Chapter 11 Doing Something Risky

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Juliet had stomped off to where the orchids they grew were she started weeding upset and mad about it she wanted to keep Madeline safe it wasn't hard to understand and she was upset Gnomeo didn't want to help with it.

''Why would he say no to helping her he the one who started befriending her and wanting her to join in the family and now that she needs us he won't do anything to help her until its too late, what ever happened to happened to pulling a Gnomeo.'' She talked to herself. ''I don't care what he says I'm gonna do something.''

''I'm with Juliet dear.''

She turned to see her mother in law Lady Bluebury came over. ''I agree with you Juliet we can't just sit and do nothing so whatever you have planned I'm in just tell me what you need to do.'' She said.

''Great just what I needed. Ok so here is the plan.'' Juliet said grinning.

Later that night the two gnomes snuck out and over to the Fullers house. Lady Bluebury and Juliet looked though the window to see Madeline sitting at the end of the couch with her dad on the on the phone. 

Juliet got her phone ready. ''Ok now remember what to do. We need to catch him hitting her or doing something that will go for abuse I record it, then we will wait and watch and then when he starts you record while I go and see if I can stop him.'' She said.

''You got it.'' Lady Bluebury said getting out of her place and going to the door as she knocked. Juliet saw Marcus say something to Madeline and got up. She knew it was risky but she had to do something and she would be there to save Madeline.

Marcus answered the door. ''Oh hello Lady Bluebury.''

''Hello Marcus, I'm not interrupting am I?'' She asked.

''No not at all, what can I do for you?'' He asked.

''Well I just came to check on Madeline I hear she's been having troubles lately and that Juliet and Lord Redbrick found her in an alley this afternoon after lunch.'' She said.

Marcus turned red and looks back at Madeline who turned green. ''Really well thank you for letting me know.'' He turned to look at her.

Madeline looked down and then looked out the window to see Juliet motioning for her to act natural. he young had never been more happy to see Juliet and trusted what she had planned.

''I hope she not in any trouble I know how much you wanted her to stay away from Gnomeo and Juliet and she almost came home with them.'' She said fueling the fire.

''Well things happen I'll clear up the situation thank you for that.'' He said.

Lady Bluebury smiled. ''Have a good night you too Madeline.'' The older mother said as she left and went over to Juliet.

''You did great.'' Juliet said as they watched.

Marcus turned to Madeline.  ''Is that true did you cut school?''

''Dad I-''


She looked at Juliet for a split second. ''Yes, yes I did I hate school nobody likes me and the teaches are huge bitches and don't want anything to do with me, and you spend all your time with that dumb airhead Abagail who only with you to make Gnomeo jealous.'' She snapped.

Marcus glares at her. ''You naughty little girl.'' He slapped her across the face hard as she fell to the ground. ''Don't you dare say a word about Abagail! She is way better then you ever are!'' He shouted.

''Good because mom was way better then you anyway! Juliet and Gnomeo treat me like a kid and don't throw me over like you do.'' She shouted at him.

''You spoiled little brat!'' He slapped her again and he picked her up threw her on the couch.

Juliet gave Lady Bluebury the phone still recording and ran in opening the door and came in to see Marcus holding Madeline by the collar of the shirt.

''Hey guys.. MARCUS WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!'' She did a kick spin and knocked Marcus down and she took Madeline behind her to see the girl with a few red marks on her face.

''Juliet what are you doing here?'' He asked surprised.

''I came to check on Madeline and you and I find you hitting her how dare you!?'' Juliet shouted.

''I got it Juliet.'' Lady Bluebury said.

''What do you mean?'' He asked.

''We recorded you hitting your daughter and throwing her on the couch and now we can take you to court.'' Juliet said.

''Why I was just playing with her right sweetie?'' He asked looking at his daughter.

''You slapped me dad.'' She said.

There were lights that showed up and the cops arrested Marcus. ''Ok Juliet we need a statement from you and we will need you to send us that video and we will call you when we need you to come in you as well Lady Bluebury.'' He said.

''You got it and Madeline will be staying with us while.'' Juliet said.

Marcus looked at Juliet who comes over smiling. ''Next time don't try passing off my son as yours.'' She said.

Juliet sent it and then her, Madeline, and Lady Bluebury left and went back to their garden.

''Thank you Juliet for saving me.'' She hugged Juliet.

''Of course we need to get you cleaned.'' She smiled.

Here we go. What will Gnomeo think and what will happen.

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