Guess What, I Summoned a Devil.

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So here is the next story! Please enjoy reading. I don't own Dropkick on my Devil. Just my character Hotaru.

~The day that Yurine is going to try summoning a devil...

After both Yurine and Hotaru finished their part time job, they headed back to their apartment complex. Since Hotaru had a game stream to do and Yurine wanted to try some of the spells in the griamore a while back, they went to their respective rooms to do their own objectives. Hotaru, on one hand, went to his room to do some live streaming while Yurine went to her room to attempt to summon a devil from the griamore she bought.

"Let's my monitor set, headphones connected, game program up, and webcam angled." Hotaru muttered as he double checked his equipment.

Hotaru's room is more expressive in comparison to his friends. For example, he has a whole area set up in the corner of his room for his gaming and live streaming in place of a tv and instead of sleeping in a futon, he has a mattress laid next to the wall. Just like Yurine's room, he has a variety of furniture and appliances such as bookshelves and fridge. Since their rooms are a bit different from each other, Yurine and Hotaru visit each other for different uses. Such as if they want to eat together, do it at Yurine's place or if you want to play video games, go to Hotaru's place. Because they live conveniently next door to each other and they are close, it's not uncommon for the two to visit each other on a daily basis to do whatever. Today is different though. He decided to spend the day gaming live since he figured that Yurine would be preoccupied With her ritual or whatever.

~1 hour since both parties got back from part time job...

As time goes on, Hotaru continues to play and entertain his audience with his gameplay. Normally, he would commentate and show his face on camera, but Yurine's actions are putting him on edge.

"I wonder when if Yurine will be ok?" Hotaru wonders. "Normally I would say something like, 'It's a devil you're summoning. Watch out!', but this is Yurine so she should be fine."

Hotaru chuckles at the thought of him even worrying about Yurine and decides to turn on his face cam and speaker.

"If something really did go wrong, there would be an obvious sign."

All of the sudden, Hotaru heard a low rumbling coming from behind him. At first, it thought it was his imagination, but then the room started to shake. Now he knows it's not just his imagination. Then came a blood curdling scream and that finally did it. Hotaru furiously yanks his headset off and looks behind him.

"What the hell Yurine!?"

Quickly, Hotaru grabbed the spare key for Yurine's room and sprinted out the door. Once he was outside, he swerved to the door of the room next to his. Before Hotaru could insert the key into the lock, he heard the sound of screaming followed by a shredding noise. Hotaru couldn't restrain himself any longer and barged in.

"Yurine! Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Yurine answered. "I managed to summon a devil called Jashin chan."

Hotaru gave Yurine a surprised face and looks around the room for this devil that his friend summoned.

"Really? Where?"

Yurine pointed towards her left.


Hotaru looked at where his friend was pointing at and saw a naked half girl half snake person whose tail has been split straight down the middle and is bleeding out from her wound and mouth. Any normal person would gag at the sight, but Hotaru is pretty used to such images. After Hotaru saw the corpse of the devil, he saw the large machete in Yurine's hand and the pieces were placed together.

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