Chapter 13

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It was Halloween night. The night where all kinds of mischief and strange things are born. In fact, mischief was definitely going to happen as there a massive Halloween party being held where all the houses were going to be attending. Amelia, the twins, Lee and Katie were all attending but after the last party they were taking it easy on the alcohol. 

It was an hour into the party, Amelia was chatting with Luna and sipping her butterbeer, taking caution in hopes of not getting drunk again. Amelia's eyes occasionally scanned the room trying to find Fred. Luna noticed the way Amelia zoning in and out of their conversation. She had a worried expression on her face and Luna felt bad for her lovesick friend. "Go to him," she said. Luna saw how stressed Amelia was, she only wanted best for her friend.

"What. Go to who?" She knew exactly who Luna was talking about but didn't want to jump to any conclusions. 

"Fred of course. You've been looking for him this entire time, and don't think I don't see the way you two look at each other." Luna was right she did miss hanging out with him, she missed her best friend.

"Thanks, Luna." She said while finishing off her butterbeer. Amelia went through the large crowd in search of Fred. She spotted his twin hanging out with Susan. George always had a thing for her and it looked as the two were flirting with each other. Amelia didn't want to disturb the two but made a mental note to interrogate him during breakfast tomorrow.

Amelia spotted Katie sitting on the stairs alone her eyes lit up as soon as she saw Amelia. "Where have you been. I've been so bored." Katie huffed.

"I've been with Luna now I'm trying to find Fred but he's nowhere in sight." Her faced slightly dropped at the thought of Fred not being around her.

"Well, let's go find him together." Before they could leave the staircase Fred appeared but he wasn't alone. His fingers were intertwined with Angelina Johnson, the two were giggling on there way up the stairs barely noticing Amelia.

Amelia could feel the lump growing in her throat. She had never felt this kind of pain before, she thought she was over him. How could she be over him when hot tears were rolling down her cheeks. Katie grabbed Amelia's hand and took her to the nearest bathroom. "Oh, honey. Boy's are just stupid he doesn't know what he's missing out on." Katie tried her best but her comforting words were no help. The two sat there until Amelia caught her breath and calmed down.

Amelia was a mess. The two decided to cut the party short and made their way to their dorm rooms. Katie could hear soft sobs coming from Amelia but decided for her to cry it out.


The next morning Amelia was a mess. With last nights memories rushing back she felt sick. Amelia tried her best to fix her appearance she even used some of Katie's makeup which helped with the dark bags under her eyes but she still felt broken inside.

The two made their way to breakfast and sat down with the twins and lee. "Hey, guys did you enjoy the party," George asked he had a cheeky grin on his face.

"Yes we did, but I'm sure you had a better time hanging out with Susan," Amelia added trying to take her mind of Fred. George blushed at the mention of Susan. He really did like her. George went on and on about Susan and how the two just connected at the party. Amelia tried to focus on George but her mind kept going back to the red-head boy. She occasionally glanced at Fred to make herself feel better but she just made herself feel worse.

It was the first of November and Amelia decided to focus on her upcoming exams for the semester and would send a letter to her parents to let them know she was coming home for Christmas.

Amelia knew it would be too hard to spend Christmas at Hogwarts with Fred around so going home would give her a break from her boy drama.

She spent day and night in the library focusing on her studies trying her best to forget about Fred. Amelia would occasionally see him walking from class to class with Angelina and her heart would ache. She was ready to leave Hogwarts during her winter break and when she would arrive her feeling about Fred would be gone.

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