Chapter 11

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Indi's POV
Oh great, now he's mad at me. What do I do now. Maybe I should talk to Alex.
"Alex, can I talk to you for a minute" I said, she was sitting next to Walker who looked up at me for a minute them looked back down at his phone. I looked away from him.
"Yeah, sure" she said getting up, walking to where I was sitting before. "What's up?"
"So you know when we were at the airport" I asked her, she nodded. "Well I saw my old friend, Piper I used to be in a squad with her so I went to say hi to her, then a few minutes later Walker came up to us and told me it was almost time to go and Piper told me her and Walker used to date" She just started at me, she looked nervous
"Ok, and?" She asked.
"Well when I asked him about just now he just kept telling me it wasn't important and blew up at me and stormed off" I started. "But why was he so mad at me  though?" I asked her. At first she didn't really say anything but then
"Walker just doesn't like to talk about that past so much, plus it was like 2 years ago so" She said looking at me. "Look, he asked me not to talk about it, so I can't really say much on it" She said again.
"Walker is mad at me and I just wanna know why. Was I not suppose to ask about it?" I asked her. She sighed.
"Ok, I'll tell you a little bit, but you have to promise not tell Walker or anyone I told you" she said putting her pinky, I grabbed it with mine. I nodded. "Ok, so 2 years ago Walker was in Piper's squad before you joined, they had a crush on each other, and eventually started to date. At first they started out great, then you know how every relationship goes, they started to get into arguments here and there, then one day walker cake home real mad, so mad I saw him punch a wall he acted like it didn't hurt. I asked him what was up and he said that Piper cheated on him with some Lev guy" She said.
"Lev?! That's her boyfriend now I think" I said. She nodded.
"Anyway, he tried breaking up with her but her mom wouldn't let him, if he did they said they would expose him, whatever that meant. So no matter how mad and frustrated he was, he and piper had to keep dating. But he didn't put in any effort to it anymore, basically ignored her most times. Then one day he was so over being in the squad he did so etching that he knew would get him kicked out the squad. He started hanging out with the Goatfam. Piper and her squad absolutely hate Gavin's squad, so after that he was kicked out, and joined the Goatfam." She finished. Wow, that's a lot to take in. Piper never told how she and Lev started dating I didn't know it was because she cheated on Walker first.
"Wow ok. Now I know why he probably didn't want to tell me" I said after a while. "Should I talk to him?" I asked her.
"I think you should wait a while and let him calm down a bit" She said looking at him. He had his airpods on,  focused on his phone. She's right, I'll wait til we get there to try and talk to him. I hope he's not to mad at me.

Walker's POV
The trip was kind of boring everyone was either on their phone or sleep. After a while I tried to get some rest too.
"Indi!! Where are you!" I said looking around. Eventually I walked to the end of the hallway and saw Lev, the one person I hated. (I know Walker doesn't actually hate Lev or have anything against him)
He was holding someone, someone who looked very familiar. I got a closer look.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Mr. Bryant" Lev said letting go of the girl. No, it can't be it was Indi.
"I-indi, what are you doing here?" I asked shocked
"Sorry Walker, it's not working with us. I found someone way better" She said turning to Lev. She kissed him on the cheek. What the hell is happening,not again.
"See Walker you can't keep a girl, they always come to me" He said smirking. I was so mad, I was about to punch him and he pulled out a weapon.
"Not so fast there bud. I wouldn't want to get hurt" He said in a low voice. Indi smiled at him. What the hell!!
"So you're gonna let him do this!" I yelled at her. She just smirked. She looked back at Lev and then he came running towards me, I ran away and tried to hide from him but he eventually tackled me to the ground.
"Well, it was great knowing you Walker, well not really" He said then....
~End of dream~
I bolted awake, breathing heavily. It was just a dream. I have had this dream before but this was the first that Indi was in it. What the hell is happening right now?!
"Walker, you ok?" Alex asked who was next to me. I slightly nodded. "Same dream" she asked. I nodded again
"More like nightmare, and this time it was Indi instead of Piper" Once 8bsaod that she looked shocked.
"I wonder why?" She asked. I shrugged. I tried to go back to sleep but that didn't work so I just went on my phone the rest of the time.

~1 hour later~

The pilot said we were getting ready to land soon, soo put everything I took out back up and got my bags ready, which were over by Indi, who was sleeping. I quietly got my things trying not to wake her up.

"Walker, can you just wake her up, we're gonna land soon anyways" Azalea told me. I nodded, and gently woke her up.
"Hey, Indi, we're landing soon" I said quietly but loud enough. She started to open her eyes. She looks so cute right now not gonna lie.
"Huh?" She asked confused. I chuckled a bit.
"I said we're landing soon" I said. She nodded rubbing her eyes sitting up more. I chuckled again at her cuteness getting ready to go sit back down.
"Wait Walker?" I turned back to look at her. "Can we talk later?" She asked. I nodded
"Yeah sure" I said before sitting down. I think I might've been to hard on her earlier, that'll be a chance for me to apologise.

"Guys!! We're here!!" Katie said. "Oh, you're already ready to go" She said laughing once she saw all of us holding our bags. We all laughed a bit before getting our bags and getting off the plane. The first thing I saw was the beach , definitely going there today, and what looked like a resort for us close nearby.
"Oh, yeah, forgot to mention, we also have have a private resort"Katie said like it was no big deal. So we basically have part of the beach to ourselves, that's awesome!!!!! "So let's get our rooms then have some fun!" She said. We all yelled and then went to the resort. We went to our rooms which were huge by the way. The girls were in one and the guys were in one and they were connected together by a door and  the parents had their separate rooms. Once we all claimed a bed,we put most of our stuff up and relaxed for a bit.
"Walker can we talk now?" Indi asked at the door. Oh yeah. I nodded got off my bed and went with her outside.

We sat on a hammock that was outside on the porch of the place.
"Before you say anything, I wanna say, I'm sorry for blowing up at you earlier, it was way out of line and I shouldn't have done it." I said before she started talking.
"No, I shouldn't have asked, it's non of my business and I should've respected that" She said back. We just started at
each other for a moment.

"We good?" I asked. She nodded smiling,I smiled and hugged her. I haven't hugged her in a while. She hugged me back. "But you do have a right to know what happened so I will tell you, the full story" I said letting go of her.
"You sure?" She asked. I nodded and started telling the story. (Basically what Alex said earlier just way more detail)
"......and after that I left her squad joined Gavin's squad, and I haven't dated anyone since." I just explained the full story to her she looks shocked. I was gonna say something else but she just hugged me again. Tighter this time.
"Wow,I'm sorry that happened" She said still hugging me. I hugged her back just enjoying the comfort.
"It's fine, it was 2 years ago, so I'm honestly over it. I've moved on" I said still holding her. Indi is the first person I have felt any kind of connect with since Piper. That's why I'm not giving up to easy on her. We finally let go after a while. "I've never liked anyone since then until I met you" I said slowly grabbing her hand. She looked at me and smiled. That smile changes everything. I looked back at her and smiled to, we were starring at each other for so long I couldn't help it anymore. I leaned in and I kissed her.....

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. What do you think will happen next? Also,  I think Walker is in the Goatfam now cause he's been hanging with them a lot recently. He might be in both squads,idk it's kinda confusing. Also,HE HIT 1 MIL YESTERDAY ON INSTAGRAM!!!! I'm so proud of him,he's come so far in his career. Anyways I'll update soon as I can so byeee💖💖💖💖💖💖

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