"That is totally obscene!" I squawked out, fully aware that he could see the heavy blush in my cheeks. There was no way he was actually going to turn this drawing in to his teacher. He'd surely get in trouble. "Oh, please." He snorted and rolled his eyes, waving a hand in the air. "I have eyes, you know. I think it's totally accurate, if I do say so myself." He teased, blue eyes glinting playfully. I huffed and frowned at him as I shifted a little, self consciously looking down at my own body. "My body doesn't look like that, does it?" I mumbled to myself, uncertain. I knew I had big breasts, but he drew them bigger than he had drawn my head!

"You don't sound very certain of that." Luke said, his gaze flickering from my face to my breasts that were popping out of the neckline of my red and white checkered crop top. He didn't even try to be subtle about the way he was ogling my body. "Maybe you should let me see them a little more up close and personal, just to be sure I got them right." He flirted casually, meeting my eyes again.

"Stop that!" I gasped, knowing I was as red as a tomato as I turned my face down, fidgeting. "Geez. I knew you were a flirt, but to flirt with me...? You must be desperate for a girl's attention or something." I said softly.

It wasn't meant as a dig at him but I knew he had taken it the wrong way when the playful look wiped off his face and he stared at me intently. "It's quite bold of you to say I'm trying to get you anywhere just because I flirted with you a little." He scoffed, furrowing his brows. I could tell he was frustrated with me, so I felt bad that I had offended him. "I didn't mean anything bad by it. I just meant that, well..., you don't seem very fond of me. I'd probably be the last girl you would want that sort of attention from." I explained, causing him to frown slightly and the anger in his eyes dissipated.

"You act like I hate you or something." He responded, crossing his arms over his chest with an eye roll. I paused and cocked my head to the side a bit, confused. "You don't?" I asked. Truthfully, I just wasn't sure if I fully believed that.

Luke smiled a little. "If I didn't like you, I wouldn't be doing this portrait of you for my art class. I wouldn't hang out with you after school. I wouldn't have even a single fucking thing to do with you. But you're....you're unfortunately much more likable than I thought." He confessed, surprising me. I couldn't help but to grin widely, feeling surprisingly giddy at the thought of him liking me even just a little bit. Although Luke had certainly come off a little mean at first, I'd come to really like him.

"Oh." I said dumbly, too busy smiling to think of a proper response. He raised a brow and smiled in amusement. "You're awfully smiley over there, bubbles." He teased. I giggled and shrugged my shoulders. "What? I thought that you still hated me, all this time..." I confessed, and he bit his bottom lip slightly.

A silence fell between us and I bit my cheek, glancing back down at his drawing of me. I frowned immediately, remembering that he actually planned to show that to another person. The idea of that was a horrific one. "Um, you're gonna redraw that, right?" I muttered, pointing a finger at his drawing. Although I wasn't an artist by any means, I knew it was certainly a thousand times worse than what I would have drawn—mostly just because he'd been so crude when he drew me. Geez. I couldn't help but to pull at the strap of my cropped tank a little, wondering if it made my breasts appear too big.

"Hell no, I'm not." He snorted, shaking his head. I pouted and crawled closer, staring at the drawing with a furrow in my brows. "But it's embarrassing..." I complained, shifting slightly as I settled down next to him. A gust of wind suddenly blew my hair and I huffed, feeling it all fly into my face. "You'll be fine. I don't know why it matters." He muttered, pushing my hair out of my face.

I just about squawked at him. "I-It's the boobs! I'm telling you, they're obscene!" I exclaimed. Hopefully neither of my neighbors were outside or they'd probably be concerned about our conversation.

He just chuckled and shook his head in amusement. "They look accurate. Don't pretend, bubbles." He tsked. I saw his eyes flick down to my cleavage and I quickly turned away, blushing brightly. "You mean my...t-they actually look big like that?" I squeaked. I hoped the answer was no, because the ones he'd drawn were totally disproportionate.

Instead of reassuring me or trying to comfort me, he just slung an arm around my shoulder and leaned into me. The scent of coconut and some woodsy smell hit my nose with his close proximity, and I could feel his warm breath fanning my jaw. "You probably don't really want the answer to that." He muttered, making me frown deeply. "I wanna know." I pouted, feeling his arm tighten around me. He was hesitating, I could tell by the way he played with a strand of my hair. "You'd better not get mad at me." He muttered, seeming to give in.

Luke leaned in and my face burned as I felt his lips brush my earlobe. "Your tits are fucking wank bank worthy, bubbles." He purred playfully.

I couldn't help but to squeal, my face hot as the sun as I pushed him and scrambled around a little bit when I pushed him. His arm still around my shoulders, he yanked me and I went tumbling over onto him when he fell on his back from my shove, almost hitting his head on a rock. "Damn, Lilah!" He cursed, lifting his head to look at me with a frustrated furrowing in his brow.

When his eyes met mine he immediately fell hush, gazing at me with surprise. At first I didn't notice what it was about, but I quickly realized that my body was pressed firmly against his, my breasts against his stomach and my lower belly against his hips.

I just about broke my own leg trying to get off him so fast, stammering out apologies as I smoothed my skirt down and then cleared my throat. "S-Sorry!" I exclaimed, mortified at the position we'd just been in. Luke, being who he is, just smirked at me and sat up. "You're so flustered right now." He said with a chuckle. "It's so funny how much of a prude you are." He teased. I gently nudged his arm with mine. "I bought that costume for Halloween like you wanted. I'm not hardly as bad as I was." I said defensively.

"No, no." He tsked. "You couldn't even try it on at the store. I'll bet you still haven't. Maybe I'll think about reconsidering calling you a prude if I see you in it." He shrugged, causing me to huff and stick my nose up. "I said I would wear it for Halloween, so I will!" I said firmly.

For a moment he just paused, and then Luke chuckled softly. "You should at least try it on sometime when you're alone, to see if it fits." He suggested, making me blink up at him.

"Okay." I said quietly. He looked back down at the drawing on the grass and scratched the back of his neck. "I guess I should get to work on a new one, since you don't want me to show this one to anyone." He said, gesturing for me to get into the position I'd been in earlier. I did so quickly, a little taken aback.

He was being considerate of the fact that it made me embarrassed to have someone see that drawing he'd done of me.

Wicked Temptation / l.h ✔️Where stories live. Discover now