14. Anyone Else Would Kiss You Right Now

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"Hi guys. It's time for us to tell you the real story. The unadulterated truth, about Alice, about us and our relationships which includes the accusations against Olivia and myself."

"Okay... I don't know how to say this, but Alice has been blackmailing me into staying away from Josh." 

"Alice is a manipulative person, our whole relationship, she was emotionally abusive. She broke down my self esteem and said horrible things about  me until I was forced to do things I didn't want to and felt like I had to stay with her because she made me believe I didn't deserve anything and that she was pitying me just by being with me." Josh paused and looked to Olivia continue. 

"She announced their relationship without any permission or warning, she continuously said horrible things about both of us at any opportunity. Threatening to break up with Josh and ruin his reputation and career." She smiled at him, attempting to comfort. 

"She made me make a post about our relationship even though I didn't want to."

"Then." She grimaced, "She called me. Blackmailed me to make a post about it by saying I was in love with Josh. She said she would tell everyone I was 'an obsessive little freak that won't leave MY boyfriend alone' She said she would tell everyone I was trying to break them up, that I was stalking him and stealing his clothes. Which I wasn't"

"Any articles of clothing of mine that Olivia has are ones I've given to her, before I was in any sort of relationship." 

"She threatened me to stay away from them both and not to say anything, said she would be watching." 

"She hid from me for a couple days, but it was difficult because we were on set together. Eventually, she broke down and I went to find her. As I was comforting her, she took a photo and made the video you've seen." Josh frowned and quickly patted Olivia's hand.

"When I saw the video, I freaked out. So, I left Salt Lake and went home. That's where the restaurant photos with my mum came from." 

"Then." Josh giggled awkwardly, "I got a call from my manager about the situation and after a couple of hours of being an idiot I realised she'd gone home with her mum." 

"Didn't you say Matt showed you the thing on instagram?" She laughed, putting a sympathetic hand on his arm. 

"Technically, then I called Olivia's mum and she offered to pick me up from the airport. Once I got here, we talked about everything and decided to make this video."

"We just wanted to explain everything. You are under no obligation to believe us, we just want the real truth out there." Josh reached out and was now holding Olivia's hand. 

"Thanks for listening." Shyly putting her head down, she blushed lightly and refused to look at Josh. He let go of her hand softly as he went to turn of the camera. "Give me that, your phone too." Josh handed her both with a confused grin. "I'm doing us both a favour. The second we upload this we delete instagram. Okay?" Josh nodded with a smirk. 

"Can we just go to sleep? Until this is all over." Josh suggested, snuggling down into the sofa next to her. 

"Sure." Olivia smiled, "But not here." She pulled him up from the sofa and upstairs, ignoring his groans of annoyance. They lay down together on her bed and for a while, no one existed but them. 

""Ahem" Olivia's mum coughed with her head poking around the door, "aHEM" Josh stirred awake at the noise and quickly jumped away from Olivia, nearly falling out of the bed. 

"Hi-i" His voice cracked nervously, 

"You two have a call from Tim Federle, Matt told him you would probably be here with Liv." Josh nodded nervously and accepted the phone as Liv's mum left, before shaking Liv awake.

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