Chapter 3

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There was dead silence in the car. It was getting so awkward. I keep fidgeting with my fingers, looking outside. I could even hear myself swallowing. My throat felt dry. The full moon was shining brightly. 

When I was young I always used to think it was trying to follow me. Somehow I believed it was following me, to keep me safe. I even used to talk to it telling it to stop following me every where, cause I'm a big girl now. Childish I know. But that what it is. And even now I feel a sense of security knowing it was their for me. 

My stomach twisted in pain. I haven't eaten throughout the day. It was unusual of me. But I was getting wedding jitters. But now I wished I had eaten something before leaving the venue. I actually had a dream, regarding my wedding day. I have always wanted to go to a drive through and order something. And than go to a quite peaceful place. Like a park or something like that at night. Just sitting and telling eachother about, how we imagine our lives to be from now onwards, what we expect from eachother. Things we like and don't like. And you know just have a nice time alone. 

But as I took in the in the awkward silence, I knew that won't happen. This isn't a normal marriage. Rather it's a forced one. It's wrong of me to expect anything from him when he didn't even wanted to marry me in the first place. 

He have already done more than enough when he accepted me as his wife. I'm already a burden on his shoulder, their is no need to add anymore of it. 

I could see his arms, with rolled up sleeves. The veins in his arms pretty obvious making me sigh at the sight of them. He had beautiful hand. With long finger and cute small nails, which I prefer might I add. I turned my head slightly towards him. My breath got stuck in my throat for a sec, when I took his full foam. When the burning in my chest became to much to hold, I exhaled, slowly. 

He was so handsome. Clean shaved, thick brows, brown eyes which almost looked pitch black in the moon light and sharp jaw line. I'm starstuck looking at him. My lips parted slightly, a shaky breath escaped. 

I guess he noticed me staring cause soon he clenched his jaw. And I looked away right at that moment. Even though I so wanted to trace my finger on that jaw. It was unfair, so unfair. I realised things would be more messed up. He was handsome and I was just a girl. I sink into the seat. Looking stright ahead. 

Soon my eyes started feeling heavy and I was drifting off, having not so innocent dreams, about my newly wedded husband. 

I sat wide awake in the car. Not knowing what happened or what I'm suppose to do, as my husband just left me sleeping in the car. What a jerk. Huffing and puffing I managed to get out of the car due to my big dress. I looked around the big house. There was small fountain right next to the car. And the entrance door was opened. I entered the house and looked around. It was a modern looking house. It wasn't a big mansion like my house. But it was a more than enough for two people. 

I was looking around the lounge when I heard footsteps coming downstairs. As I turned, I saw Xavier coming down roiling his black shirt sleeves. He was wearing black pants and white converse. He looked like that handsome collage student no one could take eyes off. 

He stopped at the end of the stairs, when he saw me. He met her eyes. And both of them stared. When it became difficult to hold eye contact, I looked away feeling awkward.

And just like that he left. I stood there, thinking what the hell i'm suppose to do. Sighing, i took the stairs and went to the second floor. There was small garden with chairs, with an open roof and sliding door. It looked mesmerising in the night light.

Opening the first room, there was a small library. I closed it not intrested, knowing that would be the last room anyone would find me in. The next door led to a beautiful classic looking room. There were two door. The next door leads to another room. But unlike the previous room, its theme was dark. There was a whole shelf holding marvel figures.

There were few posters here and there as well. In a corner there was a whole gaming setup, lit with blue lights. It must belong to Xavier as there were his clothes thrown on bed along with towel and shoes near the bed.

I so wanted this room to myself. I would definitely be using that gaming area, thats for sure. But i think i would have to ask him first. Closing the door, i opened the door right acroos it. But it was locked. Shrugging, guess i would be talking the first room. I went in there. My stomach growled. I rubbed it then looked down at the dress.

I need to change and than i'll eat something. I slid the closet door open and found it empty. I looked around the room trying to find my suitcase. It was no where. Gulping i went to his room. Opened his closet but my suitcase wasn't there was well. It couldn't be. He didn't took my suitcase out of the car?!


His laugh echoed in the car. "This is just the start, just wait and watch what i'ld do with you Rose." He thought. He parked infront of the fimiliar club. And went inside for another night of drinking, dancing and fu*king.

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