Manfred Von Karma's Investigation Day 2

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FEBRUARY 14, 10:14 AM

Since Franziska had a trial, I decided to drop her off at the courthouse before making my way back to the mountains to investigate. There were still many unanswered questions that needed answering about Miles' accident. One thing that became clear was that Miles may've had secret meetings with Dahlia, perhaps the Hawthorne sisters. I can still recall Sister Iris giving Miles the hood the acolytes wore here. She mentioned about Miles having saved Dahlia, then making her promise not to tell anyone.

There was also the murder of Terry Fawles and Maya Fey. I get the feeling they are both connected to Miles' Attempted Murder somehow. Is it possible that the one that tried to kill Miles also successfully killed Maya Fey and Terry Fawles? That seems very plausible. Either way, this requires further investigating.

"Good morning, Mr. Von Karma!" I heard Nicolas greet me, running to me almost too excitedly. Geez, for someone that's supposed to be 20, he certainly acts like a child.

"Good morning, Nicolas," I greeted back.

Behind Nicolas, I saw two women dressed in robes. One of them felt familiar. They wore black hair that held some gray and wore wrinkles on their faces with age. Though, one's robes were black with her hair up, while the other one's was purple with her hair down.

"Good morning to you, Good Sir," the woman with the black robes greeted.

"Yes, good morning. It's been many years since we've met, Mr. Von Karma," the woman with the purple robes said.

"Excuse my forgetfulness, but I can't seem to remember you," I replied.

"How can you not remember Mystic Misty for she-" The woman with the black robes glared almost angrily before the other woman put her hand in front of her.

"No need to be angry, Morgan. It has been many years. It can't be helped. I am Misty Fey. I was the one, who assisted Mr. Edgeworth during his trial, while you were Prosecuting Blaise Debete's trial," Misty replied.

"Ah yes. You're Prosecutor Fey's mother."

"You haven't met my sister. This is Morgan Fey, my elder sister. We have heard word about my nieces and grew worried," Misty introduced before explaining.

"Yes, is my Dear Dahlia alright?" Morgan asked, having seemingly controlled her anger.

"She is on trial for the murder of Maya Fey. Mia Fey is prosecuting for that trial," I replied. I tried to be gentle about this as much as possible, but if it wasn't from me, then it would be from  Prosecutor Fey, who I knew was already under a lot of stress.

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