Chapter 5

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I flinched and a squeal escaped from my mouth, when I felt a hand on my thigh. With my heart in my mouth, I looked at at the owner of the hand.

A small chubby baby stood infront of me, smilling foundly at me, showing few of his front teeth.

My heart calmed down a bit seeing it wasn't some pervert. Smiling, I waved at him. His smile grew. He tapped my thighs repeatedly. " Peyy, peyy, peyy" he exclamied with joy.

" Huh?" Not being able to understand what he is saying, I looked at him with a frown. "He wants you to play with him." A soft voice explained. I looked at the voice which belonged to a petite but curvy figure of a teenage girl. With black hairs and glasses set on her nose.

"Ohh" I stood up and smiled at her. She forwarded her hand and I placed mine in her, greeting her. "He's adorable. What's his name?" I questioned. Looking down at the 2 year old, with small blond hairs.  He was already looking at me with his electric blue eyes. Bending down, i forwarded my arm and he imediately ran into them. Scooping him up in my arms, I stood up facing the girl.

" Alex. He seems to like you already. He's quite picky." He seemed to not like what she said cause he soon shrieked. "What? I'm telling the truth, Alex." Her eyes big in disbelief.

He turned his face away. Wow such attitude, in such a small boy. No doubt Xavier has it as well. I chuckled, amused.

" What's your name?" She asked. " Sofia. And you are?" I asked. " "Maria. I'm his aunt." She explained.

"Peyy." He tapped my cheek. Drawing our attention to him. "You want to play with me, Alex?"

He nodded. "Let's play than." Smiling, the three of us made our way to the swings.


It was nearly dawn, when I reached home. Time passed by so quickly with Alex. He didn't even wanted to go home but I promised I'ld meet him tomorrow. Still he was sulking while going.

I learned they lived just a block away from our house. Smiling, I opened the door. Darkness greeted me. Turning my phone flashlight on, I searched for the switch.

Focusing on finding it, I forgot to pay attention to my surrounding. And went straight into a wall. Screaming from the sudden collision, I fell down on the marble floor.

The sound of my phone colliding with the floor was the only thing heard. And the flashlight went off. Surrounding me with darkness.

Definitely broken. There goes my fourth phone of this year. I need to be more careful before someday I injure myself seriously.

I stood up and at that moment the lights turned on. Illuminating the living room with bright light. Putting my hand in front of my eyes, I struggled to open them.

Slowly I pulled my hand away. I saw him standing infront of me, near the stairs, In a maroon shirt and black pants.

Why does he have to look so dam good all the time. " Dad invited us for dinner. " He informed and went away in the kitchen.

Would it kill him if he would just speak to me more than one sentence. I don't bite. Rolling my eyes, I went to my room, to get ready.

Xavier Pov:

" No, if you want me to come than it would be at a resturant. I don't want to come there." I demanded. This old hag is up to no good, i could just see the wheels running in his mind.

He would never insist on me coming over. If he wanted to have a bonding time with his daughter-in-law, he could have met her, or come here. But no he insists I come as well.

Well whatever is it, i still won't go hom- no its no home for you Xavier. It's his house. Memories of my childhooh clouded my mind.

" Make a reservation in a resturant, father. I won't come to that house. Message me the adderess." I cut the call before he could say anything.

Grabbing the counter edge, my jaw clenched.

" Come here Xavier...."
" You like it don't you..."
" How does it feel..."
" Shh don't think, just come to me. I'ld never leave you like her."

My head started to pound. Breathing felt like an impossible task. It feels like someone is squeezing my throat.  My eyes burnt with unshed tears. No don't let her get to you Xavier. Don't you dare. She isn't worth it. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Throwing my head back, i closed my eyes. I need a drink.

Leaving the kitchen I went upstairs passing her room, my steps halted. Standing like a statue infront of her door. My heart started beating. Listening to her humming a song. A song my mama used to sing.

" All the love is gone, gone, gone tonight.
I wish that you could stay by my side.
Even if it hurts all the time.
I want you to stay by my side...."

Her voice so beautiful. So delicate. How did she knew? How does she know that song?


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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