1st Trial

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FEBRUARY 13, 7:00 PM

After my long travels from my investigation, I decided to pay Miles a visit. With his father now being involved with Dahlia's Case, I can't help, but worry. It feels like yesterday I had first met the boy as he was helplessly being taken away by Debeste's men. He has grown into a fine young man, but even now, I still see the scared little boy in tears, crying helplessly as he was being taken from his father. He was filled with so much kindness and forgiveness I never deserved. It still amazes me how easy it was to forgive me for pointing that gun at his father. I could never see myself giving my father's killer the same generosity.

No matter how many times I've prided myself in my teachings in helping him come so far in Prosecution, I could never admit how far I've come because of him. If not for Miles, I would never have found the courage to face my trials and imprisonment. My pride would have got in the way of facing my own imperfection. Gregory may've reminded me what perfection truly meant, but it was Miles that gave me courage.

I knocked the door, then heard Miles say, "come in!"

I opened the door and found Miles watching TV. Steel Samurai. Of course he'd be still interested in that blasted show. I still don't get how a 20-year-old man can be so interested in a children's show. I certainly wouldn't be caught dead watching Mooseman or Mimi Mouse. (1) Perhaps it's the generation of our youth. I sometimes worry.

Miles turned his head toward me, then smiled, greeting, "hello, Mr. Von Karma."

"Hello, Miles. How are you feeling?" I asked, ignoring the show playing on the TV.

"Okay. My memory is still hazy, though. I'm starting to remember some things. Mr. Shields showed me some photographs of myself with my family and friends. I remember Father's voice, the song to Steel Samurai and a lot on Prosecution and Law."

"Do you remember anything on the collapsing of the bridge?"

"Not much. Just the flying blue phoenix and... I remember seeing eyes of someone I loved. I thought I could find those eyes in the pictures Mr. Shields showed me, but nothing."

"Nothing huh? I am to guess Mr. Shields never showed you a picture of your girlfriend, Dahlia Hawthorne?"

"Not really. D-Do you think it's her? Am I in love with a murderer?"

"Ha, I doubt it. In fact, I received information from one of your friends and Dahlia herself that the relationship was a phony one you participated in."

"... so... it wasn't real?" Miles asked, his eyes widened in surprise.

"So I'm told. Though, I can hardly confirm it, unless it's from you."


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