Chapter 6

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Walker's POV
I woke up the next morning with Indi sleep on my shoulder, she's the cutest. Maybe I should wake her up.
"Indi, Indi, wake up" I whispered. She slowly started to move and eventually opened her eyes." Morning" I said chuckling cause she still looked tired.
"Morning. Are the others up?" She asked, I nodded no. " Then why am I up?" She said pouting. I laughed even more
"Oh morning you two" Azalea said coming in the room. I guess she was in her room.
"Morning Zales" Indi said getting up from my shoulder.
"I'm getting ready to make breakfast, wanna help" Me and Indi nodded and went in the kitchen with her, while everyone was still sleeping.
"What are we making?" I asked.
"I was thinking pancakes" She said. Ooo my favorite. We started to get all the stuff out so we start, and we almost immediately made a mess, lol.
"Walker, you got a little something right there" She pointing to my face.
"Where?" I said confused.
"Right there" Then she her hand on my nose which had the mix on it.
"Indi!" I said. There was mix all overy fa e now. She was laughing hard. "Oh, I'm gonna get you" I said. She then start running around, I started chasing after, and eventually caught her by her waist.
"AHH, okok you got me! Walker stoppp!!" She yelled. I started tickling her.
"Awwww!" I stopped and turned and saw all the girls in the doorway watching us.
"You two are sooo cute!" Corrine said smiling so widely. I just laughed.
"I'm gonna go clean up my face that you messed up" I said glaring at Indi. She giggled.
"Aw, I'm sowy" She said pouting and giggling at the same time. I chuckled before going to the bathroom washing my face. I came back and I heard the girls talking, probably shouldn't listen but I heard my name come up
"So, you and walker now. I always shipped it, since you two first met!" Ellie said, I laughed quietly.
"Haha, yeah, I never thought he would actually like me. It's kinda unbelievable" I heard her say. "Like I'm not even that cute" She said. She's literally lying right now
"Yeah right, Indi shut up. You are little the cutest" Corrine said. That's my best friend, hahah. I decided to walk back in the kitchen
"Yo, what's up" I said walking back in.
"Hey, could you go wake up the rest of the boys?" Azalea said. I nodded and went to wake them up.
"Boys!!! Get up!" I yelled.
"Ughh no, it's too early" Stefan complained. I chuckled.
"Come on guys, there's food waiting" I said smirking.
"Why didn't you say so!" Enzo yelled getting up. The rest of the boys followed him in the kitchen. I laughed and went in the kitchen right behind them.
"So what are we doing?" Jd asked. I looked around and saw Corrine looked upset.
"Corrine you ok?" I asked, everyone looked at her.
"Yeah, I'm go to the bathroom real quick"  She said leaving the room. That was weird.
"Is she ok?" Indi asked. Everyone shrugged. I should probably go check on her.
"I'm gonna go check on her" I said leaving the kitchen. Corrine is my best friend, like a second sister to me, what was wrong with her. I walked towards the bathroom, and saw her sitting right outside it.
" ok?" I asked slowly walking to her.
"Yeah, I'm fine" She said. I knew she was lying, her voice was breaking.
"Corrine, it's me, come on what's wrong" I said hoping she would tell me.
"Ok ok fine, it's all the hate on social media" she finally said showing me her phone. "Everyone is hating the fact I left the Goatfam, and Gavin isn't making it any better" She said. I feel bad, I wonder why they all just hate her, I left the Goatfam too, I don't like when people make her upset, she's one of best and closest friends.
"Hey, this is normal, getting hate. You can't stop haters, all you have to do is ignore it, I know it's hard but that's what you have to do" I told her. This is normal, everyone gets hate, you can't stop it, you just have to ignore it.
"That's easy for you to say, you don't that much hate" She said looking at her phone.
"I don't get hate?!" I took my phone out and showed her all the hate post I'm tagged in.
"Yeah, I do, look at that one, that's from 2 hours ago" I said looking at one, it was one about me Indi. "See I get just a much as you do, I'm sure everyone here has"
"How could people hate on you and Indi, when you just started your relationship" She asked. I shrugged.
"I don't know we literally just announced it yesterday but that's not the point. The point is, I know it's hard you just have to ignore and keep moving forward" I said to her, she looked at me and smiled.
"Thanks bro" She said hugging me.
"Of course" I said hugging back. We got up and walked back in the kitchen.
"Everything good you two?" Gia asked.
"Yeah, it's fine" She said looking at me. I gave her a quick side hug before going to sit next to Indi.

Indi's POV
Walker and Corrine came back in the kitchen, she looked ok but I wasn't sure.
"She ok?" I whispered to him.
"Yeah, she is now" He said putting his arm around me. I smiled. He's a good friend to her.
"So,again, what are we doing today" Jd, asked.
"What if we just had a chill day. Playing some games, order some food, and just chill" Walker suggested.
"Sounds good to me" I said. Everyone agreed. After we ate, we cleaned the kitchen and then just started doing random stuff. Me and Walker wanted to go outside and skateboard.
"We'll be outside!" I shouted at the front door.
"Ok!!" I heard azalea shout. Me and walker walked outside, and just stayed around the house.
"I wanna see some of your tricks Ms. Star"  Walker said chuckling.
"Ok, you're on, Mr. Bryant" I said giggling. I went to the curb and did a kick flip. "How was that?" I asked him laughing cause he was just starring at me.
"I swear, I found my soulmate" He said still starring at me. Aww, he's soo cute.
"You are the cutest" I said putting my hand on his cheek, he smiled at me.
"I heard what you said in the kitchen earlier" He told me.
"What do you mean?" I asked
"What you said about you never thought I would like you, and how you thought you weren't that cute. And I definitely disagreee to that, you the cutest girl I've ever met, and I absolutely love your personality. I've never met so done who knew how to skate as well as me" He said. I full on blushing right now, ahhh. I put my hands over my face trying to hide it. "And I think it's cute when you blush, so you don't have to hide from me" He aid taking my hands down, I swear this boy. I noticed we were just standing there holding hands and starring at each other. He has the most beautiful eyes ever.

After like 5 minutes of just starring at each other be started to lean in, is he about to kiss me?! He was this close away before someone came out and shouted.
"Hey guys! We're getting- oh shoot, sorry for interrupting, but we're getting ready to order lunch for later" Declan said coming outside.
"We'll be in, in a minute" Walker said looking at him real quick before looking back at me. He nodded and went back inside.
"I guess we should go back in" I said still looking at him. He pouted.
"Okayyyy" he said pouting.
"Hahah, you're so cute. Let's go!" I said giggling,then grabbing his hand going inside.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and of you have suggestions for a future chapter comment down below. This is my final thought on windi, they just weren't ready for a serious relationship right now, but maybe in the future like a few months or a year from now, maybe they will be. I'll try and post again soon, I've just been busy with school, but thanks so much for the support on this book!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Love y'all ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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