Chapter two.

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Bella and I were having a nice drive home from school. When we got home I saw Edward just standing there doing nothing except watching the truck pull in. Ya see, this exactly proves my point. He's very, very, very creepy. Bella got out and slowly walk towards him. I just sat there. They both walked off into the forest like they didn't just leave me there. I get out and slam the door and burst inside.

I run in my room and collapse on my bed in a ball. I was mad, I was upset... I was disappointed. I was sick of being the last resort. I wanted to be happy. But I couldn't risk hurting anyone.. So I locked myself in my room..
Bella is so selfish. She runs off and she scares the shit outta me and dad and how does she repay us?... I'm still waiting for that fucking answer.

I know I sound dramatic, but it's difficult feeling Inivisble and forgotten and taken for granted and unappreciated and unworthy and left out. Really, truely, honestly, I could go on and on.

It was night time. Bella still has not shown up. I didn't know where she was. She hasn't called or texted me nor dad, literally no sign of her. We had became very worried.
Hours went by and she had yet to turn up. We called the station and had a whole search party on a hunt, looking for her.
I decide to stay in my room because I could not take being too overwhelmed by all the people and the constant anxiety that my sister is missing and possibly hurt or in danger.

Eventually, I decided to go outside and see if I could receive any updates.
"Mella.." Dad said hugging me. I noticed that Jake was there and stood next to him, nervously.

Shortly after, we saw this giant brawny guy, shirtless and a tattoo on his right shoulder carrying Bella. "Dad!" I yell. He slowly turns his head around. We both run over to her.

"She's alright!" The man said firmly
"I got her. Thank you, Sam" Charlie says grabbing her.
"Thank you so much." I say. He looks down at me and nods. Harry nodded at him who's name I assume was Sam and he nodded back. I follow dad inside as he placed Bella on the bed covering her up. "What the Hell were you thinking?" I exclaim.

After that there was no more Edward.
The Cullens had completely disappeared from Forks.
They hadn't show up to school, Bella hasn't left the house after school, edwards name stopped being called in English, as if he never existed.
All of our friends from school, including myself were overjoyed by the news given fact we all missed Bella. Although, things had changed. Bella stopped eating and she would sit at their old table and stare out the window, she'd get us to school late.. 
Bella had became depressed and that only made us feel worse about the situation.

Bella sat in her room for months staring out the window. She was like a zombie. She wouldn't eat much, or sleep.
And when she did sleep she would wake up screaming and crying. All the colors began to drain from her face.
It was obvious that he wasn't coming back and depression was eating her from the inside out... It scared me.

At lunch I try to sit with her... We just eat silently. When I say we I mean I. She hardly ate and if she did it was chips and junk.

"It'll be okay Bells..." I say as she quietly stares out the window. A tear fell from my face. "It'll be okay.." I reassure her.


One morning, Bella and I walked out of the house.

"Hey! It's a little cold out." He says.
"No, I'm fine." She opens the door. "Alright." Dad closes the door. "That's it."

I silently watch. "What?" "You're going to Jacksonville to live with your mother." Charlie says firmly.
My eyes widen. "I'm not leaving forks." She says looking at the ground. "Bells.... He's not coming back." That made me smile a little. But it also hurt me because it was hurting Bella.

Devoted ~A Paul Lahote Story By, Addy SchroederWhere stories live. Discover now