PreTrial Investigation Part 1

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FEBRUARY 12, 7:10 PM

I cannot believe this! I am busy in the middle of work when I get a call to come to this place out in the middle of this mountain! I can't say I've never been in charge of investigations outside of the city limits, but I don't recall Germany ever being this deathly cold. Unfortunately, this area is protected by the government of Los Angeles. I just happened to be the one chosen to take this case. Considering my reputation, I don't have much of a choice in the matter. The P.I.C. doesn't fully trust me, since I'm now tainted with a criminal record. Unlike 12 years ago, that record has become my burden in my work.

Lana Skye was chosen as my detective, since she had been wanting to tackle this case. It's clear she's doing this to please her mentor, Damon Gant. I've heard he's currently trying to apply for the position as Chief Detective. That is expected of him. He's gained himself quite the reputation, since DL-6. It's been his goal to destroy the Smuggling Ring that ruined his childhood friend, Gregory Edgeworth. Though, the International Smuggling Ring has been close to extinction since his appearance five years ago. Somehow, I know Gregory has some hand in this. 

Either way, there's only one reason I am taking this case. There seems to have been sightings of Nicolas De Killer. He has made quite a name for himself five years ago here at Dusky Bridge, located at the Hazakura Temple. From what I have heard, the story goes that there was a young girl taken hostage by Terry Fawles. Unfortunately, a single arrow had tore the bridge. According to Mr. Fawles, the bridge had snapped off the rails, since the emergency ropes that normally held the bridge had been cut in advanced. He quickly grabbed onto the edge of the broken bridge before climbing down to that patch of land at the bottom of the cliff below the bridge. As for the young girl, she had disappeared at Eagles River. Because of the arrow that cut the bridge, Terry Fawles was only charged for kidnapping. As for the girl, her whereabouts have never been found and she was declared dead by the police. It's considered to be the first target by Nicolas De Killer, who has taken on the legacy of his father, Shelly De Killer. (1)

I've been conducting research on Nicolas. They say he is the Assassin That Never Kills. Unlike his father, any target he takes out rather disappears, goes to prison, is separated somehow or mysteriously disappears. He leaves his card whenever he has successfully taken out his target. There's still so much mystery to this man. No one has seen him or knows what he looks like as far as I can tell. If they have, they say he is like a phoenix. The phoenix of blue fire is his symbol on his calling card. I won't deny that I don't know much about him, but I know this much: Gregory is closely connected to him and he is the reason the International Smuggling Ring has been crippled severely.

Appearing at the gate, Ms. Skye and I saw the one in charge of the temple appear in her kimono and a white hood. She smiled at us, taking a bow.

"Ah, hello there, sir. You must be Prosecutor Von Karma," the woman said.

"Yes, and who are you?" I asked.

"Sister Bikini. It's a fine honor to meet you hahahahaha!" Sister Bikini replied, her hands on her hips as her face began giggling. Of all the strange names I've heard, this one certainly has left me baffled. Is she trying to advertise her cult like some sort of Swimsuit Magazine? Whatever. I have more important things to worry about than trifle stuff like that.

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