15. Anyone Else Would Have Destroyed You

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Sorry it's been so long, I've been back at school for a week now. I've just started my last year of GCSE's and it is the most horrific thing ever, a bunch of it's been cancelled but it's still really weird. To top it all off, I finally broke things off with my toxic best friend and boyfriend. My mental health has not been great and I've had really bad writer's block. I'm so sorry but I'm going to try writing a couple chapters today. Sorry for the rambling :)

"Come on Josh, you can do this. All you have to do is tell her it's over. It's going to be okay." His voice wavered as he whispered to himself with his arms tangled around his torso as if he was hugging himself. "Just do it. Get it over and done with, then you can take Olivia on the best date of her life." He grinned mischievously. He had a plan, a really romantic one, it was going to knock her off her feet. All the way, his fingers shook, creating a pattering sound on the steering wheel. Before he knew it, he was pulling into the driveway. Low and behold, Alice's car was already out front. Dialing his phone, he tried to avoid looking at the gleaming silver car.

"Hi. Yes, I called you earlier. I just wanted to check you did it. Thank you"

The lock clicked in the door, it was eerily silent.

"Joshy." She sneered,

"Don't call me that." He muttered, already losing his sense of confidence.

"Don't interrupt me you lying scumbag. What were you playing at? You are ungrateful, you don't deserve me but I'm willing to give you another chance-"

"I don't want you!" He spat, "Listen to me Alice. You're right, I don't deserve you. I deserve better."

"God! You are so idiotic. Stupid, ugly. No one could ever love you, I took pity on you" When Josh didn't respond she grabbed him by the face. "Olivia will never love you. If you leave me, you'll me alone forever. Even batshit crazy Olivia wants better than you. You are lucky to have me. Anyone else would have destroyed you" She gripped harder onto his cheeks until her nails created red crescent moon shaped indents into the side of his face. "You. Are. Worthless."

"No." He spat, ripping her hand of his face like it burnt him. "I am not and I love Olivia. I will make myself worthy enough for her if it's the last thing I do. But I am sorry, I never should have dated you while I was so emotionally unavailable but that didn't give you the right to treat me the way you did. I thank God the next guy you try to play your little games with will only have to search your name to find out everything. It's over Alice. I'm glad that all I've been though wasn't for nothing at least I might be able to save the next person. " Alice stared, stunned to silence which was fairly uncommon for her. "Now. Get the hell out of my house."

"No." She stuttered.

"Fine." Josh muttered. Walking casually to his room, he grabbed a couple random boxes.

"What are you doing?" Alice asked, her voice high pitched and anxious. Josh continued, ignoring her, scooping her belongings into them. A couple lip glosses, a pair of leggings, some hair bands. Snatching her purse, he rummaged through it. "STOP IT!" She yelled but it fell on deaf ears, he would no longer let himself be commanded. He found the set of keys, he pulled off what gave her access to him. He never wanted to see her again as long as he lived. "Josh. What's going on." She whimpered, it had never been like this before. She had always been the one leaving. Chucking her purse into the box, he tucked away the keys. As he combed the house, Alice screamed redundant insults into his ears and tried to pull him away as they walked. Her slaps rang through the house, her punches echoed off his skin. He remained stoic and unaffected.

"Alice. I'm going to throw this out the door and you with it if you don't leave right now."

"No." She gulped. Josh sighed and gently moved her out with both hands on her shoulders. She screamed, wept and fought against him. Hastily he slammed the door before she could get back in. Pounding her hands on the door, she yelled insults and accusations.

"Don't bother trying to get back in. I've changed the locks." Josh announced with a smirk. " See you never." He laughed as he strolled into his bedroom. It was time to plan a date.

"Hey mum. Is it alright if me and Olivia come over for the weekend?" Josh asked with a smile over the phone,

"Sure Joshy, I can't wait to meet her. What on earth is that screaming?"

"Oh, that's Alice. I ended things." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"I'm proud." She was obviously shocked. "I always thought she was horrid and that my boy deserved better. Your sisters are very excited to see her."

"Of course they are." Josh giggled nervously. "I'll see you tomorrow, I love you mum."

"I love you too honey." He hung up with a smile and collapsed onto his bed. He couldn't wait to spend as long as possible with Olivia. After a couple hours, Alice had finally given up, Josh ventured outside. The door was covered in scratches and there was a dent where Alice had thrown a pair of heels at the door. Shrugging his rucksack into the backseat, Josh drove in the direction of Olivia's parents' house. When he arrived, she was waiting by the door.

"Hey" She whispered.

"Hi." He responded at the same pitch, pulling her into his arms. "I finally did it."

"Are you okay?" She held his cheeks in order to check. Josh winced as her hands grazed the marks Alice had left. "I'm sorry, what happened?"

"Uh. Alice kind of hurt me a little and I just freaked but it's okay" Olivia squeezed his hand as a sign of comfort and led him to the car.

"Do you wanna drive?" Josh asked, when Olivia shook her head sweetly he opened the door with a bow. "M'lady." She giggled with a nod.

"Thank you, good Sir."

Reaching out his hand, Josh interlocked his fingers with Olivia's. He used her hand under his to move the gears. Sensing her staring, he shrugged.

"I wanted to hold your hand."

"I know." She smirked.

"So. We're here." Olivia gulped, 

"They're gonna love you, I promise" Josh assured with one last squeeze to her hand before he let go to open his door.  They were about to knock when Olivia gasped, putting her finger up in the waiting signal, she ran back to the car.

"I forgot these." From her bag she pulled a baking tray of chocolate brownies. Stepping next to him with a grin, she looked up at his face of stunned admiration.

"Wow." He smiled, "You're amazing." He pressed a quick kiss to her cheek, dangerously close to the intersection where her lips met. As she blushed and stared down at the silver foil, he quickly knocked on the door.


"It's her!"

"Oh my god!"


"Aah!" A chorus of shouts came from the other side of the door, where all of Josh's sisters were crowded, all squeezing to get to the front and see them. Claire pushed out and wrapped her arms around Olivia's neck. "I haven't seen you in so long."

"Excuse me!" Josh rolled his eyes. He was now holding the tray, which had been hastily shoved into his hands when Claire tumbled towards Olivia. "Your brother is here."

"Mmhm, Okay. Hi Josh, thanks for bringing us Olivia. You can go now!" All the girls laughed and Olivia quickly grabbed his hand to stop him from stropping off. "I'm kiiiddiing," She sighed, "I've missed you. As all five of them rumbled towards him, it was Olivia's turn to hold the tray. She watched with a sweet smile as he was suffocated with a group hug.

"Come in here!" Hannah pulled Olivia into the hug, right by Josh's side. Abandoning the brownies on the side of the path, she snuggled into his shoulder. Things were good. But how long would this last?

Author's note: So sorry this took so long, I'm actually writing this on my morning break at school right now. I'll write a long chapter this week hopefully :)

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