10: Estranged pt 2.

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Now at your home, Henry parked his truck infront of your house and you and Rya hopped out to head inside.

"Is daddy having dinner with us!?" Rya asked loudly.

"Yes sweetie he is." You smiled at her as she began jumping up and down the stairs to the front door. As you opened the door to let her in you sensed Henry's presence behind you and held the door open for him. You turned around to look at him and he smiled as he walked back into the home he left you and Rya in.

"Different huh?" You asked him. He raised his eyebrows in shock snd nodded before chuckling.

"It looks like a completely different house." Your smile lowered as you thought deeper on his statement.

"It is a completely different house. It's missing one person." He looked at you and then back at the ground.

"Come on Rya let's give you a bath." You gathered her and her toys to take upstairs and get her ready for her bath.

"You can make yourself at home, I guess." It felt weird for you to say that but you didn't know how elese to tell him to loosen up.

Ever since your conversation with him at the park, the two of you have had sort of a calming aura between yourselves. You missed feeling that way around him. It was a better feeling compared to the constant tension that was there before.


After giving Rya a bath and eating dinner with her and Henry, you both tucked her into bed and went back downstairs. Henry sat in the living room and you followed suit after cleaning the kitchen up more.

You sat next to him on the couch and looked at the TV to avoid his gaze, he had been watching you since you walked into the living room.

"Well I think she had a lot of fun today." He said around the quietness.

"Yeah she did." You responded, hoping that the conversation could continue without an argument.

"So can we...talk?" He fixed himself to be facing you as you kept facing forward. You turned however to look at him because you did want to talk to him.

"I was thinking about earlier while we were driving home," He called your place home. You guessed it never really left him even though he moved.

He looked at you before finishing his sentence, and then his gaze left your eyes and met with your hand that laid on your lap. He reached out and grabbed it softly before fully taking it into his hand and squeezing it. He ran his thumb over your knuckles and then over the back of your hand. You didn't really know how to react except to just let him.

"The truth is Y/n, I've spent all of this time away from you guys, and I miss you so so much." His eyes traveled from your hand to your neck and back to your face, where his gaze lingered. Suddenly you felt butterflies in your stomach at his touch and at the way he was looking at you. You missed him even more in this moment.

"You know that we miss you too Henry." You said back to him as he looked at you.

"I miss you." You observed him carefully as you told him what you had long been wanting to tell him. Yes you missed having your family all together and yes Rya missed being with her dad everyday. But you missed Henry in a way that you couldn't bare. You missed having your husband, your rock, your steady in chaos, your lover, your best friend. And here he is, sitting in front of you, with the same feeling. It became increasingly overwhelming as the seconds ticked on.

Just then, it became like a thousand sparks in a moment, your hands wanted to feel his skin again and your lips wanted to remember how his tasted. Almost instantaneously, Henry leaned forward toward you and you placed your hand softly on his chest. He put his forehead to yours and you closed your eyes as you pulled a portion of his black t-shirt into your hand.

After sitting like this for more than a few seconds, Henry had finally made the first move and pressed his lips softly to yours. After a second he pressed them further because it wasn't enough, for the both of you. You pulled his shirt tighter and his hand had found it's way to your leg which was still crossed over your other one. You pulled away from him only for him to come back to you and bring you closer to him.

"Please," He said in a whisper with his lips still on yours slightly. But you pulled back a little further and placed your hand on the back of his neck so that you could look at him for clarification.

"Don't pull away." He said. You quickly understood your assignment and placed your lips back onto his, plummeting the two of you into a whirlwind of missed feelings and prolonged wanting for each other that was finally being satisfied.
You awakened to being trapped within something's hold and nearly 5 feet from the floor. You opened your eyes more to see that you were laying on top of Henry and still on the couch in your living room. Not only this, but Henry was shirtless and so were you. Henry was sound asleep beneath you and the clock on your TV read 3: 23 AM.

"Henry?" You said quietly to see how asleep he was exactly. He didn't respond so you didn't bother to try anymore.

You removed yourself from him and held your bare chest with your arm before grabbing Henry's shirt off of the floor and getting off of the couch. After struggling to find your balance, you steadied yourself and went up the stairs to check on Rya. You opened the door to her bedroom and saw her sleeping soundly as well in her bed and wrapped up in her little mermaid themed sheets. You closed the door softly and headed back downstairs to get a glass of water... After taking a few sips from your water you walked back into the living room and watched Henry, who had just then began to squirm in his sleep. It was almost like he noticed something was different from when he went to sleep by the way he felt around for something else. He rubbed his eyes and confusingly looked around the room before landing his eyes on you.

"Hey, you ok?" He asked you as he raised from the couch. As he did he noticed he was shirtless and started to smile slightly.

"Oops." He said before chuckling under his breath. You crossed your arms and laughed at him.

"Yeah oops." He laid back down and let his arm hang off of the couch.

"Looks like I'm staying here." You nodded at his statement and went back to lay on top of him. He rubbed his hand up and down your arm as you pulled at the little hairs on his chest.

"What happens tomorrow?" You asked him. Even though you had a long night of loving each other back to when you were happily sharing everyday together, you weren't sure of his thoughts on coming back home or on anything else going on between the two of you.

He was silent for longer than you wanted him to be, so you lifted your head from his chest to look at him in the blue darkness of the room.

"I think going forward...We should start trying to fix things." You let go of a breath you didn't know you were holding and laid your head back down.

"You might not like it because you always talked about how much you didn't want it, but I think we should see a marriage counselor." You lifted your head again to look at him.

"Just for a couple months." He said as he ran his thumb over your left temple.

"Fine. I just want us to be a family again. I don't care if we have to do it, let's just do it." You nodded and he brought his head slightly forward to place a kiss on your nose.

"Ok, we'll talk about it in the morning." He said. As the silence grew longer he began to speak again.

"Now can we go sleep in an actual bed?" You laughed and began to get up from the couch before grabbing his hand to go upstairs to a more comfortable sleeping place.
I can't tell y'all how much I blushed and giggled while writing this omg. And I wanted to wait but I was just too excited to post this. I also feel like the ending was pretty satisfactory but what do y'all think? Hope you liked it and please don't hesitate to offer suggestions.

Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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