before he lifted his hand back up again and it grew back into its original size. I gaped at what I just saw, because it was the first real magic that I'd seen ever since arriving apart from when Eevee was almost kidnapped.

Natsu let out a grunt in disappointment, but willingly stood up and turned his back to me to start back to his seat. He stopped midway though, turning his head to look at Flareon, who relaxed his stance as he sat down. Natsu gave what seemed to be an evil grin. "Next time. For sure."

I blinked in confusion, but let it go as he walked back to his seat to find a pissed off Lucy. "You idiot! That was strictly for informational purposes only! It wasn't a challenge to fight!" She kept yelling at him as he gave a look of annoyance.

I giggled. "Ready for the next ones?" Everyone yelled in excitement. "The rest of my team consists of elements that are more than just basic. It doesn't make them stronger or anything, they're just different than what you've seen so far." Flareon sat down next to Jolteon, and I motioned for Espeon to come up. "This is Espeon, the psychic type. Her powers mostly come from her mind, like Psybeam or Hypnosis. I'm going to do a slightly different demonstration this time. Espeon?" I looked at her pink figure, and her purple eyes started glowing blue.

A chair on the far left side of the room started floating in the air. Everyone gasped, and I grinned. "As you can see, psychic types have abilities like levitation." The chair moved across the room as Espeon stared at it. "That's enough now," I said. Espeon gently placed the chair on the ground next to a big man with white hair who backed away from it in fear.

"That was scary!" He whimpered.

"Elfman, why are you cringing like that?" Mira's sister Lisanna giggled at her brother. "You're way more manly than what I just saw!"

"But the chair was floating!" He kept staring at it to make sure it wouldn't move again.

"That's only one of her abilities," I explained. "If Espeon were to be in trouble, like let's say, become paralyzed or poisoned from a certain move, then her opponent would be given the same thing. It's an ability called Synchronize, and every Pokémon has their own one. Umbreon has that same ability."

Espeon moved back and next was Umbreon. I went through the rest of my team, from Umbreon to Glaceon to Leafeon. All three of them gave their demonstration and certain guild members gaped at each one of them. A man with long green hair named Fried commented on Umbreon, and the shirtless guy named Gray loved how cold Glaceon's Ice Beam was. Leafeon was given a thumbs up by Erza, because I could tell that she had something to do with swords. Leafeon's Leaf Blade backed her magic up.

When Leafeon went back, I was excited to announce the last one. "Everyone, I saved the one you would like the most for last. Of course, everyone on my team is amazing, but it's the type of this one that you'll like the most." I motioned Sylveon to step up, and almost every girl in the room started squealing.

"It's so pretty!" I heard Wendy say.

"And it has my favorite colors!" Lucy added.

"This is Sylveon," I smiled. "Her ability is Cute Charm, which allows the opponent to fall in love with her instantly if they were to attack her physically. You can probably see why."

"Duh!" Levy said. "Anyone would fall in love with it for how pretty it is!" Sylveon showed off a bit by flailing her ribbons out next to her while closing her eyes, and the girls squealed louder.

"What type is it?" A blue cat that looked just like Carla yelled up to me on his table next to Natsu, who was grinning widely.

That's when I grinned back at him. "I thought you'd never ask. You're going to love this one! Sylveon!" She moved into her stance. "Misty Terrain!" A pink mist flew out of her body, and the whole room became a sparkly pink mist. Everyone gasped and looked around the guildhall as the walls were replaced with pink mist. I giggled in excitement. "Sylveon is a Fairy type! It's even one of the newer ones that were discovered where I'm from!"

"That's awesome!" Lucy jumped out of her seat. "It's perfect for our guild!"

"I know! She's an amazing Pokèmon. Just like everyone else on the team." I looked behind me, grinning lovingly at my family. "I think of everyone as family. I would do anything for them." That's when every single Eeveelution decided to tackle me to the floor in a group hug. I laughed, and felt licks on my face from four different ones.

"Okay, okay!" I started to get up. "I love you guys too."

"Elena," I turned to look at Erza, and she grinning at me seriously. Are there other Pokémon where you're from?"

"Over 600 of them." I smiled. "It would take forever to talk about all of them, but I'll tell you guys about a particular group of them."

Fairy Tail EeveelutionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα