Chapter 4 A Easter Surprise

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It was morning in the Gnomes Garden and a young gnome girl who was 5 got out of bed and smiled. Today was Easter and she couldn't wait her grandpa Redbrick and grandma Bluebury told her they were setting up an Easter egg hunt. She was up and dressed in her purple dress that looked like her mom's and she gets up and goes into the next room where her parents slept and saw little newborn baby Damien was smiling and cooing at her.

''Good morning my baby brother today is Easter and we get candy and egg hunts its gonna be fun.'' She said quietly and smiles at him rubbing his cheek.

Suddenly she felt a nudge and saw Shroom had come in and nudged her leg. ''Good morning Shroom you ready for the day?'' She asked excitedly.

The blue mushroom nodded and hopped around and sniffs Damien who coos and giggles. ''Hmm I'm gonna wake up mommy.'' She said.

She climbed on the bed and she leans over kissing Juliet's nose and she snuggles into her daddy's arm and plants a slobbery kiss on his cheek then started. ''DADDY MOMMY TIME TO GET UP TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY!'' She shouted jumping on the bed and Shroom came over jumping on the bed as well.

Gnomeo groans and turns around smiling sleepily at Orchid and pulls her in his arms kissing her cheek. ''Good morning Orchid.''

''Daddy your up good today is Easter grandpa and grandma have a day planned a fun filled day come on get up please.'' She begged.

''Well she is an early riser.'' Juliet said sitting up smiling at her husband and daughter. Orchid threw herself on her mom. 

''Mommy Happy Easter oh can I go out into the garden to see the rest of the gnomes?'' She asked.

''Sure I don't see why not.'' She said knowing how excited Orchid was to see her grandparents right outside in the boat house. Shroom follows her.

''Well one is up.'' Gnomeo said kissing Juliet who kisses back.

''Yep guess we better get up.'' She got up and yawned and went over to Damien who was laying on his back and smiles and coos at his mommy. ''Good morning my handsome boy.'' She smiles kissing his cheek.

Gnomeo watched her change Damien. He was happy he had a wonderful wife two kids and a garden and he was ready for the day he went over and wrapped his arms around her waist. 

''So ready for the day gorgeous?'' He asks kissing her cheek.

''Always with you Gnomeo.'' She smiles.

Suddenly the door opened and in came Benny.

''GNOMEO! Come on out I need your help come on.'' The small gnome said.

''I'll be right there Benny.'' He sighs as Juliet got Damien and they left the shed to see gnomes all around getting stuff set up and saw Orchid sitting at the table in the kitchen. Lady Bluebury was making breakfast when Gnomeo and Juliet came in.

''Good morning sleepyheads.'' Lady Blueberry said.

''Morning mum.'' Gnomeo said as he kisses his mom's cheek and she playfully pulls on his small beard. 

''And there is my little grandson!'' They turned to see Lord Redbrick coming over. 

Damien coos happily chewing on his fist and reaches for his grandpa. Juliet handed Damien over to her dad. ''Good morning dad.''

''Good morning Juliet I see Orchid is ready for the day.'' Smiling hugging her.

''Yes grandpa are the eggs ready yet?'' She asked.

''Almost uncle Benny aunt Nanette and some of the others are hiding them.'' He said.

''Aww so I have to wait.'' She asked.

''Yes Orchid but it won't be that long.'' Juliet said.

Suddenly a young male gnome came in with his parents smiling. It was Lucky and his wife Jane with their son Jackson but Jack for short.

''Jack! Your here!'' Orchid shouted running and hugging her best friend and crush.

''Hello Orchid looking pretty as ever.'' He said oh I got something for you.'' He handed her a purple and red Easter egg. ''Happy Easter!'' He said.

''Oh thank you Jack.'' She smiled.

''Hey Lucky glad you and Jane could make it.'' Gnomeo said as he had went to the grill with hot dogs burgers and a couple of stakes.

''Thanks for the invite.'' He said helping Gnomeo out.

Juliet smiles as she set the plates and stuff up and Jane came over to help.

The guys got the food ready and everyone was eating and talking the kids were all sitting at the kid table.

So finally Lord Redbrick got the gnome kids attention the kids were from other gardens as well along with Violet Amber and Tybalt's daughter. ''Alright it is time for Easter Egg hunt!'' Lord Redbrick shouted.

Benny came out dressed as an Easter bunny and smiled. ''Ok guys when I say go you can get the Easter eggs there are a lot of eggs around this big garden good luck!''

The kids took off while the adults talked. Orchid was paired up with Jack and they smile as they looked for eggs.

''This is so fun I'm glad you came.'' Orchid said.

''Yeah well your mom set it up and so yeah I'm here.'' He smiles as they hold hands and they found eggs they saw one and went for it only for it to be snatched by Violet Orchid and Damien's cousin.

''I got it first beat that.'' Violet said. She took after her dad Tybalt.

''Well I saw it first possession is 9/10th of the law.'' Orchid said.

''Oh bring it on small purple hat?'' Violet said.

Orchid was about to charge but Jack held her back. ''Let it go its not worth it Orchid lets go check in we got all the eggs.'' He said as they walked away.

''The nerve of her.'' Orchid said.

''Well she only has the egg I got the candy.'' He said laughing as they hugged and went back to the family who were talking.

Juliet was holding Damien and feeding him his bottle and talking to Jane. Gnomeo smiles at Orchid.

''Wow look at the eggs that is awesome you got quiet a few I see.'' He said.

''Yep I did this is a fun Easter.'' She said.

Later they all got together and sat around talking and Orchid with the other kids smiles and play games eating candy.

Lord Redbrick was holding Damien. Juliet and Gnomeo were on the ladder holding hands and spinning each other like the first time and they smile and holds hands. ''This is perfect Juliet I got you and the kids life couldn't be better and I'm with you.'' He said he kisses her and she kisses back holding him close they sat and watched the family as the sun started to set.

Happy Easter everyone have a great day guys.

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