The warmth which he thought was just a dream.

Nayeon couldn't utter a word nor construct a statement regarding with jeongyeon's word, she saw and witnessed the pain in his eyes, the longing in his voice, and the despair in actions. Jeongyeon was still hurting, and that made nayeon think

Why haven't i noticed this pain in his eyes whenever he's around?

But then she remembered

Oh..jeongyeon is a great keeper of his secrets especially in his feelings... Right.

"nayeon don't totally love siwon, but she's trying.." nayeon took the chance to tell the truth of what she feels

"i d-doubt that.. The way s-she smiles around him, t-the way her eyes shine when she's w-with him... Its d-different" jeongyeon mumbled as he burries his face to nayeon's neck, while nayeon is still stroking her hands to jeongyeon's hair to calm him down

"you really think of that? What if she was more happy with you?" nayeon suddenly said, even herself was surprised to say those words

"that u-unlikely to happen. N-nayeon?... She hates me and i-im pretty sure she w-wont ever forgive me. S-so after this termination... I-ill do my best t-to move on" jeongyeon answered truthfully making nayeon to blink continuously to fight those tears forming up in her eyes

Suddenly, her lips trembled as jeongyeon answered her with his own perspectives. He wasn't wrong, nayeon does really hates him...

"i love you... And i-i wish to let you go the soonest s-so i won't feel this Indescribable p-pain inside my heart ever again..." jeongyeon let go a deep sigh then stopped speaking

As for nayeon, tears finally escape her breaking eyes. She wasn't wrong, jeongyeon is indeed still inlove with her.

She gulped and deeply swallowed everything she just heard, jeongyeon has just broke her walls down again in one snap. And it makes her hate him eveb more.

He still knows how to make me go soft for him without an effort.

"how can i tell her that i-i didn't really cheated on her?w-when i was the one who sent her the video? H-how can i prove my i-innocence when there's a proof? I feel l-like i was being accused for the c-crime i didn't actually i-initiated?" jeongyeon voice cracked when he said those words, because it was all the truth.

Those were the questions that he has inside his heart that was never been answered, until this very day.
How will he prove that he didn't when in the first place, he was the one who sent the proof? How will he remain to his stand when he lost already?

"how..." jeongyeon added then finally stopped

Jeongyeon went back to his sleep again.

"i have the same questions, if you only knew.." nayeon talked and kept on stroking her hand to jeongyeon's hair

She then kissed his temple and mumbked again

"i wanted to believe that you didn't, but you were the one who sent in to me? I just wish you didn't sent it, because i know i would still believe you if you didn't. Sadly... No, you proved me that you did" nayeon took a deep breathe then looked down to see jeongyeon who's now peacefully sleeping again.

"God knows how badly i wanted to take those words back... I can't afford to lose you! if you only know? But now... I think it was the best decision ive done so far, especially for my daughter.... Our daughter" nayeon then caressed jeongyeon's cheeks until her eyes landed to jeongyeon's pale lips

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