Chapter 5

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Walker's POV
"Ummm, why do you wanna know?" She asked stalling
"Cause, we know someone who might like her, and we wanna know if she likes them or not" Stefan said. Bro, I can't believe this is happening right now.
"Tell me who, and then I'll tell you" She said. I sighed.
"Ok ok, the guys who likes her is me" I admitted. She look like she was about to scream
"Ahhhhhh, omg, yessss!!!!!" She shouted. I was right. Why is she so excited though
"Yeah, yeah, big deal, now who does she like?" Enzo said wanting answers.
"She likes him" She said pointing to me. Wait what!?!?!?!?!? She likes me!!!! Holy crap!
"I knew it! I freaking knew it!!" Jd shouted. I can't even think right now.
"Walker! Are you not gonna say anything?! This is huge man!" Stefan said patting me on the back.
"To be honest, I don't know what to say" I said kind of laughing.
"But, there's one thing...she said she wasn't ready for a relationship  yet" Alex said.
"Oh yeah, I get it, we just met and everything, it takes time. But I don't want anyone telling about this. Me knowing she likes me, me liking her, I don't want he to know yet" I said. I don't wanna date right now either, yes I do like her, buy we just met, I wanna get to know her better.
"Umm ok" Alex said walking off.
"I mean it!!" I shouted back, I hope she doesn't say anything.
"So what are you gonna do now?" Declan asked.
"Well, I definitely need to get closer to her somehow" I said. This is great, she likes me, I like her, now I need to start making some moves.
"Hey guys we're going live, wanna join" Gia shouted.
"Yeah sure!" We all shouted back and went over to the table they were at. I stood behind Indi. I wanted to get her back for scaring me earlier. So I didn't say anything while I was behind and then put my arm around her shoulder, hugging her kinda and she jumped
"Jeez, you scared me!" She said putting her hand on her chest.
"That was the point" I said back, mocking her, cause she said that to me earlier. She playfully rolled her eyes and looked back at the live screen.
"What's up everybody" Ellie said talking to the viewers. I realized I still had my arm around her but she didn't seem to mind, so I just kept them that way.

Indi's POV
So Walker's had his arm around me the whole time. I'm totally not blushing right now, ok, maybe a little. I see comments from the fans saying me and him are cute together, or are we together, or I ship it. Then of course, there is hate comments, but I don't pay attention to that really.
"Ok, we're gonna do a Q&A. So ask some questions, and we'll answer them" Azalea said.
"Ok, I see one" Corrine said. "Are walker and Indi dating? Or do they at least like each other? Oooooo!" She finished.
"Out of all the questions,  you choose that one" I said laughing.
"Just answer it!" She said getting excited.
"Ok ok, no we're not dating and do we like each other....." Walker paused. I looked at him. Wait does he like me?
"So, do u like her Walker" Ellie said.
"As a friend, yeah" He said. Well that hurt. I looked away from him, trying not seem upset by his answer. I actually thought he liked me.
"Ok, um, I think we're gonna end the live, we'll start going live more often though, so we'll see you guys later" Gia said, probably could tell I was upset now.
"Bye guys!" Everyone but me said, and then ended the live.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick" I said, Walker took his arm from around me, and I walked to the bathroom near by.

