The girls spent the rest of the day catching up on homework their professors had set them even though nobody wanted to complete it. Dinner soon came around and Amelia was exhausted. Katie's constant pestering about packing, along with the large amount of homework Amelia was mentally drained. The duo made their way to the great hall for dinner. She saw a vast amount of different foods were laid on the table.

"Before we leave how about we do another last day of school prank?" Fred asked a smirk forming on his lips. 

"Yes we need to go out with a bang," Lee spoke. A cheeky grin plastered on his face. The group spent most of the dinner racking their brains with different ideas for their end of year prank. Some were too extreme others the group had done before. 

"Oh I've got the perfect one," Amelia said her eyes lighting up. "Every house has its own portrait which allows them to go into the common room right." Everyone nodded waiting for Amelia to tell them more. "We should swap the houses portraits. So Slytherin's could get the Hufflepuff portrait, Hufflepuff could get Gryffindor, Ravenclaw could get Slytherin and Gryffindor could get Ravenclaw." Amelia smiled at her genius plan waiting for their reaction. 

"It's brilliant," Fred said. 

"Oh it's going to be so great," George spoke clapping his hands together. 

"Look Amelia love the idea but how are we going to do it. The portraits are far too heavy for us to pick up and what if they tell on us." Katie was right if they wanted this to work they had to plan it out well. 

"That's true," Amelia said wondering how they were going to swap the different portraits without waking any of them. 

"Why don't we go to the library after dinner and do some research about the portraits," Lee said before continuing. "Then we can plan how we can move them. Dumbledore did replace the fat lady for a week there must have been some way he did that. We just need to figure out how." The group agreed quickly finishing their dinner and making their way to the library. 

The group entered the library. "Let's pair up," Amelia said as she watched Katie and Lee go together. "Alright, its the three of us since those two ditched us," Fred spoke.

Amelia asked Madam Pince where to find the books about the portraits in Hogwarts. As she made her way around the library her eyes scanning the different types of books. Her mind was still thinking about her mother's letter. What could she want to tell me? How is my birthday going to change everything? 

"Amelia you just passed the portraits section." George snapped Amelia from her thoughts. "Oh sorry. Let's get started." Amelia grabbed the first book called Hogwarts portraits a history. She flipped over the pages scanning the book. The book mentioned the different portraits and what they meant. She moved on to the next book and within the next hour, she had been through at least 10 books. 

"Still nothing on how to move the portraits," Amelia said looking back at Fred and George who had their heads buried in books. 

"There has to be something in here." Fred placed his book down grabbing another. "Dumbledore moved the portrait some way and we need to figure out how." Fred was sitting on the floor, besides George who was sitting in the chair. Amelia was standing with her back against the wall. 

"Wait wait, I think I've got something," George said standing up, bringing the book towards Amelia. "Many people have tried to move a portrait without their permission allowing them to alarm the Headmaster. Portraits are simple just ask if you can move them and they'll say yes. Some portraits are heavier than others using the levitation spell known as wingardium leviosa can help you move the portraits to where you wish." Amelia read a smile forming on her lips. Who knew it was that easy to move a portrait Amelia thought to herself. 

"Where are Katie and Lee it's been over an hour," Amelia said not realising until now that her two friends had not joined them. 

"It's Lee and Katie they're probably snogging." George joked allowing Amelia and Fred to laugh. The twins and Amelia spent the next hour planning how they were going to play the prank. Amelia told the boys she would catch up Katie on how they were going to prank the entire school. 

The plan was simple during Friday around at midnight the five of them would sneak out of the common room. They would break off into pairs Fred with Amelia. George and Lee together with Katie to make sure the boys don't get distracted. They would ask each of the portraits if they could move them around, just like the book had stated. Using the levitation spell they would begin to switch the portraits. They had to do all of this without getting caught and without waking anyone. Fred and Amelia would swap the Hufflepuff portrait with the Slytherins and place the Slytherins portrait in the Ravenclaws area. George Lee and Katie would swap the Gryffindor portrait with the Ravenclaws and take the Ravenclaws portrait and place it in the Slytherin area. The plan was coming together. Fred and George agreed to take the Marauders Map with them in case a teacher was roaming the halls.

Once Amelia reached her dorm room she caught Katie up with the plan. The two girls were filled with excitement as they went over the plan multiple times before heading off to bed. Amelia soon fell asleep her mind thought about their prank soon to be coming up. Her mind wandered and soon landed on the topic of her parent's mysterious letter. Amelia's eyes became heavy and she felt herself drifting off to sleep.

A/N: Also, the people who commented twilight were correct, I was thinking about it too.

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