Franziska's Investigation Day 3 Part 2

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FEBURARY 15, 12:45 PM

I took a helicopter back to Eagle River on the cliff as quickly as I could. Not before bringing some help with me. While I was certain of Terry Fawles' murder, I wasn't entirely certain of the Attempted Murder on Miles. The Hospital scene was very obvious. This one was not. (1) 

Miles had cut the cable ropes connecting the bridge, so that he and Dahlia could escape, but then what about the Phantom? It was clear his motive to threaten Miles' life was based off of a misunderstanding. It was for that reason he kidnapped Maya in the first place. Though, if there is anything I know about the rules of Attempted Murder, one can avoid it by proving two things: retraction and impossibility.

The moment where attempting the murder for the Phantom would be impossible was distance. So long as he was nowhere near Miles' location, there was no possible way he could be a threat to Miles. So then, the question lied, if there was a way he could still kill Miles after the moment of threat? There was also retraction. Obviously, even though the Phantom did attack Miles in the hospital, he still retracted. This would mean that, so long as he did retract at that very moment, the only accusation I can place on him is Assault. There was also that one piece of evidence I still cannot make sense of: the empty bottle of rubbing alcohol.

With me, I brought Damon and Nicolas. I was able to make sure all charges against Nicolas were dropped as I have promised to the Head of the P.I.C. After all, he was only used as a decoy and witness to a trial. He may still be a witness to the other trials, but I will need his help for this one. The Attempted Murder on Miles' life by bridge is definitely debunked, yet Miles is still convinced that Pat Roland still attempted to murder him. Why? Was there something more than just a mere threat?

"So, mind telling us why we're here on the snowy mountains? Not that I don't enjoy the beauty here as much as the next guy, but I wouldn't exactly choose this place as the spot to investigate," Damon asked.

"... it's to meet with Dad, isn't it?" Nicolas asked, his facial expression looking serious.

"Heh, you're a smart one, but yes, Nicolas. I have a few questions to ask your father concerning the Attempted Murder on Miles' life. Miles was able to give me clear testimony concerning the incident on the bridge, claiming he was the one that cut the bridge. Despite this, he still claims that Pat Roland still should be charged with Attempted Murder, even with the impossibility of being murdered during the time on the bridge," I explained.

"Worthy thinks his life was still at risk, even with the distance and despite the retraction on his own assault," Damon responded gravely.

"One thing that has bothered me is that, despite having been saved by Shelly De Killer, he somehow lost his memory. While I can't imagine the man providing him a safe landing, I don't believe the landing in itself would be enough to make him amnestic."

"Interesting. How do you believe Worthy developed Temporary Amnesia then, if not from free falling?"

"There are two other ways I can think of that would be possible. One is sudden immersing in hot or cold water."

"But, Miles never landed inside Eagle River," Nicolas pointed out.

"I know that! I'm only bringing up possibilities. There is one other possibility."

"Another?" Damon asked.

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