Chapter 23 Body Switching Pt. 3

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Gnomeo and Benny went to the fair holding hands, Benny was getting use to him holding her hand. ''Oh Gnomeo this looks like so much fun!''

''It is babe just you and me now lets go play some games.'' Gnomeo said pulling him.

Juliet and Nanette showed up. ''Ok red how are we gonna play this?'' Asked Nanette.

''Well the thing is Benny freaked when he heard that I was gonna kiss you, so he hates all the affectionate lovey dovey things you and me do.'' She said.

''Oh I knew it he gets possessive if any guy talks to me so yes lets mess with him.'' Nanette said as they followed the couple.

Gnomeo and Benny were playing darts and Benny threw one missing competely hitting the wall. ''What damn I thought I had it.'' Benny growled.

Gnomeo stared at him and he realized Juliet didn't get upset like that. ''Sorry.'' He said.

''Its ok but take it easy Juliet its just a game.'' Gnomeo said throwing the darts and hitting the mark something was off Juliet never missed a shot.

Juliet and Nanette came over to the next game stand. ''Oh Benny you think you can make that shot?'' Asked Nanette.

''Yes I can but I may need you to hold me up.'' Juliet said smirking and saw Benny and Gnomeo out of the corner of his eyes.

''You got it sugar.'' She lifted Juliet up who made the bean bag into all the holes and they won a prize. ''Take your pick.'' Juliet said kissing Nanette's cheek.

''Oh you.'' She blushes.

Gnomeo and Benny turned and smiled. ''Hey Nanette I didn't know Benny brought you over here.'' Gnomeo said.

''Oh well it was my idea he seemed a bit down from the fight he had with Juliet so I decided to bring him here.'' She giggled and ran her finger up Juliet's big hat she giggles.

Benny was red and growled. ''Watch yourself red.'' He growled.

''Oh I see Juliet you ok?'' He asked.

''Oh yeah just fine.'' Benny said and kisses Gnomeo's cheek.

''Well I'm kind of hungry.'' Benny said.

''You know so am I, say Gnomeo Benny go get us something to eat.'' Nanette said.

''Ok what do you want Juliet?'' Asked Gnomeo.

''Well Gnomeo you know her signature funnel cake with some spicy extra toppings at least that's what I heard her say last time.'' Juliet said smirking and saw Benny's face turned red.

''Juliet shall I?'' He asked.

''Yeah sure go ahead.'' He said sweetly.

Gnomeo and Juliet left together leaving Benny and Nanette. ''Oh Juliet so I had a great idea and I need your advice on something.'' Nanette said.

''Oh what is that beautiful?'' Benny asked.

She looked shocked. ''Aww thanks Jules.'' She decided to try to see if Benny would confess.

''So what did you want to ask me?''

''Well see me and Benny have been close and well I'm thinking of us having our first time tonight.'' She sighed dreamily.

Benny felt his heart drop, this backfired big time on him. ''Um I would hold off on that I mean its Benny and he might want to take it slow.'' Benny said.

''Well I really want to try it with him I've been thinking about for awhile and well I'm gonna bring it up to him.'' Nanette said.

''Take my advice and wait ok.'' Benny said.

''Sorry Jules I think I will try it.'' Nanette said tired of Benny pulling this mess.

Juliet and Gnomeo came back. ''Ok here you go sweetheart.'' Juliet said giving the snack to Nanette.

''Aww Benny you are so sweet.'' The frog kissed his cheek and ran her finger down his chest.

''Here you go beautiful.'' Gnomeo said as he tried to kiss Juliet only Benny pulled away. ''Yeah thanks Gnomeo.'' Benny said as he tried the food and then felt his mouth on fire and he ran around and up to a stand took the pitcher of water and gulped it down.

The three ran over. ''Juliet take it easy.'' Gnomeo said.

''That is hot you know how I feel about hot food Gnomeo!'' Shouted Benny frowning.

''Um sorry but Juliet that is what you always crave whenever we are out your cravings have been werid.'' He said.

Juliet and Nanette giggled at that. ''I need to go to the bathroom.'' Juliet said as she left.

''I have to go as well.''Benny said as they went.

They came to an area by the bathroom. ''Stop playing that game Juliet, I know you won't have sex with Nanette that's my job.'' Benny growled.

''You don't have a choice Benny its your body just you won't enjoy it, see what happens and besides you get to spend time with Gnomeo just like you wanted.'' Juliet shot back.

''I wanted me and him not you and Nanette butting in.'' Benny growled.

''Butting in we are two girls having fun and if she wants to get intimate with you then maybe you should of thought of that before turning it over and switching bodies.. tell Gnomeo the truth about this mix up and I will back off of Nanette and you can spend time with her.'' Juliet said.

''Not happening you won't try anything with Nanette.'' Benny called her bluff.

''Just admit or I will make Nanette hate you with a passion that will take months to fix.'' Juliet threatened.

''Just let me enjoy this evening with Gnomeo and then at the end when we get back to the garden we 4 meet up and I will confess.'' Benny said.

''Fine you got a dea and you better fess up.'' Juliet said as they went back to Gnomeo and Nanette.

Here we go enjoy one more chapter in this one shot enjoy..

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