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I opened my eyes and Jade was back in the room. She sat in the same spot as earlier, one leg pulled under her as the other swung back and forth. She ran her fingers along the side of the bed, her eyes far away.

I reached out and caught her hand, my fingers sliding between hers. It may have been incredibly selfish but I didn't want her to leave. I wanted her to stay as long as she could because I didn't know when I'd see her after that.

Her eyes lifted to meet mine but neither of us spoke.

I pulled on her hand and pushed the blanket aside with my bad arm.


"Please, Jade."

She sighed and her shoulders slumped but she moved the railing so she could lay down beside me. She didn't try to get comfortable at first. Not until I put my bad arm around her and covered us with the blanket. She rolled toward me and disappeared in my embrace, clearly needing to be close to someone.

We were quiet for a long time. Nothing needed to be said. I was still exhausted and knew it would take a couple of days before I was back to normal again.

Her shoulders shook a few times before her breaths slowed. She seemed to relax into me which I was glad to see. She needed to have some peace of mind for a change.

I rested my chin on the top of her head, finding any way to move her closer to me. I wanted to make her feel better. I didn't want to be the person that made her sad.

The door opened slowly and mom entered the room. She shut the door softly and walked over to the side of the bed.

"How are you feeling?"


She laughed. "I meant physically."

"I'm a little tired."

"I know you're worried about her but you need to focus on yourself, too. You're the one in the hospital bed, not her."

 "Technically speaking..."

She rolled her eyes. "Be serious with me, Dylan."

"I get it, mom. You don't think I'm freaking out about this, too?"

"I just don't want you to think this is all nothing. Your body is fragile and vulnerable. More so than we think."

Tears pricked at my eyes but I pushed them away, not wanting mom or Jade to see me crying. "I know."

She looked down at the blanket over Jade and me and ran her fingers over the light green material. "What kind of mom would I be if I let something happen to you?"

I wanted to take her hand and assure her that everything would be okay. That she was a good mom. But because of how I was laying, the only hand that could have done so was, well, gone.

"Don't think that way, mom." I said softly. It was weird that I was comforting everyone around me while I was the one laying in a hospital bed. I knew I had to take care of myself and focus on getting better. But I knew I couldn't do that when Jade was breaking down and mom was losing faith in herself.

Jake knocked on the door and stuck his head in. "Hey, um, do you care if I leave for a while? Cassie needs to go home."

Mom swallowed and relaxed her shoulders. "Sure, honey. Get some rest, too."

He shook his head. "I'll come back once I drop her off."

"No, it's okay, sweetie. I'll call Luke and have him come get us."

Jake rolled his eyes in true Jake fashion. "I asked him to watch Mel, remember. It's not a big deal. I'll be back later."

I met his gaze for a few seconds before he gave mom and smile and backed out of the room. Mom turned the small TV on and lowered the volume while we stayed silent.


Man, I didn't plan on making this chapter so dark and sad but that's how it ended up. It'll come into play in future chapters. Thank you for reading!

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