Chapter 26: Waking Up

Start from the beginning

Bakugo started talking without me even asking him what was wrong. "I was dreaming about you jumping off the roof. Except this time, I was there and I could've stopped you. Instead of stopping you, I just stood there and didn't even try." I could feel Bakugo's tears falling onto me as he cried. I used all my willpower and moved my arm so that it was on his head. Bakugo lifted his head and looked at me in shock as I slowly smiled at him from under the breathing mask I had to use. Bakugo laid his head on my stomach as he and I both drifted back into sleep. 

~Time Skip~

I woke up to the sun in my face as I felt a weight on my stomach. I slowly moved my head and saw Bakugo sleeping peacefully with his head on my stomach. I moved my head back, but turned it away from the sun so I wouldn't be blinded. I heard the door open, to be greeted by the doctor. I saw him smile as he saw Bakugo sleeping on me. "Your boyfriend sure is protective over you. It's nice seeing young love like yours." I smiled as I looked at Bakugo, then back up at the doctor. "So I'm here to see if you can talk without using telepathy. Your body seems to be able to move, so I think your vocal cords should be working fine soon. You may even be able to leave by next week." I nodded my head. "So let's start with humming. Can you try a bit of humming for me?" I nodded my head again and slowly tried humming. I sounded  almost like a dying animal, but it wasn't as bad as that. "So I want you to try using your vocal cords as much as you can, so that they can go back to the way they were. I recommend you try humming at least once everyday." I hummed again, still sounding horrible, and with that, the doctor wrote something on his clipboard as he left.

I will admit, I was bored while I was waiting around, so I decided to practice speaking by humming some songs. (A/N: The song at the beginning of the chapter) I started swaying to the music as hummed to the catchy tune of the song. When I was almost done humming the song, Bakugo woke up and noticed I was humming, so he stayed quite. When I finished, he looked at me weirdly. "You sound like a dying animal." I smiled at him and slowly tried speaking. "That's... what... I... said..." I sounded like entire death, my voice was raspy and it seemed to crack at every word, but at least the words could be understood. Bakugo looked as if he was about to laugh his head off. "Ok, seriously, stop talking for a minute. You sound like your dying." I used telepathy to make a smartass comment. At least I don't sound like an angry pomeranian. Bakugo glared at me playfully before he laid his head down on my lap. "I'll never admit this in front of anybody, so if you tell anybody I said this I'll completely deny it." I put my hand on his head and silently urged him to continue. "I missed you while you were in your coma, even though you were right in front of me. I honestly thought that you were never going to wake up. When I saw you after you jumped, you looked horrible, but I was more worried about why you jumped, instead of if you were alright. Of course, I wondered if you were going to be alright, but it wasn't my first concern." 

I got a sad look on my face. He was worried about me, I made him worry. I didn't like seeing him worrying about me. He normally has a confident look and is sure about everything, but his face shows how worried he was about me. He has a deep frown on his face, some bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, his face screams worry and fear. I wanted to comfort him in some way, but I had no clue what I should do. An idea suddenly popped into my head, so I grabbed Bakugo's hand and slightly pulled him towards me. He must have gotten the hint, because he got up and cuddled next to me as I draped my arm around him. His head rested on my shoulder, as my head was on top of his. I heard Bakugo's breathing slowing down and evening out as he fell asleep. I smiled gently and got myself lost in my own thoughts. Why do people sing? There's no point except for entertainment, so why even bother? I will admit though, some songs are catchy to sing even if you play them over and over. I began thinking of all the times I played the same song on loop while doing homework (all the fucking time) before my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening again.

I looked over to see Mina in the door. She had looked nervous, but when she saw me, relief had washed over her pretty quickly. She turned around and did something, before walking in the room. Following behind her were, in this order, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Sero. When Sero walked in, he closed the door behind him and all of them approached us. Kami looked around the room, not even looking at the bed. "Nice room you've got here." Kirishima hit him across the head before taking a seat in one of the chairs and grabbing my unoccupied hand. "How are you feeling?" I thought about whether I should tell him the truth, or the lie that I'm fine. Before I could tell him a lie, Mina spoke up. "You don't have to hide your feelings from us. We want to help you, but we can't do that if you hide how you're really feeling from us." I looked down at my lap and slowly felt tears falling down my face. "I'm not fine... I've never been fine... I feel weak and every time someone compliments me for my strength, I remember that I'm not strong, I just act that way... Never once in my life have I felt strong." After the words spilled out of my mouth, I felt multiple arms wrap around me, and a hand let go of mine. Everybody in our group had pulled me into a hug and held onto me like if they let go my existence would fade away before their very eyes. I used my one arm to hold onto Mina's shoulder, as the tears silently fell from all of our eyes. 

We pulled away after we all pulled ourselves together, and wiped our tears. I looked back at Bakugo, who was still sleeping, which kind of surprised me, but I decided to let him get his sleep. He deserved it after staying up for who knows how long keeping an eye on me. I looked up to the rest of the group, who were all looking at the ground, unsure of what to say. Mina was the first to look up and give me a sad smile. "We all miss you at school. Class hasn't been the same without you there to make all of us smile like idiots at nothing. Even Mr. Aizawa has been acting strange. He barely naps during class, but is still pretty slack about assignments that he hands out. In fact, all the teachers have been acting weird. Present Mic hasn't been upbeat, he just kinda mopes around. Ms. Midnight just hits people on the head randomly for no reason whatsoever. All the teachers have been down." There's that feeling of guilt. I felt horrible for making others worry about me, but I can't control the way that they react. Kiri stepped forward, like Mina had. "Everybody in our class has been acting different. Mineta even started crying in the middle of class saying he would stop being perverted as long as you end up alright. Iida doesn't have the energy to yell at us when we step out of place in class. Midoriya hasn't muttered for long periods of time. Aoyama doesn't even mention himself and how 'fabulous' he is." I looked in shock at what Kiri said. Have they all changed like that, because they're so worried about me? Sero was the next to step up. "At the dorms, nobody can even bear to go near yours or Bakugo's rooms because you spent most of your time there. Nobody touches anything around the dorms that has your name on it, or even goes near it. It reminds them too much of you." There's the guilt again. People are avoiding things that have my name because it brings them sad memories. Kami was the last person to step forward. "We all miss you, Abby. I really need my mom telling me I'm a disappointment to feel loved." I chuckled slightly at Kami's sentence. Everybody else wanted to tell me what was going on in classes, while Kami just wanted to remind me to hurry home.

We talked a bit more, about anything other than the very reason I was in the hospital, and shortly after, they left. I looked out the window only to see how dark it was outside. I lightly shook Bakugo to wake him up. He groaned and gave me a slight glare for waking him up. "Why the hell did you wake me up?" I gave him a soft look as I gestured to the window. "It's getting dark... You should go get some sleep in your bed for tonight..." He nodded his head as he got all of his stuff together. Before he left, he turned to face me. "You going to be alright spending the night here by yourself?" I nodded my head. "I'll be fine, I'll see you tomorrow." 

3rd Person POV

Abby was confident that she would be fine enough to sleep in the hospital by herself. Little did she know, villains had managed to find her location and weren't about to let her be 'fine' by herself.


My mom thinks I'm doing homework, but I decided to take a break and write the rest of this chapter for you guys! I might post another chapter soon, but I don't know.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did, please leave a vote on this chapter! If there was something that was wrong, or unenjoyable, then please let me know in the comments!

See ya in the next chapter!


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