(1) The Beginning

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George smiled as he walked into the bright sunny world, he had a bright smile on his face that just couldn't be removed

He had his items in hand as he turned to face his entire family

Today was different

Today he left to be on his own

No more would he return to his mother in the kitchen, or his father in the garden, not even his brother in the living room

He was finally going to college, and it was exciting, to say the least

He would finally be on his own for once

Not having to worry about anything other than himself

Of course, he'd still be worried about them, but he knew they would be just fine and content in England

He was on the steps of the large two-story house

The moment he walked off those steps would he no longer be his mothers 'little boy', he would become an independent adult

He was going to be on his own, and it was nerve-wracking

He would no longer return to his family, but rather his roommate, whom he still had yet to meet.

He would no longer be his mother's 'little man'. He was now a grown-up, who still had a lot of growing up to do in all honesty

He was going to be on his own and it was amazing

He was no longer going to be his mother's 'Baby' but rather a grown-up, making his own decisions and taking care of himself. It was actually quite exciting knowing he would no longer be dependent on his mother and father

He inhaled deeply and took a few slow steps

He smiled and looked back at his parents, waving happily as his mother looked so helpless and sad

His father giving him bright smiles though he himself was on the verge of tears

His shoes stepped on the grass blades

He had done it

He was off the steps

He smiled and began walking towards the sidewalk that would eventually lead him to the bus station

"If you get someone pregnant before you marry, you can forget your life mister!"

He giggled at his father and waved him off, of course, he wasn't going to do that. He was going to be far too invested in work to even think about something like that


He'd stopped as he heard the faint voice in the distance call his name

He turned and was immediately tackled into a hug

All the air being knocked out of him as he attempted to steady himself before he fell backward

He looked up and saw familiar dark eyes staring down at his

He smiled as the other person had tears in their eyes, their eyebrows furrowed

"Forget college, we- we can rob banks!.. you won't have to leave cause we'll have all the money we need!"

He giggled and pat the others' head softly

"Nick, you do realize I'm majoring in criminal investigation and forensics right?"

The other chuckled, "Great you can get me a get-out-of-jail pass."

George rolled his eyes at his younger brother

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