Walker's POV
I think Indi is upset. Damn it. I shouldn't of said that.
"Bro, what the hell were you thinking" Stefan said looking at me.
"Walker, you're brother, and I love you and all, but what was that?!" Alex said
I put my hands over my face
"I don't know. I wasn't. If I didn't want her knowing, I didn't want the fans knowing yet either" I said.
"Well, you know you really just hurt her feelings" Alex said
I probably just made the dumbest mistake of my life.
"Can someone please explain what just happened?" Corrine asked. Alex explained the whole thing, me admitting I liked her, which all the girls screamed over, and even stuff I didn't know about until now, so Indi does like me. And I just said I didn't like her, damn, I need to fix this.
"You better go find her, before she leaves or something" Azalea said. I nodded and then ran to where the bathroom was. As I got closer, I heard something, that kinda sounded like crying. Oh God, please don't be Indi. I got closer and it definitely sounded like her, Damn. I knocked on the door.
"There's someone in here" She said quietly.
"It's me, can you please come out real quick, I just wanna talk to you" I said.
"I don't feel like talking right now Walker" She said, she sounds so upset. Bro I need to fix
"Please" I begged. I heard something from inside and she eventually came out of the bathroom. She's definitely been crying. "About what I said I-" I started.
"No it's fine. I don't even know why I was so upset, it's not like I like you or anything" She said. I can tell she's lying.
"Indi, one, I know you're lying and two, I didn't mean what I said, I didn't want you knowing yet, and I didn't want the fans knowing either yet" I explained. She just looked at me.
"So, you do like me?" She asked me. I nodded
"Yeah , I do" I said smiling. She started to smile back. I opened arms wanting a hug. She hugged me
"Awwww" We heard from behind us. We pulled apart and looked behind us. The whole squad was standing there.
"How long were you guys there?" Indi asked.
"Totally not the whole time" Gia said looking away. I chuckled. "So you guys are together now?" She asked. I looked at Indi and she smiled at me.
"Yeah, I guess we are" I said putting my arm around her.
"Ahhhhhhh!" All the girls screamed.
"Jeez calm down!" The boys yelled back covering their ears.
"I just wanna say if you hurt my sister, I hurt you" Azalea said glaring at me. I chuckled
"Promise you, that won't happen" I said to her. The girls screamed again.
"Soo cute!!" They screamed.
"Oh my God, stop yelling!" The boys yelled over them. They stopped screaming.
"So are you gonna tell the fans about this?" Corrine asked calming down.
"I guess we should right?" Indi said looking me. I nodded. "Ok then we'll make the video later" she said smiling.
We continued our day just having fun. And we would film the video later.

~2 hours laters~

So all of us decided to go back to Indi's place, cause it was getting kinda late and so we could film our video. The rest of the squad was hanging hanging out in the living room watching a movie and me and Walker went to my room so we could film. We got to my room and started recording.
"Hai guys it's me Indi Star, welcome back to my YouTube channel, and today I'm here with Walker!" She said. I went and sat next to her.
"Hi guys!" I said waving at the camera.
"So today guys, we have a announce to make....." She started. "So as you guys know we started the vibecrew a few days ago and have already made great friends, and had lots of fun. They are actually downstairs watching a movie right now" She said, then looked at me.
"Yeah, we all become pretty close, and some closer then others" I said looking at her. "What we trying to say is that me and Indi are now crushing on each other" I finally said.
"Yep, we are crushing, and just to let you guys know, so yeah, we just to make that quick announcement, so yeah, I'll post another video soon, and also go check out his channel and vibe crew's channel, and we'll see you guys soon. Byeee" Indo said. I waved to the camera and we ended the video.
"Well that was easy" I said to her. She laughed. "You wanna go downstairs with the rest?" I asked. She nodded, and we went downstairs with the rest.

Indi's POV
"Oh hey there love birds, done with the video already" Stefan said.
"Shut up dude" Walker said laughing. We sat on the couch and watched the rest of the movie with them. I was getting pretty tired, so laid my head on Walker's shoulder and a felt him put his arm around me.

~45 minutes later~

The movie ended and everyone was pretty tired so we just decided to have a sleepover here. We just somehow all fell asleep in living room. Me and Walker were on the couch still with some others and some were on the floor, which didn't bother them. I looked at walker and noticed he was already sleep.
"Aww look, Indi's boyfriend is already sleep" Ellie said. I giggled a bit
"Shh don't wake him up" I said to her and laid back on his shoulder and we all fell asleep.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter everyone! What do you think will happen next? Guys I'm starting to finally except the fact that windi is actually over😭 as much as it hurts, it could be way worse, they could've decided to not be friends, and one of them could've left the vibe crew, so this is better than nothing I guess. I just want both of them to be happy, and who knows maybe in 1 or 2 years from now, they could get back together. Anyways, I'll post again soon, byee guyssss❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖😊😊😊😊

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