''What? Me? No, I didnt feel it'' Taehyung stumbled over his words and Samuel smiled. ''Whatever you say. Let's get this pictures.''

After all the individual shots Taehyung started to walk around on the practice field and took pictures of the boys while they were playing. It was kind of a challenge to take pictures that were in motion but after some takes, he found his way to do them. He was satisfied with himself after the practice was over. Even Coach Smith thanked him, and the boys said that they were curious to see their pictures.

While Jimin was in the locker room he waited outside on the grandstand and looked through the pictures. Suddenly he heard a dull thud and he looked up. He saw a sports bag lying on the ground and a person who was running on the football field. He followed confused the person with his eyes. When the person took something from the ground and turned around, he saw that it was Jeongguk. He held a bottle in the hand.

''You're still here?'' Jeongguk asked when he arrived where Taehyung was sitting. Jeongguk kept his eyes on him when he took a sip of his bottle. Taehyung nodded. He told him that he was waiting for Jimin so they can walk home together.

''I could give you both a ride since Jimin and I live in the Kappa Epsilon.''

''You live there too?''

Jeongguk nodded and took his bag from the ground. ''Only since September. Just moved here.''

He checked his phone and Taehyung was just staring at him. Jeongguk was pretty. He was wearing a tight black turtleneck that showed of his whole upper body. He was very masculine with all that muscle that decorated his chest and arms. But his face was quite different then his puff upper body. His long lashes, the deer eyes and his filled lips made him look soft. When he smiled at his phone, he scrunched his nose that made Taehyung almost coo.

''Why are you staring Taehyung?'' Jeongguk asked without even raising his head. He must have felt Taehyung gaze on him.

''I'm sorry.''

Jeongguk now looked up to him and smirked. That smirk again. ''Don't be''  Taehyung grumbled quietly and hoped that Jimin would finally appear. He could feel the whole time Jeongguk's gaze on him. That was karma for his staring.

''What did I miss?'' A soft voice called and Taehyung sighed. Finally, he was here.

''I'm going to take you guys with me. Come on took you way too long Jimin.'' Jeongguk said and led the way to his car while Jimin and Taehyung were following the boy.

The whole car ride home Jimin and Jeongguk were talking about something football related so Taehyung just kept staring outside the window. It was only a five minutes drive but when they arrived in the alley with all the fraternities and sororities they needed to slow down. The whole alley looked like a mall. People walking from one side to the other while greeting others. It was just a chaos and Taehyung couldnt wait to be in his room. Jeongguk parked at their fraternity and the boys got out of the car.

''Thank you for driving us.'' Taehyung thanked quietly and Jeongguk nodded before he immediately rushed in the house.

''I really dont understand him.'' Taehyung mumbled and Jimin nodded. ''He just arrived in September, so no one really knows him. Maybe Yoongi but after the had a fight they arent really talking anymore.'' He shrugged his shoulder and watched how he closed the door.

''That is weird. Yoongi is so nice. How can someone fight with him?''

''He's not an angel.''

''I know. We're all sinners Jimin.''

''You too? What is your sin, Mister Kim?'' Jimin laughed and changed jokingly his voice to a deep pastor voice but Taehyung gulped unnoticeably.

The days went by like a fast train. Thursday, some hours after midnight Taehyung was sitting in his bed and was sorting out the picture for the football team. He smiled at the pictures and focused to only pick the good ones. When he filled the file for Coach Smith, he was proud of his work and decided to go to sleep but his phone lighted up.

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