Finally Free (part two)

Start from the beginning

"Julie we love our band," Reggie said. "and Luke does too. Please give us another chance,"

"Please, Julie." Kat said, frowning.

Julie looked into the kitchen once again, the dahlia's in the vase catching her attention.

Kat noticed this, and smiled to herself.


The music playing made the girls singing together smile wide.

"Marching on proud, turn it up loud cuz now we know what we're worth"

Just then, Luke blinked in, landing on the chair across from them.

"Woah, Julie," he chuckled.

"Grab your guitar. We got work to do." Julie told him. Luke chuckled again, grabbing his instrument.

"What made you come back?" he asked.

"I realized how important music is to all of us. And we've lost so much already. We can't lose this too." Julie replied.

"Thanks," Luke said, softly. Julie smiled. "All right, boss. Where we at?" he asked.

Kat smiled, and threw a guitar pick at him. Engraved on it was 'World's Greatest Brother', a little something she was able to have Julie purchase for her. Luke gave her a questioning look.

"Oh, and by the way," Julie said.

"Happy birthday," Kat and Julie said together.

Luke smiled at the two. Julie chuckled. "Let's go from the pre-chorus,"

"One, two, three, four!" Alex said, clapping his drum sticks together.


Kat giggled as Reggie reached threw the door of Julie's bedroom to knock on it.

"What are you guys doing?" Julie asked.

"We're being classy," Reggie said. Kat smacked him on the head causing Julie to laugh.

"You're being classy, i'm just coming here to check on my girl Julie," Kat announced plopping down on Julie's bed. Julie smiled.

"Woah!" Reggie said as he was pulled back harshly.

"Why you still here? We're going in like twenty minutes," Luke said, walking in as well.

The boys followed him.

"I lied to my dad, i'm stuck in my room all night." Julie said, sadly. Kat frowned.

"Yeah, but we were just at the venue. I mean, it's packed. Like VIPs, managers. It's kind of crazy." Alex exclaimed.

"What are we gonna do about my aunt? She's right downstairs." Julie said.

"Your aunt?" Kat chuckled, Luke catching on and shooting her a grin.

He opened Julie's window. "You're not taking the stairs," he said.

Kat stood up and crossed her arms. "Come on Julie. Live a little," Kat smiled, and Julie smiled back.

"Okay," she gave in. "Let me get dressed. I'll meet you guys there." Kat giggled and nodded, grabbing Reggie's hand as they blinked out with Alex.

"You look so cute right now," Reggie chuckled when they got to the cafè.

"What?" Kat looked at her outfit. "I wear this almost everyday," she said, pointing to her jean jacket and Sunset Curve tee she managed to find, rummaging through Reggie's clothes one day. Reggie shook his head, his cheeks tinted pink, looking down at her butterfly Vans.

Kat (JATP: OC x Reggie)✔️Where stories live. Discover now