"I've got Jashin Chan in my clutches."

Yurine let out a puff of laughter in response.

Once the two were finished with the petting area, they headed to the main exhibits. The first animal that Yurine wants to see is the tiger. Any cat-like animal is on her favorite list so after playing around with the animals, they headed over.

"I remember you telling this to me once, but remind me why do you like the tiger?" Hotaru asks as he and Yurine gaze upon the resting beast before them.

"When I first saw a tiger on TV, I watched it hunt a deer and then I told myself: 'That's a beast of true power'." Yurine clarifies.

After they saw a few more animals, they came across Hotaru's favorite animal.

"I love pigs! Aren't they cute?"

Yurine looks at Hotaru with both confusion and a bit of disgust. Rather than pigs, the exhibit shows that the pair are looking at a family of wild boars. To Yurine, the boars didn't look cute to her. Maybe the piglets.

"I honestly don't get your taste in animals." Yurine said. "What's so good about pigs anyways? They're pretty much only good for eating."

Hotaru gave Yurine a surprised look followed by a slight glare.

"Pigs are cute when young and when they release they're wild side, they can be one of the most brutal beasts." Hotaru said with fire in his eyes. "Pigs are the ultimate animal!"

Yurine didn't want to touch the subject anymore than necessary and both continued their zoo trip. After a few more hours of exploring the zoo, the sun started to settle and they both were ready to head back home. Hotaru didn't tell Yurine that Medusa and Jashin Chan are preparing dinner and cake at home so it's a bit of a surprise.

"Oh! Before I forget, here's your present." Hotaru said as he handed Yurine a paper bag.

Yurine accepts the gift and looks inside it. She smiles as she pulls out a taser from inside the gift bag. Her grin became eerie as she turned on the device and listened to it cackle.

"I know that you don't have that in your collection and it also happens to be today's lucky item." Hotaru said.

"Thanks a lot." Yurine says with a warm smile and a light hug. "You really do know me the best."

After Hotaru gave his gift to Yurine, they both made their way towards Yurine's dorm.

"I'm back." Yurine said as she and Hotaru entered the room.

Just as Hotaru planned, Jashin Chan and Medusa were awaiting the birthday person with food and a cake. Medusa has a concerned look which is noticed by Hotaru. Hotaru can only assume that Jashin Chan is up to something bad.

"Welcome back, Yurine." Jashin Chan says with a smile. "We've finished the preparations for the celebration!"

Much to Hotaru's surprise, Jashin Chan also had a gift ready. Not only that, but the room is decorated nicely for the occasion. Hotaru couldn't believe that Jashin Chan would put the effort into making the party exciting.Maybe he shouldn't give Jashin Chan such a bad rap.

"Although you got home, here's your gift!" Jashin Chan said as she raised the lunch bag.

"What is it?" Yurine asks.

"Let me just pull it out and.."

In a flash, Jashin Chan pulls the gift out of the bag and leans towards Yurine.


Jashin Chan was so excited that her words fumbled. After the devil finished her monolog, the sound of humming was heard. Everyone looks at Jashin Chan's hand to see an electric razor.

Yurine's Childhood Devil FriendWhere stories live. Discover now