Chapter six.

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These past few days Bella was back to zombie mode... I stayed away from the pack so I could try to take care of her a little because dad had all these cases... The worse part is, is that he's been hunting for the wolves...Edward was still gone making it ten times harder on the both of us for different reasons.

Bella said she was going to see Edward and I was confused. I went with her just in case. We went to La push and she parked on the side of the road staring at the cliff. She continued to drive. We walked up the cliff. I was hoping we'd see him there or maybe she just wanted to, I don't really know.

It wasn't to bad of a hike. We made it to the top and Bella looked down the ledge. "I'm gonna jump... It looks... Fun." she says looking down. "What are you insane!? You're not jumping bells" I yell. She started to mumble to herself. I watched her in disbelief. She quickly took off her jacket and jumped.

"Bella!" I screamed, watching my sister punch into the water. I saw her head come up quickly. I sighed in relief. "You're crazy!" I shout. A giant wave came and washed her back under. "Bella!" I yell again.

I hesitate for a second but quickly dove in. I opened my eyes which burned due to the salt. I saw a glance of orange webbing flow away, and someone quickly grabbing her. "Where did he come from" I thought to myself. I quickly swam out and waited for Bella and the man to come out. I quickly realized who the man was. "Jacob! I don't know what happened! She just jumped and i-" I was starting to panic. "Calm down and help you're sister!" he ordered.

I ran over as he lay her on the sand gently. Jacob quickly started to give her mouth to mouth. "Breathe." he said firmly. "Come on Bella." I say squeezing her hand. Jacob pumped her chest. Bella quickly opened her eyes but then closed them again quickly. "Bella, Bella can you hear me?" Jacob questioned. "Jake?" she asked looking up at him. "Where is Mel?" "I'm holding you're hand Bella." I say squeezing it again. "What the hell where you thinking, huh?" Jacob said sternly. "I just wanted to see something." she tried to excuse.

Sam came out of no where "Get her home! I'm gonna go help out at Harry's place!" Sam directed. "What happened at Harry's?" I question. "Harry Clearwater had a heart attack." He said slowly. I covered my mouth. "Charlie and my dad are over at his place with his family." Small tears started to form in my eyes.

Harry was always a nice friend to me and my dad I hope he was okay... Paul ran over to us quickly. "Poor Seth..." I whispered. "Is he okay?" Bella asked worried. He shook his head.
"He's gone.." The tears that had formed finally started to fall. "Mella, What the hell happened?" Paul exclaimed. I couldn't reply. All I could do was bawl. Paul kneeled next to me and held me for a second. The agony in the air, could go on for miles. Imagine how his kids felt, how his wife felt,— how dad felt. It was too sad. I couldn't even think about my sisters recently poor decision.

"I'll take Bella home." Jacob volunteered. "Mel, do you want to go with me to Harry's or go with jake?" In response I grabbed Paul's hand, it was hotter than ever like.. 98 degrees hot.. We ran to Harry's quickly. "This would be so much easier if you'd phase-" Paul joked. "I bet." I replied laughing sadly wiping the tears off my face..
"Know what fuck it!" he hollered. "What?" I asked. He quickly picked me up bridal style and ran faster. "Oh I guess that is easier." he nodded chuckling a little. "Jesus why are you so warm?" I burst. "It's a wolf thing." He nodded. I nodded back snuggling into his chest. I s absolutely freezing.

At Harry's I rushed inside and hugged dad. "Where is Seth?" I asked quickly. He pointed to Seth's room. I walked over slowly and knocked on his room door. I slowly opened the door to a crying Seth quickly wiping his tears. I sat on his bed next him and hugged him. He cried into my shoulder, holding me tight. "It's okay.. It's gonna be okay." I assured him. "I know.. I know how it feels, Seth.. It's okay." I said with a small grin. He stayed silent. I felt so bad for him. More tears dripped from my eyes because of all the sadness surrounding the house.

