Chapter 13. Beginning of classes

Start from the beginning

For the last two months they stayed from morning to night always together, either training, learning the rules or just walking around the city in their free time. As such a tight group was steadily formed.

"Hello class, and welcome to your first course of the semester. I am Gabriel Collins and of course as all of you took the Seer test, you surely remember be from your admittance exam. As I told you then, I will be your general knowledge teacher.

As for what this actually means... I will be the one teaching you history, knowledge on every kind of supernatural creatures there are and how to deal with each one. That means weaknesses and strengths, general knowledge on packs, hierarchy and whatnot, and also rogues.

You may also think of me as your head teacher, and seek me with other problems you should have. Now then if you do not have questions, we should begin with a little introduction from each of you."

The courses ran throughout the day, and as they realized, beside the breaks for meals, there were no other breaks. They only managed to catch their breath at night, after eight o'clock, but they could tell it was just so they could sleep. Because when they did try to stay some more in the common room to hang out, half of them fell asleep on the couch.

From 8 am they had courses on general knowledge, rules and law courses, combat training, strengthening training, combat using weapons training, course on liberal discussions of situations on cases of misconducts with alphas, more general knowledge courses, more training, and more law courses until eight pm.

The only thing they were grateful for was the fact that at least after each course where they had to study, a course of combat followed, in this way they could rest their body and train their minds, and vice versa.

After two weeks of this tiring lifestyle, finally the general courses students had the opening of their school year. As the teachers would most likely participate at the ceremony, they naturally deduced that during the afternoon they could finally rest, after only undergoing combat training in the morning.

"Well then students, after washing up, please go to the central Amphitheatre for the opening ceremony." Their combat teacher, Riddick Cane, smilingly said. He was a buff tall middle aged man and even though his face laughed as he talked, he was actually the most terrifying teacher of all, as he had a 180 degree personality change during training.

Hearing his words, the students only then realized the hellish training ended, as most of the time during training, he referred to them as maggots. The only one he referred to with her title was Celia, as he called her alpha, but it was not because he respected her position between them.

It was because secretly he had also become her fan. He watched the melee war video numerous times in awe. And even if he wouldn't have watched it, just for the fact that she was the only one who could keep up with his training without much sweat, she had already gained his recognition.

The group sighed in relief on their way to the showers. They were thankful for the things they learned from their teachers. Their minds and their bodies had strengthened a lot in just two weeks, in two years they would become remarkable, just like the watchers they looked up to, but it was still tiring. Their clothes were soaked with sweat, as they walked in the direction of the showers.

"Honestly, why do we have to go to the opening ceremony? I mean for us courses have already started two weeks ago. Why can't we just have a break and head to the city? I haven't met some girls in a long time already. I need some female presence in my life. No offense alpha!" Marcus, the delta of the pack, quite irritated asked. The tall blonde man with blue eyes frowned irked because of the change of plans.

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