Chapter 14

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Walker's POV
Well, Instagram doesn't seem to be a problem anymore, which is good. Right now we were just chilling on the couch watching tv.
"Imma go to the bathroom, I'll be right back," I said getting up walking to the bathroom.

~10 minutes later~

A few minutes later I went back to the living room and saw almost all the girls around Indi, she looks upset. What happened. The girls saw me and immediately looked away. What's going on. Indi looked at me and she looked like she was crying
"Hey what's going on, what happened," I asked confused at the scene. Indi just looked at me. "What?"
"You know what!" Indi almost practically screamed in my face. What is happening right now?
"I kinda don't. Can you explain?" I asked her, she looked somewhat mad and upset. I've never seen her like this.
"You are so unbelievable Walker, I can't believe I dated you," She said rolling her eyes. Dated? But we're dating right now.
"What, are you dumping me," I asked in a quiet voice, my voice almost cracking in the process.
"Wow, you understand that at least," She said in a calmer voice. She took off the bracelet that I had brought for her, the one that had matched mine, and threw it to me. I was so shocked, I didn't even catch it. It landed on the floor, I looked down at it, and by the time I looked back up, she was already upstairs. I just stood looking down at the bracelet I still haven't managed to pick up. All the noise caused a few of the boys to come downstairs.
"Yo, we just saw Indi storm into her room what happened," Declan said. I was trying to say something, but I still couldn't manage to. That's when I heard all the girls say a bunch of stuff. Something about Piper, something about me. But I couldn't focus on what they were saying when I just got dumping by someone who I care so much about. I still didn't say anything but I found myself at the front door getting ready to leave when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Where are you going dude," Stefan asked. My voice was quiet but I still was able to say one word
"Out," I said quietly, then he let go of my arm, and I walked out of the house and walked along the beach. My head was spinning. I was so confused, mad, upset, anything but happy at what just happened. Everything was just started to get back on track with us again.

What did Piper say that made her dump me? Ughhh, I can never have a good stable relationship. As I was walking, I just decided to go to Gavin's place, cause it's not that far from here. My phone was constantly ringing, but I didn't even bother to answer it knowing it was probably some of the boys.  I got up to Gavin's place,  I saw the whole squad sitting up on the steps.
"Yo, Walkie talkie, back so soon?" Gavin said getting up from his seat and bro hugging me. I chuckled at his nickname for me
"Yeah, Indi just dumped me and I just had to get out the house" I explained looking down.
"Awww what happened," Sophie asked coming up to me hugging me as well. I excepted her hug and hugged her back
"I honestly don't know. I went to the bathroom for like a minute and when I got back, she just started yelling about something Piper had told her, and then she dumped me" I told them. Gavin gave me and sympathetic look and another hug. He was one of my best friends, really glad he's here.
"Damn man, that's harsh. Well, you're welcome to stay over today if you want, I can't imagine how hard it would be, being in a house with your ex" He said giving me a small smile. I returned his smile.
"Yeah, thanks bro," I said back.
"Why don't we go out to eat somewhere" Sicily suggested. We all agreed. We went back inside and I put some of my stuff down I didn't want to take with me, like my phone, cause I didn't feel like talking to anyone else right now. Once all of that was done with we went out to this outdoor restaurant it was really nice.

~1 hour later~

We did a few stories and some tiktoks got noticed by a few fans that saw us. On our way out the paparazzi was there and wanted to do a short interview.
"What are you guys doing in Hawaii?" One of them asked filming us.
"You know, just on a quick vacation, still filming content for youtube and stuff," Gavin said. I was standing right next to him.
"So Walker, are you back with the Goatfam, like what's goo g in with the vibe crew?" Another one asked me.
"No, I am not in the Goatfam again, just hanging with my best friends like old times. I am still in the vibe crew" I told them quickly not wanting to talk about the vibe crew, cause it just reminds me of what happened a few hours ago.
"What about Indi? You still with her?" The same one asked me.
"Yeah, we are still together" I lied. I didn't want to say we broke up and if I do d out that we broke up for a reason and then get back together, that will cause a lot of questioning. So until I find out what happened I'm not saying anything else about it. I slowly elbowed Gavin and gave him that "Can we go now?" look, he got the hint
"Aye, of was nice talk g yo you man, but I think we need to go now before it gets too late," Gavin told the paparazzi. We said bye to the paparazzi, let them take their final pictures, and drove off. Gavin was the one who drove back.
"What was that," Gavin asked looking at me. I gave him a confused look. "Why did you tell them that you and Indi were still a thing?"  He asked.
"I didn't want to tell them right away, especially if why she dumped me was just a misunderstanding," I told him. He gave a "really" look. "Until I talk to her, I'm not announcing anything," I said again. He just looked at me and nodded and continued driving.
"So do they know that you're with us," Solo asked. I shook my head.
"I kinda just left the house without saying where I was going or when I would be back," I said. They all laughed.
"That's savage, dude" Delijah said laughing. I started laughing myself.

We got back to the house and went inside, we also decided to go boogie boarding too. I went inside to check which I left here on the charger. I opened it and saw I had over 20 missed text messages and 30 missed calls

10 missed texted from Alex
2 from Stefan
3 from Gia
4 from Declan
1 from Corrine

15 missed calls from Alex
3 from Mom
5 from Madison
7 from Ellie

Jeez, they really know how to blow up someone's phone. I saw mom had called me so I called her back
M: Hello
W: Hey mom
M: Omg! Walker! Thank God you're ok!
W: Yeah I'm fine. Look, I'm at Gavin's house, and I was thinking about spending the night here
M: Ok that's fine, thanks for telling me
W: Uhuh, and can you not tell everyone where I am, I feel like they're all gonna come down here and I really just need so e space right now to clear my mind
M: Ok, sure thing honey, have fun, I'll see you tomorrow. Love you
W: Bye, love you too!
End of call

I decided to open some of Alex's text because she literally spammed me.
Hey you ok
Where are you
Are you coming back soon?
Are you ok, no one can get a hold of you
Answer my calls, please
Where are you right now, are you by yourself?
When are you coming back, it's getting late??

I feel bad, but I don't feel like talking to anyone, I just left the messages on read and turned my phone off again.
"Yo dude, you coming?" Ryker said poking his head in the room. I nodded, putting my phone down, and followed him back outside,  where some of the girls were sitting on the beach and all the boys were in the water. We started messing around in the water and we somehow convinced the girls to get in. We were all having a great time them this massive wave came up to us sweeping us all underwater. That was really fun though not gonna lie. We all came back up and started laughing.
"Where's Sicily?" Paesha asked looking around still laughing.
"BOO!" Sicily yelled from behind me
"OMG, you fricking scared me" I yelled holding my chest. Everyone started laughing more.

After a while we inside getting ready for bed. I was honestly dreading going back home tomorrow.
"Walker!" Gavin yelled snapping me out of my thoughts
"Huh?" I asked not hearing what he said.
"You coming? We're gonna watch a movie before bed" He told me.
"Right, yeah," I said nodding follow him to the movie room.

OMG! SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!! I've had massive writer's block for a minute. HUGE thank you to the person who suggested the theme for this chapter. I'm gonna do Indi's POV in the next chapter. Love you guys!!!❤❤❤❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2020 ⏰

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