11. Anyone Else Would Be Thinking Of Themself

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Sorry this is late, I went camping again and have basically been procrastinating for a week after that. Quick question: If I wrote an original book, would any of you read it? Because I have this idea for a book and I really want to write it.

Coughing slightly, she shifted awkwardly in her seat before making shy eye contact with the camera.

"Uh Hi. I don't really know how to say this but it was a long time coming and I think I finally have to tell the truth." Sighing and looking away briefly as if to prepare herself, she blinked and looked down. Playing all the classic sympathy points. "Today I was driving down to Salt Lake City to surprise Joshua. A-and after what I saw, I realised I can no longer stay silent." Fiddling with her fingers, she once again averted her gaze and continued to speak as if she was quietly ashamed it had come to this. But of course, she wasn't. She was absolutely thriving like a pig in filth. "For multiple weeks now, Olivia Rodrigo has been harassing me." She paused for affect in order the audience time to absorb her information. "She has been saying horrible things to me that I can't in good conscience repeat for you. Continuously threatening me to break up with Joshua and even stealing his clothes." Tears trickled down her cheeks, every drop fooling the audience a little bit more. "She would put them on and send me pictures of herself wearing them. Taunt me and make up lies, such as Josh giving them to her when I know that isn't true." She let out a broken sob before she continued. Briefly stopping to wipe her eyes and apologise for how she looked. But she'd planned it so she actually looked quite stunning. Her blunt cut short black hair was tucked behind her ears messily, leaving a few pieces to straggle and frame her face in a subtle way. There was not a trace of snot on her face and the tears were small, pretty and idyllic. She had a cream knitted jumper shrugging off her left shoulder exposing it and the lacy lavender crop top underneath. Her makeup had been smudged slightly as if she'd been crying for a lot longer, but not enough to disfigure or hide her features. Medium gold hoops swung from her ears delicately as she moved. "She would make hideous accusations like Joshua was in love with her and was only using me for the media attention and his new song, which is absolutely untrue. Joshua loves me, he has told me that and I know he was telling me the truth and we got together a long time before Anyone Else was going to be released as a studio recorded song. It's impossible, I know Josh wouldn't do that. I really didn't want it to come to this but today," She winced as if what she was about to say physically hurt her. "today, Olivia coerced and manipulated Josh into straying from our relationship." She took a shaky breath and looked down the lense of the camera, hardening her expression as if she was challenging Olivia. "I know Josh would never do that to me unless he was under the influence of someone like Olivia. She is obsessed with him, it's bordering on a psychotic and stalkerish level. Everyone deserves to know who she really is, especially Josh and her fans who follow her blindly, unaware of who she really is. She is a sick, disturbed child who seriously needs help." Wiping the tears from under her eyes she frowned grimly, " I never wanted it to come to this." Reaching out, she kept up the facade, before turning off the video. She giggled to herself with perverse excitement before titling the video and uploading it with no concern or thoughts of anyone but herself.

'The truth about Olivia'

Olivia had barely made it back to her apartment when the notifications started streaming in. Her manager had sent an urgent message demanding she got to Alice's instagram and explain the situation to her. Panic was starting to rise up as she opened the video. Olivia spluttered defences to herself as the video unfolded in front of her.

"I never said anything to her."

"I never stole anything, he gave them to me willingly before she was even in the picture."

"The only time I've ever talked to her was when we met and then when she blackmailed me into staying away from Josh."

"Me and Josh are only best friends and have never acted as anything more?"

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