3: Doctor Cavill

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It was a cold and wet stormy Wednesday night. All the locals were shut in their homes waiting out the storm, however, the hospital was still buzzing with action. Doctors and nurses this way and that way, patients waiting or being tended to. It was a pretty typical night at the hospital. But you, on the other hand, have had the worst night of your life. Not only did you get chased by a dog in the rain, but you fell into some bushes that caused you to get cut and scraped up all over. And soon it became evident you were having an allergic reaction to the bushes since you could barely see where you were going and your skin had a slight burning sensation.

As you walked a little further, frightened, cold, and now sniffling, you whimpered in frustration. "I c-can't believe this." You shivered in the freezing rain as it was sticking to your now exposed legs as the bushes had cut up your stockings. Even though it was dark, cold, and your vision was blurry, you could see that a hospital was up ahead thanks to the huge sign out front, so you limped as best as you could to get there. But as you got a little closer, your skin really started to burn and itch. You touched your face to wipe your eyes free of rainwater and felt that your skin was rough. You soon found it harder to breathe as your throat began to close. "Help!" You called out as loud as you could but you knew your cries weren't heard. Still, you had to try again, "Help please!" However, right as you had almost gotten to the front of the hospital doors, you could go no further. And you collapsed onto the ground.

Henrys p.o.v

The night was a pretty busy one. All of my patients together took me a shift of 10 hours to get settled. It was beginning to get stuffy inside of the hospital and I needed to get some fresh air. I grabbed my coat and cold bottled water from the nearest break room before heading outside for some air. As I went through the hospital doors the cold air stung my cheeks and gave me a rush of adrenaline. I decided to stand underneath the light in the front of the hospital since being in the dark would only make it colder. As I stood against the wall running through all that happened in my day, I heard a faint call somewhere far out from me. I didn't know if I was truly hearing what I thought so I paid no mind to it. Until I heard it again. This time I decided to step out from the hospital and into the valet circle a bit more. 

Still, I couldn't see anything or anyone. Even so, I walked a little further around the building and that's when I saw where the noise was coming from. A young girl on the ground looked like she had been attacked. I rushed over to her and immediately checked for a pulse, it was very fast. "Ma'am? Can you hear me?" I shook her but she didn't budge. I decided to pick her up since I couldn't stand to leave her outside for one more second in the condition she was in. So I ran with her in my arms bridal style and back to the front of the hospital where I grabbed a gurney. "Kenny she needs immediate attention, make sure there's a room available for her, I'll roll her in." I said to the nurse that had come out after me. Another nurse had come up to me and helped me do an overview of her while we rolled her to the room. "Room 17 is free Dr.Cavill!" Kenney yelled at us, he was further down the hall than we were. So we headed to room 17.

Once there, we transferred her to the hospital bed where we hooked her up to an IV as it had appeared she had an allergic reaction. "Hello, miss can you hear me?" I checked her eyes which were shut tight due to the reaction from what I still don't know. "She needs oxygen," The two male nurses inside the room helped me get her reaction under control. The next thing would be to find out who she is and where she came from.

30 Minutes Later

I walked from the main entrance waiting room of the hospital to the room where the unknown young lady was to see if our allergy medicine had worked on her. And for some strange reason other than that fact, I just needed to see her again. A few more turns and halls later and I was in her room. I knocked lightly on the door and waited for a response but there wasn't one. I knocked again and announced my entry as I slowly walked into the room. She was asleep.

I washed my hands and afterward walked over to her bed. Her allergic reaction had gone down and so did her fever from what showed on the monitor. I observed her face and skin a little more to make sure the medicine was working. But as I did I felt a sink in my chest. She was so beautiful. Despite what that ivy had done to her, She looked angelic amidst the white sheets and white light of the room. 

5 Years Later

You woke from your sleep that night just in time for Henry to give you an assessment of your condition.  After caring for you for three more days even though uou only needed two, you were discharged. But not without the hope of seeing Henry again. As he was taking care of you, he started to fall in love with you, and very very hard at that. So did you. You've now been dating for five years and plan on getting married.


This was a request from @emmapopsie6 

Thank you for the idea love!

Sorry I have been gone away for so long, things have been pretty crazy. I hope everyone is well and that you and your families are safe and healthy. I will be writing more soon. Love ya x


Thanks for reading!

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