Beating the Summer Heat.

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Here it is! Next chapter! I don't own Dropkick on my Devil, only the OC's.

"Alright everyone, thats a wrap! Thank you all for watching!"

Hotaru turns off his stream and sighs. He would usually stream online longer, but he is hot. Like heat wise, not the other one. He is stuck with a single fan, but its being used to cool down his computer tower and so he couldn't use it on himself. As a countermeasure Hotaru takes off his shirt. Just something any normal guy does when he sweats to much, simply take your shirt off and wait till the heat dies down. (opinion differs). As expected from someone who's part iccubus, Hotaru's body is like a model and is something almost any female would fawn over. However, that's not what the focus is on.

"Damn it." Hotaru sighs as he fans himself with the newspaper. "Still not helping."

Despite getting rid of some clothes, it didn't seem like he is feeling any cooler. It's time like these when he wishes he was like Yurine and can handle heat with all that black goth outfit. Hotaru leans against the wall in defeat.

"The wall is kinda cool." Hotaru noticed as he laid his back against it. "What the heck is Yurine doing to keep her room like this? She doesn't have any AC system..."

Hotaru decides to find out for himself and goes next door to check. When Hotaru exits his dorm, the heat rose even higher, much to Hotaru's dismay.

"Hey Yurine, it's me." Hotaru calls out as he knocks on her door. "Mind if I come in?"

The door slowly opens and a rush of cool air overwhelms Hotaru. Once Yurine fully opens the door, she looks at Hotaru with slight discomfort.

"I understand it's hot, but at least put a shirt on before knocking on my door next time." Yurine scolds as she lets Hotaru come in despite having his top half exposed.

"Sorry." Hotaru apologies as he enters. "I'm so jealous, what's your secret to a cool room?"

Once Hotaru enters, he sees Jashin Chan bullying some little blue girl with a cute mole like face. Probably another devil. Curious, Hotaru crouches down to take a better look.

"Are you the one who's making the room cool?" Hotaru asks the little devil.

The blue girl stares at Hotaru before giving a confident 'Hm' noise along with a nod. Hotaru pats her head with a smile.

"Your much more useful than Jashin Chan." Hotaru said which made the little girl blush with pride.

"She could do much more than making a room cooler." Jashin Chan said as she ignores Hotaru's statement. "Look at this."

Jashin Chan put a bowl in front of the little girl and in response, she blows towards it and ice appear inside the bowl. Hotaru looks in awe and notices that Yurine and Jashin Chan also have a similar substance. It was then Hotaru realizes that the girl is making shaved ice.

"What a handy little trick." Hotaru said as Jashin Chan hands him the cup.

"Now, Kori Chan can produce two types of flavors." Jashin Chan begins. "Strawberry juice and lemon juice."

"I like lemon flavor." Hotaru said as he hands Kori Chan his cup.

Hotaru hears Jashin Chan letting out a small cackle and is followed by a sudden pain in his eyes. The pain is immense and Hotaru clutches his face in pain. Yurine poked his eyes with her fingers.

"What the hell Yurine?!" Hotaru screams as he waits for his eyes to recover. "Why did you poke my eyes?"

"Just let it go." Yurine said as she continues to enjoy her shaved ice.

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