8: Pregnant Cuddles

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You're now 8 months pregnant and getting the final touches together in your baby's room. You're watching as Henry places the last set of folded towels and blankets in the drawers of the neutral-colored dresser next to the closet. 

"Ok, Henry can you at least let me do one thing?" You asked as Henry had only let you help fold clothes and do light tasks during this month.

"Darling I don't want you doing anything that'll put strain on you." He grabbed your face and squeezed your cheeks together smiling at you.

"But I'll be fine, please, just let me hang a picture or something." You asked him as he stood with his hands on his hips looking at you.

"Fine, you can hang this." It was a picture from your maternity photoshoot that was sitting on the night table waiting to be hung up.

"Yay!" You grabbed the hammer and a nail and stood on your tiptoes to nail the nail into the marked spot on the wall.

"Are you happy now?" Henry asked as you handed him the hammer after hanging the picture.

"No but at least I got to do something. You're being entirely too careful." You smiled as you placed your hand on your full and round belly. 

"I feel like I'm not careful enough." He scratched his head and you shook yours at his first-time dad behavior.

Suddenly you felt a pain in your side.

"Ow." You hissed as you grabbed your side.

"What? What's wrong?" Henry rushed over to you and placed his hands on your shoulders. 

The whole pregnancy Henry has not left you alone. He's been obsessed with being around you and near you. 

"I just, she just kicked me that's all." You found out you were having a girl three months ago and Henry was almost more excited than you. He's always wanted a little girl despite many of your friends and family thinking he would want a boy. They don't know the soft side of him like you do.

"I'm gonna go-" You were interrupted by another kick that the baby had propelled into your side. You clenched onto your side a little firmer and began walking toward your bedroom which was across the hall.

"I'm gonna go lay down." You told Henry. He grabbed your hand until you walked out of the door. 

"Ok, I'm gonna finish up in here for a bit." You knew that meant that he was going to rush whatever he was going to do and come lay down with you, but you agreed and kept on your way.


After about five minutes Henry was walking into the bedroom and removing his black and blue flannel that he had been wearing. 

"How is she doing now?" He laid behind you in a spooning position and placed his left hand on your belly.

"She hasn't kicked for a little while now." You said as you sighed in relief while Henry ran his large hand over your belly.

"Does that feel good?" He asked, to which you nodded and laid your head back into his chest.

"Do you remember what happened when I found out we were having a girl?" He chuckled as you both began to recount on that day.

"You called just about everybody in your contact list and that whole month we just got baby girl stuff at our house almost every day. We even had to have two baby showers." He laughed and threw his head back.

"Yes but that's not the only thing I did." He suddenly got up and ran to the dresser, confusing you.

"Oh no, what else did you do?" You asked while patting your stomach. 

"I did this." He said as he laid back behind you and placed a piece of paper in front of you. 

"What is this Henry?" You shook your head as you opened it. But as you read it you began to laugh and smile really big.

"So this is why you never liked any of my suggestions for names!?" He laughed because now you knew why he didn't. He already had a whole list of girl names that he liked and saved for this moment.

"Let me just say, a lot of these I came up with when we had only been dating for about a year." You opened your mouth wide and scoffed.

"Don't act surprised. I knew you were gonna have my kids when I first met you darling." You busted out in laughter and slapped the bed in front of you as you did.

"Omg Henry stop it that is so crazy." You blushed and he laughed as you continued looking at the list of about 20 names.

"I mean anything that you really really like, we can go with. I know you'll pick something beautiful whether it's from the list or not." You scanned the list a little longer and then for a third time before stopping on a name that kept getting your attention.

"Rya." He popped his head up from behind you and kept his hand still on your side.

"Rya?" He asked. You nodded.

"She can be our little Rya." You could hear the smile on his face in his response.

"Ok." He said. 


Didn't think I'd be uploading this soon but yes here you go.


Thanks for reading!

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