Chapter 28 Court Day

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Gnomeo and Juliet were nervous as they got ready. Madeline playing with Damien and Orchid.

Lord Redbrick came up to the couple. ''How do you guys feel?''

''I don't know worried.'' Gnomeo said.

''Yeah.'' Juliet said.

''Want us to come with?'' Lady Bluebury asked.

''No that's ok we have a secret thing we can use if it doesn't work.'' Gnomeo said smilling.

''Ok I'm ready.'' Madeline said as her, Orchid and Damien came out.

''Great umOrchid and Damien you guys are gonna stay here with your grandparents and we got a special visitors coming who you will love and I need you to help grandpa keep an eye on Aubrey.'' Gnomeo said smiling at his son and daughter.

''Ok.'' He then went over and hugged Madeline. ''Good luck see ya later Madeline I know we will win.'' He said.

''Thanks.'' She hugged him and hugged Aubrey and then her grandparents.

''We'll be waiting for you Madeline.'' Lady Bluebury said.

Nanette and Benny hugged her as well. And Madeline hugged Orchid. ''Come back ok your my favorite big sister.'' She smiled.

''I'll try Orchid.'' She said as they left.

They came to the courthouse and they went in and saw their lawyer and saw John and April with Tanya, the judge came in.

''Judge April May.'' The baliff said.

They all stood up as she came in. ''Morning everyone.'' She said sitting and opening the file. ''Now to continue on, John and April Morgan, you are the grandparents of Madeline Fuller correct?'' She asked.

''Yes we are.'' John said as they stood up.

''You guys are here wanting custody of Madeline Fuller here is that correct?'' She asked.

''Yes your honor.'' April said.

''Ok and you do realize that the papers are close to finalized for the Bluebury here to have Madeline right?'' The judge asked.

''Yes.. but please can you reconsider see we didn't know about this until a couple days ago and it was an unfair advantage, nobody called us or even tried to look for us.'' April said trying to stay calm.

''Its not about an unfair advantage its about the welfare of Madeline here.'' The judge said.

''Your honor I've been looking into the backgrounds of this couple here and they have no history of violence or crime and they are close with their family and the community.'' Tanya said.

''Your honor.. me and Mr. Bluebury have been here since the beginning for Madeline, taking care of her and I was the one to catch Marcus hitting Madeline, she could of been hurt or worse if not for me and Gnomeo meddling And we've have taken care of her since Marcus was in jail.''

''Was there a Will or something that said where Orchid would stay with if her parents weren't there?'' Asked the judge.

''No we found no such record your honor.'' Tanya said.

''Excuse me your honor but isn't it the family members that keep the child if something happenes to the parents?'' Asked John.

''Yes in most cases but then again its a lot of work to redo the papers.'' She said thoughtfully.

''Your honor Mr. and Mrs. Morgan here live on the other side of the world in America and there would be a lot of work getting all of her stuff transfered over there not to mention all the legal work of changing her name.'' Gnomeo said.

Madeline was sitting and listening, she was debating on who she wanted, she wanted to be with Gnomeo and Juliet and her family, but she did love her grandparents and they were sweet gnomes and she could hear stories of her mom that she never heard from her dad and she could get out and meet new gnomes but then she knew she would never see Gnomeo and Juliet again, who loved her and she spent countless nights wishing they were her parents and now that chance had come but what did she want?

''I want to hear from Madeline.'' Judge April said.

They turned to the little girl. ''Madeline this is about you and I would like to know your thought about this.'' The judge said.

''Well your honor I was born here in London and its the only place I've ever know and it was a happy surprise to see my grandparents that I never knew I had.. I love them but I also love Gnomeo and Juliet here, I spent so many nights wishing that Gnomeo and Juliet were my parents, Juliet was like the mom I never had and Gnomeo here treated me like his daughter and never once made me feel scared or anything and I would miss my siblings here and they would miss me.'' She said.

''Madeline, please think of all the fun you had with us it can be like that again.'' April said scared as John held her.

''I'm sorry but I want to stay here with Gnomeo and Juliet, if I was able to come and visit Gnomeo and Juliet I might stay with my grandparents but its a long way and I barely know my grandparents I choose Gnomeo and Juliet.'' She said.

''Well then its in order, I reward cusody over to Gnomeo and Juliet Bluebury of Madeline.'' Judge April said. ''Or should I say Madeline Bluebury.'' The judge winked at Madeline.

''Wait what?'' She asked.

''Yep you are officially the daughter of Gnomeo and Juliet Bluebury, they adpoted you.'' Judge April said.

''What?'' She had a wide smile on her face and ran over hugging the couple.

April and John were sad. Madeline went over to them. ''I'm sorry but my home is here... but you're always welcome to come and visit.'' Madeline said.

John hugged Madeline and tried not to cry. It came to April and she hugged Madeline as tears fell. ''Oh Madeline I wish we had you sooner.'' She cried looking at her granddaughter.

''If it makes you feel better you can write and call to talk to Madeline, we won't shut you out like Marcus did.'' Juliet said.

The couple stood up. ''We'd like that.''

They all left and they went outside. ''Would you like to spend the day with us before you leave tomorrow.'' Juliet asked.

''Yes if its alright.'' April said.

''Of course come on.'' They all went home.

Here we go enjoy more to come.

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