7: Tell me the Truth

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You were sitting in your bedroom that you share with Henry after a long day at work. Last month your job fell in love with your new interior furniture designs and has been keeping you super busy with manufacturing matters. Even though you're excited about it all, you're starting to have trouble leaving your work at work. And yes, it's caused strain on you and Henry but things are still really good. Or at least you thought they were.

As you're sitting on the bed with your back against the headboard and looking through a new file folder your boss sent you, Henry walks in throwing a towel over his shoulder.

"Babe I swear you've looked more at your phone than you've looked at me since you got home." He grabbed the towel and ran it over his drenched hair, causing it to frizz up slightly and go in every which way on his head.

"That's an exaggeration." You threw your phone on the bed and ran up to kiss him. But he only stood there looking at the floor.

"What is it, work again?" He asked as he walked over to the mirror and freshened himself up with sprays and lotions.

"Yes, but I already got it settled so no more of that for the rest of the night." You had followed behind him and ran both your hands over his broad shoulders until your hands were on his chest. He grabbed one of your hands and turned around to face you.

"Why don't you think about taking a break?" He asked as he looked down at you.

Even though he was looking at you, you had so much more to look at. And that you did, until he pulled your face up from his bare chest so that you could look at him.

"I thought about it, yes..." He nodded and waited for you to finish, but you knew what you were going to say would only frustrate him so you began to slowly walk back to your spot on the bed.

"And?" He asked as his eyes followed you to the bed.

"I don't think now is the best time for a break." You plopped down onto the bed and watched him roll his eyes and turn away from you.

"I mean I need to take advantage of this opportunity while I have it." You said.

"I figured you would say that. It's like you love being at work more than you do being at home." He shook his head and removed the towel from his lower half to put on his boxers and sweats.

"Henry don't say that, that's not true." You replied to him. He slammed the drawer shut and shook out a t-shirt he had pulled out.

"Yes, it is Y/n. Every time I see you, which is starting to get rare, you're either on your phone or glued to your laptop screen." His voice started to get snappier as he continued.

"Hang on Henry we can talk to each other with some respect here. You were happy for me when all of this started and now what? Do you want me to just stop because you don't think it's worth the time and effort? I'm not going to do that, not when there are about a hundred or so more people throwing out good ideas that could've been considered over mine." You defended yourself but he only grew more frustrated.

"Now you're putting words in my mouth. I never said it wasn't worth that." He pointed at you and then lowered his hand before leaning against the dresser.

"You obviously don't think it is if you don't think I should be putting my blood, sweat, and tears into getting my work and ideas recognized." He scoffed and shook his head before chucking it down to the floor.

"And now you're going to laugh. What are you trying to do right now, make me feel bad? I'm trying my best here. And what are you doing?" You were beginning to get angry at Henry's behavior. 

"Or maybe you're just sleeping with the boss. Yeah, I said it. Why else would all of this be happening so suddenly!?" He shouted. You stood up and put your hand over your mouth in disbelief. You didn't think Henry would bring this up in your relationship even though he has been cheated on before. You thought he had learned to trust you.

"What did you just say out of your mouth?" You asked as you walked closer to him.

"You work with over a hundred other designers and he just magically picked you? And I see how you act when you're on the phone with him, all smiley and happy. You're sleeping around on me Y/n-" As soon as the last word came out of his mouth you chucked your arm out and slapped him across his face.

"How dare you?" He clenched his jaw and squeezed his hands into fists to deal with the pain as he stared at the floor. His cheek began to turn a bright red.

"You discredit my work and accuse me of sleeping with my boss to get my work noticed? After all my hard work!? You know what I've been through while trying to get here. Don't you dare! make those assumptions about me." You turned quickly on your heels and grabbed your phone before going downstairs.

"Y/n!" He called after you but you ignored him. The thing that hurt you the most was that Henry didn't believe in your hard work, even while knowing how much you've been going through to get your designs acknowledged. 

"Y/n come back here." He followed you into the living room where you turned back to look at him.

"Why!? So you can throw more dumb accusations in my face? I don't know what you're getting at or what's going on with you but you're throwing it on the wrong person." Your voice strained from the anger rising in your chest. You tried not to lash out so that the situation wouldn't escalate but you couldn't help it. 

"Just tell me the truth!" He slammed his hand on the table and you jumped back slightly at him. But when he saw you do that, he looked at his hand and pulled away from the table.

"Just...just tell me the truth Y/n." He sighed and rubbed his hands over his face.

"I am Henry! I am! What more do I have to do to prove to you that I am? What is going on with you?" You stood for a few seconds in silence, because he couldn't give you an answer. 

"You know...I thought you trusted me. I thought you knew that I'm different. But I see now, all you see in me is your ex. Well I'm not her. And if you're going to keep trying to shove this down my throat then I don't want to sleep in the same bed as you tonight." You stared at him before walking off into the guest suite of the house.


Hi lovelies! I know I've been gone for quite a while but life has gotten quite busy for me. I hope you all will stick around as I keep trying to write whenever I get the chance. This idea popped into my head while I was getting ready for bed yesterday and I wanted to write it out immediately. Thank you always for reading and see you on the next one :)


Thanks for reading! 

Henry Cavill Imagines: 2nd EditionWhere stories live. Discover now