Chapter 2 Rumors are Spread

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The next morning Juliet woke up to see Gnomeo was not in bed and she sighs knowing she would have to wait to tell him she tried to wrap her head around what Marcus said it was his but how would that be unless he raped her maybe it was a good thing Gnomeo was gone she could think of how to tell him. She checks to see Orchid is gone.

She goes out to see her parents talking. ''Dad have you seen Gnomeo and Orchid?''

''Oh yeah Gnomeo went out to do some grocery shopping with Orchid they wanted you to sleep in.'' He said. Juliet  nodded and decided to check on the garden.

Gnomeo was out with Orchid shopping and he smiles at Orchid. ''Daddy why we leave mommy behind?'' She asked.

''Well I figured she should sleep in besides I love spending time with my daughter.'' He said winking at her.

She giggled and tugged at his very short beard like his mom does. ''You look silly daddy.'' She giggles.

''Oh yeah what about this.'' He grabs a moose hat and places over his face and shakes his head. 

Orchid 3 years old laughed at him. ''Hey give me my daddy back.'' She says to the moose in a stern tone like her mom.

''I'm trying he won't let go.'' Gnomeo said pretending to have trouble to get it off some of them were staring at them.

Finally Gnomeo pulls it off and places it on the rack and looks at Orchid. ''Whew I did it I escaped.'' He said proudly.

She giggles as he tickles her.  ''Well funny running into you guys here.'' 

Gnomeo and Orchid looked to see Madeline and Marcus.

''Madeline.'' Orchid reaches for her favorite friend sister.

Madeline smiled and got Orchid down hugging her.

''Hello Marcus.'' Gnomeo said calmly.

''Hey Gnomeo so I heard the news Juliet is pregnant again.'' He said.

''Yep we have a feeling its gonna be a boy.'' Gnomeo said happily.

''I see well good to hear I can't wait to be a part of his life.'' Marcus said.

''Um I'm sorry a part of this baby's life its our baby not yours.'' Gnomeo said confused.

''Are you sure oh I guess Juliet didn't tell you last night did she?" He asked faking surprise.

''What are you talking about?'' He asked.

''Well there is a good chance its not your kid.'' He said looking at Gnomeo who was shocked.

''What joke are you pulling Marcus?'' He asked.

''Well that day you had Abigail watch Orchid I ran into Juliet and we went back to my place she stayed for supper and had a bit too much to drink and she came onto me I can't refuse a beautiful girl took her upstairs and she got on me and wanted me didn't want you to know.'' Marcus said.

He was pushed up against the wall. ''You son of a bitch take it back now its not true I know when she lies and its not your kid take it back.'' He growled.

''Go ahead be that way I got the recording to prove it.'' He said.

Gnomeo glares and takes Orchid as Madeline had gone to the bathroom he paidfor the stuff and left, Marcus followed him as he outs Orchid in her car seat and played the recording. 

The blue leader shook his head not wanting to hear it until he heard her talk. 'Please my husband doesn't need to know.'

Marcus grinned. ''So after the baby is born we will see who it looks like.'' Marcus said smiling.

''You bastard did you rape her??!!'' He asked shoving Marcus to the mower.

''No I didn't you heard her on her. Ask her.'' He said straightening up. ''You can't face that she might have an interest in me.''

''Yeah well I caught you kissing her against her will.'' He said upset.

''Ask her she may give you a different answer.'' He said.

Gnomeo got in the mower and shook his head but had a feeling about it could be true. They got home and he took Orchid inside and she went to play with Shroom and her dad put the grocery down and thought of the recording it sounded just like her.

''Hey there you are I was wondering when you were gonna get back.'' She asked going up to him and hugging him.

He returned it and then pulled away looking at her with a frown. ''Juliet we need to talk.'' He said.

''Yes we do you go first.'' She said.

''You know me and Orchid  ran into Marcus and Madeline and the funny thing is he thinks the baby might be his and I'm sitting here wondering is that true Juliet did you sleep with Marcus?'' He asked seriously.

''No I didn't he told me last night I was gonna tell you this morning but you left. I would never sleep with him but he has that recording.'' She said.

He looked at her and she looks shocked. ''Your not saying you believe him?''

''Well you did take off and worried me that day so you may have.'' He couldn't believe he said that.

''Yeah well you knew about Abigail and failed to mention her to me I can't believe this I've only had sex with you neither I'm telling a lie or he raped me or is making it up. You out of all I thought would believe me.'' She said as she turned around leaving.

He watched her go and shook his head.

Ok here I stop I will continue so Gnomeo finds out and isn't too happy but doesn't know what to think don't worry it will get better trust me.

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