January 19th, 10:58:33 PM

Start from the beginning

After more screaming, crying, eating tons of ice cream, calling grandparents (spoiler alert: they cried too), and hugging, the Miltons finally sat down together quietly in the family room. And then Mrs. Milton finally dropped the bomb Castiel had been dreading on his way home. 

“Castiel, we almost forgot! You met your soulmate today!”

Thus began the bombardment of questions directed at Castiel.

“Omygosh Cassie, how was she?”

“Does she like sports?”

“What hair color did she have?”

“What was the first thing you guys said to each other?”

“Does she want kids?”

“Was she hot?’



“Did you guys use protection?”


“Sorry mom”

They all stared at Castiel in anticipation, faces full of excitement and curiosity. Castiel had considered telling the truth before, but looking at all their expressions, his mom’s loving one, his dad’s proud one, and his sister’s over the moon one, he couldn’t bring himself to say it.

“It..…was great.”

No one spoke, and Castiel could feel the lie burning as it rolled off his tongue, and his family’s expectant eyes on his back as he looked down, picking at the carpet to avoid looking into their eyes. 

“Well Cassie?! Tell us everything!”

Castiel hesitated. This was his one chance to just come clean. 

He spoke rapidly, his parents and twin almost missing the words he spit out in an effort to get rid of them. 

“She was wonderful. Very….um…good.”

The Milton that was younger by 2 minutes that his sister always loved to remind him of paused and tried to think of a plan. He pulled at the carpet, and sighed deeply, rubbing his eyes.

“Listen…uh…..I’m really tired. It’s been a long day…and…I’m….I just need to go to bed.”

He got up, leaving his family to stare at him in worry.

“Baby, is everything ok?”

“I’m fine mom, I’m just really tired. Good night.”

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