Chapter 19 Competition

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Let me say this there is a gnome size houses all over and Gnomeo Juliet and their kids live in sleep and do all kinds of things and they do spend a lot of the time in the garden like in the movie.

Gnomeo got up to a noise coming from somewhere in the kitchen..  he got up and went to the kitchen and saw Shroom and Damien trying to get the cereal down but failing the small gnome was on Shrooms head.

''Need help there mate?'' Gnomeo asked.

Damien turned around startled by this and fell, Gnomeo went over and got down the cereal and gave it to him.

''Thanks daddy.'' He said hopping on a chair.

Gnomeo then got some orange juice and sat down watching his son. ''So what are you doing up so early?'' 

''Hmm well I couldn't sleep I was thinking of the surprise mum told me.'' He said.

''Oh you mean about the baby?'' Asked Gnomeo.

''Yeah mummy told me and I'm happy about it.'' He said eating.

Gnomeo looked at his son he knew something was bothering him it was the same look he got. ''So then what is on your mind?'' He asked.

''Well it was mean that you forgot about the date mummy set up for you two but I decided instead of watching my favorite program on the telly I would take Mummy out since she looked ready to cry.'' He said staring hard at his dad his small arms folded.

''Yes.. I forgot about that and I feel horrible I owe you big time son.'' Gnomeo said rubbing his sons back.

''Would you make Orchid do my chores today?'' Asked Damien looking up.

''Nah she and Madeline have enough of that but tell you what do your chores and you can have the telly for the afternoon son.'' He smiled trying to strike up a deal.

''Hmm ok you got a deal.'' Damien said.

''Now that, thats out of the way what is really bothering you?'' asked his dad again.

Damien looked down and sighed. ''I'm scared dad.'' He said quietly.

''Scared of what son?'' He asked.

''Just don't tell mummy but I'm scared of her having another baby.'' He said looking down ashamed.

''There nothing wrong with that Orchid felt the same way when we found out we were having you, but what scares you the most?'' Gnomeo asked rubbing his sons back.

''I love mummy a lot she awesome and fun and we spend a lot of time together.. but when the baby comes she'll place all of her time on the baby and momentarily forget about me.'' He said wiping his eyes.

Gnomeo smiles and hugs his son. ''Me and mummy would never forget about you.. yes we will be busy but we would never forget you.'' He said wondering where his son would get that.

''I know but still its a silly thing isn't it?'' He asked sniffling.

''No not really all kids go though that, when your grandma started taking care of Benny and giving him all the attention I was a bit jealous myself but I got over it and she always made time for me and I know mummy will do that same thing.'' He said.

Damien smiles at his dad. ''Thanks dad this was a great talk is mum still asleep?'' He asked.

''Yeah she is, said you were the best date she had.. should I be worried about that?'' Gnomeo teases his son.

''Maybe if you keep forgetting and skipping out on dates with mummy.'' Damien gave a smug grin.

''Oohh don't try mister I always win mums heart.'' Gnomeo said proudly.

''Really because she was laughing at my jokes and she is a fun dancer.'' Damien said laughing.

''That she is but I taught her to dance.'' He shot back.

''Someday I'm gonna find someone who is just like mummy.'' Damien stated.

''Oh yeah I hope you do but mum is one of a kind.'' Gnomeo said.

''Lets see who she loves more me or you?'' Damien smiled.

''Your on.'' Gnomeo said grinning.

They went upstairs and to the bedroom and they saw Juliet just waking up she looked over grinning at her two boys.

''Morning what do I owe the pleasure of my two guys?'' She teased.

''Morning mummy!'' Damien said going over jumping on the bed and hugging her.

Juliet smiles and hugs her son. ''Morning Damien.'' She grins and kisses his cheek pulling him into a hug.

He giggles and kisses her cheek. Gnomeo came over kissing Juliet's cheek as well. ''Good morning Gnomeo.'' She giggled.

''Morning beautiful.'' Gnomeo smiles hugging her.

''Mummy I have a question for you do you love me or daddy more?'' Asked Damien laying on his stomach looking at his mum, Gnomeo got his his tummy as well staring at her. 

''Well Jules who do you love more?'' asked her husband.

''Oh now that's not a fair question there are two of you. Well on one hand I have a handsome husband who is fun and knows how to make me happy, on the other hand I got a handsome sweet little mini version of Gnomeo who makes me laugh and shows me a good time and gives me lots of hugs and kisses and melts my heart all the time and who can resist that cute face?'' Asked Juliet grinning hugging her son.

''Hey! what about my face?'' asked Gnomeo giving her a puppy dog look.

''Yours is great too hmm well I'd say I love Damien with all my heart he is favorite one plus I'm still a bit sore you ditched me for a friend.'' Juliet shot back playfully at Gnomeo.

''Hey now you could of said no I would of listened or reminded me.'' Gnomeo protested.

''Looks like I'm the winner dad face it.'' He grins.

''I'm gonna go see grandmum and grandpa.'' He said jumping up and taking off.

Both parents laughed. ''He sure is your son.'' Juliet grins.

''Yeah but he's a good kid.'' Gnomeo said chuckling.

He was pulled down on top of his wife. ''That was not a turn on line.'' She teased.

''Seriously I came up with that on the spot.'' He stuttered.

''Shut up and kiss me handsome.'' She whispers and pulls him down in a kiss as they kiss and hold each other.

They pulled apart and Gnomeo laced hands with Juliet. ''I love you.''

''I love you and your my favorite big gnome.'' She grins fingers tracing his chest sedutively.

''Oh that I can live with.'' He kisses her again.

Here we go next up the family finds out about the baby and drama and trouble comes stay tuned.

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