9: Estranged

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"Honey you're going to lose your neck. " You laughed as your 6 year old daughter did her third somersault. You picked her up off the floor and ran your hand over her hair.

"Don't worry momma, I have a strong neck." She scrunched her nose and shook her head back and forth.

"You're so stinking cute." You smiled and spun her around like a ballerina by her hand.

"Can I see daddy today?" You felt a knot in your stomach when she asked about him.

You and Henry haven't lived in the same place since she was 2. That was also the time you and Henry decided it would be best if you separated because your differences in goals became too much to handle and accept. But for the sake of Rya you stayed married and coparent regularly.

"I don't know sweetheart, daddy might be busy." She frowned and walked up to you grabbing your shirt.

"Can we call?" She asked. You smiled and sighed at her. Even though you and Henry took her out for ice cream last week, you couldn't help it. She always knew how to win you over with the eyes she got from her father.

"Sure sweetie. I'll call. And then breakfast ok?" She kissed your arm and ran away back to the living room.

As much as you didnt want to you picked your phone up from the kitchen table and dialed Henry's number.



"Hey Henry."

"Oh hey, good morning. What's going on? "

"Uhh, your daughter wants to see you. I know we took her out together last week but she...she misses you."

"Y/n you know I have things that I do. You can't just...*he sighs* you can't just call out of the blue and think it can happen like that-"

"It doesn't have to be today Henry. You didn't even give me a chance to clarify."

"I'm just saying we have to plan our visits better."

You tried your best not to get agitated.

"So you're too busy for your daughter. Just say that instead of trying to make it seem like you have more important things to do."

"You don't know what goes on over here why are you acting like you do? We plan our visits and deal with each other , that was the deal."

"We shouldn't even need to have visits because we should be a normal family." The line went silent after.

"No family is normal. And we had a mutual seperation Y/n, don't forget that. You wanted this too."

"I did not want this Henry!" You whipped your head around to see if Rya had noticed you raise your voice, but she didn't. You went a little further away into the dining room just to be safe.

"I wanted us to be together and happy and you...you wanted other things." You looked down to the floor remembering the conversation that led to your seperation.

"So what, it's a bad thing that I wanted to move us out west so I could make more money for a better life while you wanted to stay in the same run down townhouse and chaotic city that we had been living in since we started dating!? Come on and give me a better reason for you deciding I wasn't trying to do what's best for the family."

"We had a good life here Henry. All of our friends and family are here, Rya's friends are here. She's happy here. Why would I uproot that when everything was fine?"

Henry Cavill Imagines: 2nd EditionWhere stories live. Discover now