"Vain Hope"

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Doctor Ken sat at his office desk with his head buried behind a laptop. He was in black trousers and a silver-grey shirt. It was 8:00 p.m., most of the workers were long gone except for the guards and his secretary. It didn't surprise me. He was a workaholic. I had waited at a coffee shop nearby for everyone at the hospital to leave so that I could get him alone. The last thing I needed was to be a topic of gossip.

"Hello, Ken?"

Months had passed since I last saw him – surely enough time to give me some kind of immunity against him.

Looking up from his table, he gave a little indulgent, half-cocked smile and then stood. "Maria? I wasn't expecting you. What are you doing here at this time of the night?"

Vain hope. I swallowed, trying to quell the rush of guilty longing which made my heart begin to race as I stared into his face. Because was there a woman on earth who could have been unmoved by his presence?

"I know it's late, but I needed to talk to you."

"Come in." He pointed to a chair across from him. "Sit."

He took in my snug jeans and soft oatmeal sweater. He was looking at me in such an odd and piercing way that I could feel colour stealing into my cheeks. I swallowed down the acid taste of nerves.

"Is everything okay?"

"No." Wiping my sweaty hands down his jeans, I met his gaze. "I need some help. I remember the offer you made me the last time we spoke. Does it still stand?"

"Of course. What is it?"

"I need a place to stay."

There was a pause while he regarded me thoughtfully. Awkwardly, I wriggled my shoulders. Had I overstepped the mark and allowed my feelings to influence me? Was it a mistake to ask him for help after my entanglement with Edward? Wasn't there a danger that close confinement might prove too much of a temptation?

"Did Edward throw you out of his house?"

"No. I left. I didn't think it was appropriate for me to stay with him any longer. Since I feel so much better now, it was time for me to get back to my life."

I had left Edward's home amicably. Even though his face was a mask of disapproval as I left, we both knew it was for the best. That chapter of my life was closed.

"I have an extra room I could offer you," he said.

I tried not to be affected by the silken texture of his voice, but it wasn't easy. "Thank you."

"How long would that be?"

'I plan on looking for a house tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. My untouched salary, from the paid leave, will be enough for a small studio in my old neighbourhood. I won't be in your hair for too long. I hate to impose, but I didn't know where else to go tonight."

"It's okay. I'm always happy to help you, Maria. Don't worry about it. Take as much time as you need. When do you plan to come back to work?"

"Monday, if that okay with you."

"Of course. It'll be great to have you back."

"Thank you."

Shutting his laptop, he picked his jacket from the chair. "Let's go."

Carrying my luggage, Ken walked beside me, stealing glances with his peripheral vision. What was he anxious about? Was he nervous to bring to his house? Did I even want to know?

He was a relaxed and skilful driver, weaving in and out of the traffic with perfect ease. Once he parked his car in his gated apartment block, I followed him up the stairs to the first-floor house number 303.

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