"Where's you're sister?" I asked. He shrugged. I saw Paul standing in the doorway. I looked at him with sad eyes. He looked back with a sorrow filled face back at me. I sighed. "Seth.. Do you want me to stay or do want me to give you some time alone?" I asked quietly. He slowly let go and nodded for me to leave him be. I nodded back in return and walked out and shut the door.

I cried into Paul's chest with to all the sadness I had just consumed.. He ran his fingers through my hair to comfort me. "It's okay.. Don't worry.." he whispered into my ear. Dad walked over to us. "Paul, can you take Mel home to check on Bella?"
Paul nodded and we walked out together.

I wiped my tears with my sleeve which was still wet from the water earlier. We got into Paul's car and drove to the house. Her truck was home so I was glad she got home safely. I opened the door and permitted Paul to come in with me. "Bella!" I yelled. There was a note on the kitchen counter.

Mel, Edward is in danger.. I'll be back soon. Stall dad! - Bella

My eyes widened. "She left?!" I asked myself flabbergasted. I groan, annoyed. I look over at Paul. "Are you busy for the rest of the day?" I ask. "No I don't think so." He said looking outside. "Well- Bella dipped so do you wanna maybe hang out for a while?" I suggest. "Yeah sure I guess so." Paul said nodding.

In my room we talked about random shit like, our favorite colors. Like how I like green because it reminds me of the forest and how he like blue because it reminds him of the sky. Stuff like that. It was dark and the stars were out so I figured we could climb on the roof and look at them. "Wanna go on the roof?" I asked bored of our endless talking. He looked over at me. "yeah sure." He shrugs.

I grab his hand and took him to the window. I opened and slowly climbed to the roof ledge. I signaled Paul to hurry up. It was still cold but it didn't bother me. I looked up refreshed.. "The stars are so pretty.." I sighed leaning back on the wall. "Yeah.. like you." He said nudging me. I blushed slightly and giggled. "Thank you." We looked at each other and blushed again...

I looked back up at the sky. "Shooting star!" Paul pointed out. I look quickly "Make a wish hurry!" I tell him quickly. I make a wish of getting my drivers license. "Please please please." I whispered. He chuckled "What?" He asked curiously. "A license... I wished for a license." I told him patting his back. He giggled at my stupid wish. I rolled my eyes playfully. "I also hope Edward dies...." I say sarcastically. "I hope all vampires die." Paul adds on to me. I nod slightly. I look at the ledge slightly. I was still damp from earlier. I wiped under my eyes quickly incase my mascara was ruined.

"Paul?" I ask quietly. "Yes, Mel." He days looking at me. "When- when did you imprint on me? I want to know the story, if you don't mind telling it.." he thought for a second. "Uhh sure.." He thinks again. I get comfortable so I could listen. "So, before I phased, I only thought you, Jake, Embry and Quill as a bunch of nerds, which you kind of are...
But, after I phased--- So here's the full story. Me and Jared were walking by and Jared pointed out some music you guys were listening to some music that he liked. I look over and I saw you, singing your heart out. You guys didn't notice we were there. And then everything  changed. I needed you in my life that very moment but I.. I couldn't have you, for the safety of you, and the boys and just the tribe in general. Ever since that day I looked for an excuse to pass by the shed just to see you. "

"I was jealous of Jake... he lived a normal life and got to be friends with the prettiest girl I have ever seen. When you two split, I didn't get to see you as much.. until Bella showed up here. I've probably never been more greatful.. Now here I am, hanging out with you. I. I kinda love you" His story was so sweet, and so light hearted.. Did he mean what he said... when he said he.. loves me? I liked this dude already.. but love? He's one whole step ahead of me. Surely he doesn't love me, surely it's just the imprint talking.. But I felt safe with him.

"Wow.." I say kind of surprised. "I know.. kind of crazy..and straight forward... I'm sorry." He said looking down. "No, don't be sorry." I replied. He looked at me and we both stared into eachother s eyes. "You're eyes are really attractive, Paul.." I saw mesmerized by his deep black eyes. He cupped my face with his hand and leaned in for a kiss, and I had no problem kissing back.

Devoted ~A Paul Lahote Story By, Addy SchroederWhere stories live. Discover now