17. Anyone Else Would Separate You

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I'm super sorry about the wait, but I do have a new Rini Au out. Slightly inspired by drama in my life if I'm honest. Guess what! I have a really stupid crush on my guy best friend who I'm 70% sure likes my ex- best friend. Wow, I'm the CEO of oversharing on the internet, huh. While I should be doing homework about Hitler that I need to do not to get an after school detention, and revising for my drama mock tomorrow, I'm going to write instead because I've really missed it and I finally have motivation today.

Nearly everyone at the table burst into bouts of laughter, even Taylor was stifling a chuckle which he quickly ignored once he received a glare from Laura.

"Ahem. Yes we should probably address it."

"First;" Laura sighed, "Girls." She stared at them all, "Out please." They groaned in unison and left the kitchen, bustling and pushing each other to get out the door. The husbands and fiancées awkwardly shuffled behind them, offering sympathetic smiles to Olivia, they'd been in her position quite recently... it was not fun.
"So..." Taylor trailed off, avoiding eye contact with everyone at the table. "We've talked about it and-"
"-and" Laura cut him off, locking her hands together on the table. "Anyone Else would separate you and blah blah... but-"
"But-" Laura rolled her eyes affectionately at Taylor's interruption, he winked in response. "We made that mistake with the girls, we know putting you in separate rooms won't change anything, and you're an adult now. So, on one condition, we'll allow you to stay in the same bed" Josh's eyes were as wide as saucer, this was not what he expected. On the other side of the door you could faintly hear the annoyed hiss of his sisters.
"What the hell? I wasn't allowed to share until I was married" Winter scoffed,
"Didn't stop you though, did it?" Claire laughed with Hannah. "Ouch" She shouted, Winter had obviously slapped her.
"I-uh, what's the condition?" Josh stuttered, glancing at Olivia nervously.
"We want to speak to Olivia. Alone"
"Oooooo" The girls giggled together behind the door. Squeezing her hand in support, Josh nodded and walked towards the door. As he opened it, Claire stumbled toward into the room. Clicking her tongue, she closed the door behind Josh and herself. There was evident rustling, probably fighting about who got to listen closest. Winter and Claire would win of course, they always did.

"Hi." Her voice wavered nervously,

"Hey" Taylor offered with an awkward chuckle but Laura got straight to the point.

"What are your intentions with my son?" 

"I- huh" Olivia stuttered in shock, coughing she pulled herself together. "To make him happy... and to love him," Their raised eyebrows only hurried her up, she rambled anxiously. "I just want him to be happy, I know Alice really hurt him as much as he's too proud to admit it. I could never do that to him, I promise that. If I ever come in between him and happiness, or safety or think I'm causing him even an ounce of pain. I swear I will remove myself, let him hate me just for the chance he'll go on to be happier. Because-" She went down to a whisper level, "I love him." 

Taylor and Laura grinned at each other, Laura put out her hand to shake. Olivia beamed and accepted it with an exaggerated "Phew!" They all laughed and walked to the door. Expecting a pile of girls (with a Josh somewhere in the mix) to fall through, they opened it. But only Claire was left standing there with a falsely innocent smirk. 

"Everyone else left, saying some rubbish about privacy." She laughed, shrugging her arm over Olivia's shoulder dramatically, "I have to say, that was a very adorable speech." Olivia blushed in embarrassment but soon joined in with a soft giggle.

"Knock, knock." Olivia whispered at the door, Josh hurried to meet her.

"So, what's the verdict? Is this goodbye?" He pouted sarcastically. Playing along, she sniffled and threw herself down on the bed with a sigh. 

"Star crossed lovers, ay me! Want to kill my cousin then have a small miscommunication that ends in a double, kind of triple, suicide?" 

"Sounds familiar, almost like it's been done before." Josh pointed out, grinning and reaching out for her hand. She pulled him down abruptly. They were squished together, cheek against cheek, their broad smiles touching at the corner. "ROMEO TAKE ME SOMEWHERE WE CAN BE ALONE-" Josh began to shout, horrifically off key. 

"AAH!" Liv yelped as she tried to stifle the noise with her hand. "Do not ruin the sanctity that is Taylor Swift." 

"Sorry! Sorry!" Josh wheezed through laughter and soon they were both clutching at their sides laughing. "I want to do this forever" He whispered, suddenly sobering. Clutching her hand, he turned with a serious smile. "I don't think I could ever not need you." She had no idea how to respond other than to grip his hand back even harder and smile. A smile that said more than she could put into words. 

Later that night they stood awkwardly by the bed, 

"So, how are we doing this?" Josh swung on his heels and fiddled with his fingers. Painfully obviously ignoring Olivia's amused smirk. 

"Choose a side I'm going to get changed." Josh nodded dutifully and began to sort out the pillows. "Hey" She came out bashfully dressed in a old graphic tee and black joggers. "Which side is mine?" He pointed to the side closest to the window and moved away to let her on. She sat awkwardly with her hands clasped over her thighs. "So... what happens now?" 

"We go to sleep?" Josh laughed, running his hand through his hair and scrunching his nose in confusion. Nodding she slid down under the covers. Josh joined her, flipping to face her, their noses brushing against each other. Staring at her face, he couldn't help but grin for what seemed like the thousandth time since they'd seen each other this morning. Caressing her face with his palm, he pressed a soft kiss to forehead. "Goodnight Liv."

"Goodnight Joshy,"  she blushed in return. Swivelling around she lay so that her back was pressed against his chest. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he snuggled down so his chin was resting on her shoulder. He fell asleep quickly, she smirked knowing he was finally hers. The soft sound of his snores lulled her into a slumber. 

They woke up to the sound of clanging pots and pans, 

"WAKE UP LOVE BIRDS!" Claire sung at the top of her voice, all the other girls had gone home last night after dinner and she'd taken it as her responsibility to wake them up. 

"Oh my god." Josh groaned, chucking the pillow under his head at her. She dodged it effortlessly, 

"Mum and Dad made pancakes downstairs, hurry up and put some clothes on." 

"We have clothes on dingus." Josh stuttered, Olivia just turned around and buried her head into his chest. 

"G'Morning Claire" She snuffled, 

"Aww, you guys are kinda cute... but if you wait any longer mum and dad are gonna think you're having sex so you might want to hurry your asses downstairs." Josh frantically nodded, panicked. Jumping as far away from Olivia as he could in one step, the girls giggled. 

"Let's go then" Oliva replied decidedly, stumbling out of the warm covers and trying to smooth down her nest of a hair. She was in uncharted territory and completely unsure of what to do next but she guesses their making it up as they go. 

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